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    stabri  59, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 6 comments
Nov 2007
7:35 PM CST

know when to fold em

This is day 4 and it is hell. I have made the decision to go into a detox center for however long it takes to get this poison out of me. It is way too painful to do cold turkey. I am not sure what they will give me to help, but it has to be better than this. My whole body is in trauma, needing the drug that it is so used to. I am exhausted, yet can't sleep; starving, but can't eat; wanting more than anything to think of something other than the drug that got me here, but that is all that I can see. This is evil personified. I have absolutely no control right now. I just want to be normal, happy, alive. I want to enjoy a sunny day, want to take walks with my husband, want to read a book again. I cannot do anything because I am always consumed with either getting drugs or I am nodding out because I am high. I hate it. I hate the places I find myself in, the people I find myself dealing with just to feed the animal. I am not that person. I am better than that, have more to offer than that. I go in tomorrow. Scared, but ready to start my life. If anybody reads this, please keep me in your prayers. I'll be back.
3 comment(s) - 12:48 PM - 12/02/2007
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    xEyezOfTruthx  40, Female, Virginia, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2007
8:40 PM EDT

A begining......Hi.

Well this is new for me, I've alway's wanted to keep a journal, but never made the time to do it, so now here I am 23 years oldmaking the time. Sometimes so much goes on in my life, I need to vent, but sometimes there is noone to vent to, or thing's I don't really want to run to family and friend's about, so I figure this will be a good way to relieve myself of holding it inside.
It's back to work tomorrow, which to alot would sound silly, but I'm kinda of relieved to be going back tomorrow, I've been dealing with alot latley with having migranes and blurred vision noone can explain, and going to the doctors, and having cat scans arranged and ect.. that I can honestly say, I thank God for helping to heal the migranes and bringing the vision back. Although I'm still not taking the situation lightly, Im still going to go to the eye doctor and Nurologest and have myself checked out to make sure I'm okay.
I've been in a struggle with myself latley, I've been thinking about my life, where its going, and what I really want out of it....(maybe thats why the migranes kicked in).
I'm still not sure, which is sad, I'm 23 years old, and I should have some kind of goals for myself in life, something to work towards, to better myself...and I'm still confused, I mean I've had speratic moments where I say "Oh I think I should do this" or " I want to go to college", but still I've done nothing but waste time.
I know I need to pull myself together and figure it out now....but life is complicated sometimes, and it really can be stressful, oh what I wouldn't give to be 12 again or younger, no cares in the world.
Don't get me wrong, I have a decent life, compared to some, and I am thankful, but always wishing for more or wanting more is not such a bad thing, we all have our dreams.
Well I guess this isn't to bad for a 1st time journal entry, atleast my mind has freed up a little more space. :)

1 comment(s) - 08:43 AM - 11/23/2007
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    tayler  49, Male, Oklahoma, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2008
8:47 AM EDT

married male 40yr seeks married white female for online/phone affair, call tayler at 405-6154214 mail me at if in central okla, will get togather with you real time.
1 comment(s) - 06:58 PM - 02/16/2008
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    pamiejpate  73, Female, North Dakota, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2007
1:04 PM CDT


I need some ideas on meditation, any help would be great.
1 comment(s) - 11:13 PM - 04/01/2008
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    baika5  27, Female, New Jersey, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2007
7:06 AM EDT

A few years ago I had a nightmare. I still remember it. It was about I was running away from my apartment. I was running to the store. Then these strangers kept chasing me. I ran all the way home, but when I got there no was home my sister wasn't there and my mom and dad weren't there either. Then I woke up and I was so relieved that it was a dream. It might not sound scary but when I had that dream it was terrifying!!! 2 years later I just get better dreams. I lived happily with my family.

1 comment(s) - 05:28 PM - 12/22/2007
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    sweetbby102  49, Female, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2009
10:38 AM EDT

what are we suppose to write for this one?
1 comment(s) - 10:28 PM - 04/01/2009
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    fashionistachica26  30, Female, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2007
9:05 AM EDT

the first of manyy!

heyy, this is my first journal and i am warning you of the crazy things you mite hear bout and the things i mit tlk bout in my journal and i am having a super strange day! so yea anywayn i will type l8r!


1 comment(s) - 03:00 AM - 11/24/2007
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    xxemoxxkittyxx  30, Female, Michigan, USA - 4 comments
Nov 2007
3:30 PM EDT

about me

i am a turely fun girl and i tend to be a bit emoational and umm i rambel on and i am a bit anyoing and i can be a dits some times i look like:
Black hair some blonde at the roots (i have blonde as myy natural hair color)
it wraps around my face and on the right it has a lil flip and on the left it SOMETIMES covers my eye but uaslly it it just fluffy and nice, I have black eyebrws that are kinda cool/evil so it makes these gorges green eyes look amazing! and plain lips ( i ually put a rose colored lipstick on them) and i am kinda tall about 5'3". i haver tiny feet and a tiny figure. i like to have coffe in the morning but i never get too becaus emy parents don't drink it..
i am not allowd to have enery drinks because umm well if you knew me you would be like "kelsey on a redbull..O MY GOD!" i am hyper enough without the enegry drinks lol.
1 comment(s) - 02:56 PM - 07/18/2008
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    LiLMizzSmilee  29, Female, California, USA - 4 comments
Nov 2007
6:35 PM EDT

My Life x]

Hey Ya'll

Today was gewd I guess... LoL

Tonite I have Youth Group!!! YaY.... I hate my Life Sometimzz... IdK Why I just get stressed out on Gay Things.. But God is here with mee No Matter What!!<3 Meee!

1 comment(s) - 08:50 PM - 11/28/2007
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    VanessaHudgens3000  49, Female, Florida, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2007
3:27 PM EDT

about me

hey.Im Vanessa Hudgens.Im an actress for high school musical 1 and 2.I have songs
that you can check out on youtube.Im also in the middle of making High School Musical3, which will be posted first on disneychannel.High School Musical 3 is a
success.You could also check out my blog, its
My aim is have a meez its I have a myspace its Myfriends (miley,ashley, zac ,corbin) have
myspaces they are
1 comment(s) - 09:51 PM - 11/25/2007
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    Alliee  30, Male, Tennessee, USA - 2 comments
May 2008
5:22 PM EDT


As We grow up,we learn that even the one person that wasn't suppose to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken Probably more then once and its harder everytime. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.

You'll fight with your bestfriend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing to fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures. Laugh to much. And love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

2 comment(s) - 03:18 PM - 06/01/2008
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    bibbls999  49, Male, Connecticut, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2007
2:13 AM EDT


hi yall im max 'n' i luv hannah montanna i went 2 hr concert!!!! i luv all dudes luv yall luv max
1 comment(s) - 08:24 PM - 11/28/2007
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    b1kay  26, Male, Canada - 2 comments
Nov 2007
3:17 PM EDT



2 comment(s) - 11:38 AM - 11/30/2007
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    Ericia999  47, Female, Singapore - 2 comments
Dec 2007
11:22 PM HNT


hi i am new here want to be my friend???
2 comment(s) - 10:21 AM - 05/25/2010
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    shunt0016  41, Female, Virginia, USA - 2 comments
Dec 2007
1:20 PM EDT

i want my strawberry daquerry

Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want my strawbery daquerry now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 04:32 PM - 12/04/2007
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    LAWMAKER15  32, Female, Texas, USA - 4 comments
Dec 2007
2:49 PM EDT


i have been like totalyy depressed lately and my mind hos not found the source. it seems like alot of things are going wrong lately like im not smart enough to control whats going on in the devilish world. i wanna do all these things but i can only do one like a kid wanting all the candy but can only afford one bubble gum. i feel like i wont be the success story ji thought i once was b coming like yea right i would have a life woth living i feel like really empty can anybody help me?
2 comment(s) - 01:53 PM - 02/12/2008
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    rach5261982  42, Female, Washington, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2008
4:57 AM PST

I have lost someone very close to me she was a student and a friend. I know that she is in a better place but it still hurts to think that she went before her time. I feel lost knowing that I can never talk to her again, Laugh with her when she comes up with a prank and talks me into helping her.....this next year will be the hardest one for me because she will be gone.�I live each day not knowing what to expect but then again I can't live like this forever....soon the pain will stop I just don't know when.

1 comment(s) - 09:16 AM - 07/28/2008
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    jae15  34, Male, Canada - 3 comments
Dec 2007
8:20 PM EDT

did you actually think i would be fine

left there to rott
you ripped my heart
and tried to sew it back together
now its all in peices once more
im use to it though
i've been through this too many times

and i think its time i stop myself
but i cant

its all i have

and all i know

with you its like theres nothing wrong

wrong with me

when there are a million things that i never said

im wishing just this once that i had

and maybe
you would've left

i deserve it, i really do.

2 comment(s) - 02:23 AM - 10/08/2008
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    SweetiePie120  29, Female, Missouri, USA - 2 comments
Dec 2007
2:30 PM EDT


I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



CRAPPY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment(s) - 08:36 PM - 12/19/2007
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    ania  33, Female, Philippines - 1 comments
Mar 2009
7:33 AM EDT

what a life??

hai...what a life... sometimes you need to smile, to laugh and be hapi but not all the time... to make the world fair... sometimes it better to make your self cry, be sad, to be anger, to be emo... in order to make and be hapi too... actually its ok, its fine... but why people.... still doesn't notice the sacrifice you've made?? is it fair??? or its just God's will... in order for you to learn a lesson... for you to learn how to make a right choice???? for you to learn how to stand??? how to fight??? and never give up??? and make your faith strong enough to face him..... hahahaha nag emo nah...hahaha
1 comment(s) - 06:58 AM - 05/24/2009
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