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Teenage Diary=)
May 2008
5:22 PM EDT
As We grow up,we learn that even the one person that wasn't suppose to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken Probably more then once and its harder everytime. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your bestfriend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing to fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures. Laugh to much. And love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
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- 03:18 PM - 06/01/2008
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May 2008
5:11 PM EDT
Boys=( 5/12/08
Well my school Church Hill Middle..started pretty good today, but then after first period things looked horiable one of my used to be bestfriends is trying to get eith my x-boy friend, and she knows that I still love him ALOT, So then I figured out that he liked her and I fliped and got made at my friend for even treating me like that. Then I fount out she had a boyfriend but was still trying to get with my x :(! Then I knew what I had to do I followed her up the stairs and got her by the shoulders and said look its a friend you can keep forever or a boyfriend you can keep a month she looked shocked and said she didn't know then I looked her and said its pretty clear what you want she then said what and I looked at my x and walked away. The fith period started we were going to the computer lab at the time and I seen the cement wall and I was just so upset so I punched it didn't know till bout three minutes later that I broke my finger:( what a drag. I hate back stambers!
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Male, 31
USA - Tennessee
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ALLIEE's Interests:
About Me:
The names Alixx. God is my #1 priority in life. I'm your typical teenager,is what I guess you could say,I'm a cheerleader for Top Gun=]&&My school[CHMS]. I also play Volleyball for my school. My birthday is on April 20th, I'm age 14;) and I'm currently single. My cell is with me at all times so text me[423.782.0356]...questions? Ask.
-Volleyball -Cheerleading -Swimming=] -Football=D -Shopping:) -Music -Guitar:P
Favorite Music:
Alternative. Alternative Rock. Country[Some]. Hard Rock. Hard core. Hip-hop. Metal. Pop. Punk. R&B.
Favorite Movies:
The Notebook. Prom night. Hitcher. Monster house=] The Incredables=D
Favorite Television:
Mtv's mainly it=]
Favorite Books:
The Notebook. Song bird. A Rose. Goin Home to Papa.