stabri's Journal

Nov 2007
7:35 PM CST

know when to fold em

This is day 4 and it is hell. I have made the decision to go into a detox center for however long it takes to get this poison out of me. It is way too painful to do cold turkey. I am not sure what they will give me to help, but it has to be better than this. My whole body is in trauma, needing the drug that it is so used to. I am exhausted, yet can't sleep; starving, but can't eat; wanting more than anything to think of something other than the drug that got me here, but that is all that I can see. This is evil personified. I have absolutely no control right now. I just want to be normal, happy, alive. I want to enjoy a sunny day, want to take walks with my husband, want to read a book again. I cannot do anything because I am always consumed with either getting drugs or I am nodding out because I am high. I hate it. I hate the places I find myself in, the people I find myself dealing with just to feed the animal. I am not that person. I am better than that, have more to offer than that. I go in tomorrow. Scared, but ready to start my life. If anybody reads this, please keep me in your prayers. I'll be back.
3 comment(s) - 12:48 PM - 12/02/2007

Nov 2007
5:39 AM CST

Day 3

Things are getting a little clearer as I continue detoxing. It's been soooo hard and I want so badly for it to be over with. I hear that it gets easier after the first 36 hours, but I am not finding that to be the case. I can't sleep, can't get comfortable, and feel like my body is going to give out. All I can do is keep going. I am so very thankful that I have my husband to support me. I don't know what I would do without him. I try to look toward the future and imagine what a life without drugs will be like. I haven't known for a long time how to live sober. I can't even remember the last time I enjoyed anything without being high. Isn't that sad? I have so much to live for yet it all seems so far away. I don't know if I will be able to do this or not. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I would be grateful for any advice.

Nov 2007
1:35 PM CST

a new beginning

I am starting a new chapter in my life and I have a feeling that jounaling will help with the process. I am a drug addict, and have been for many many years. My drug use has caused me to lose everything once when I was sent to prison for five years. When I got out, I decided that I would never use again because I had been given a second chance. Well, that lasted about 3 days and I was sucked right back in to this terrible addiction. It starts out small and I think that I can handle it, then it rages out of control. I am married to a wonderful man who is so supportive of me, but he can only take so much. I have decided to go cold turkey in my house for a week. I need to detox, to get my system free of drugs before my mind gets a chance to free itself. I am hoping that this journaling will help me to get my thoughts down and out of me. We'll see, This is day one.

3 comment(s) - 03:52 PM - 11/29/2007

stabri's Profile

  • Username: stabri
  • Gender / Age: Female, 60
  • Location: USA - Wisconsin
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