Users With Most Comments

Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    inpassim  53, Male, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Oct 2008
6:06 PM GMT

I think he said "Those whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad", as in "insane"
1 comment(s) - 04:55 PM - 10/29/2008

    Emogirl97  32, Female, Philippines - 1 comments
Oct 2008
9:28 AM PST

My first journal!

October 04, 2008

So many things happend to me in the past and nothing does seem to go right dont ask me if Im emo because the answer is YES if you don't know what it means hear you go���and� My life sucks so much all I want to do is cut my wrists even if I do I cant stop Ive been in therapy already I got 9 slits on my wrists :( I don't need help my life really is a living hell :(

1 comment(s) - 10:16 AM - 12/04/2008

    lynnethom  41, Female, United Kingdom - 2 comments
Oct 2008
6:37 PM WEST

happy birhday to me!

well i've turned 25 now and what a dissopointment. my other half didn't even boher getting me a card even from our children as well, probaly cause he's to busy with everything else. i seam to come 100 th on the list, well i feel that way. i do so much and what appreatiation do i get. my father couldn't even say happy birthday (step dad) yet he raised me. got a few cards but that's all. have no friends that bothered, things like this make me realise how little i have in forms of friendship family and love. my daughter sang happy birthday the best bit in my day. i'll spend dinner alone while the other half works late. suppose it'll give me time to do course work. v sad today if it wasn't for my children don't know who else i'd have.
2 comment(s) - 01:10 PM - 11/03/2008

    PeaceBunny  33, Female, Florida, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2009
2:32 AM EDT

I don't know

I don;t really know how i define love. There are so many different definitions and so many feelings that its hard to decide if it really is love or if you are conflicting it with some other lustful feeling. To me, to love someone is to first have gotten to know them and that everyday you think about them and long to know more about them. You don't want to control them, but you do wish that you can know them on the level that exceeds their daily friends and acquaintances. You care about them, well thats romantic love. Love in general is the conscientiousness and care you have for someone's whereabouts in your life. You get to know them, want to be a round them, not want to be around them. You have these deep feelings as though you want to make sure this is a part of your life forever. my biggest question to myself is, "can I imagine my life 10 years from now without this person?" If you can, buh-bye, they only came for a season, but if you can't, I believe you can consider that you might be in love.
2 comment(s) - 07:28 PM - 04/05/2009

    peacenblood42  33, Female, Illinois, USA - 4 comments
Nov 2008
5:47 PM EDT

I feel like a buddhist

you know, i've been thinking a lot, how everything evolved. well i dont entirely believe in evolution..
but i mean, don't you see a huge resemblence from monkeys to us. our faces and behavior, it's so similar..
i bet there's another species out there that will have higher intelligence and take over the world! and someday humans will become extinct

I wished i believed in�have our souls being�rebodied into the�possibility of a higher powered being. It would be an amazing change for the world, and i just wish it would just happen sooner. Like in our day and age..

I really do believe it will happen someday.

Who here has had similar thoughts?� say i'm crazy, i don't mind. I just love opinions =]

2 comment(s) - 01:58 PM - 11/06/2008

    sxclo  31, Female, Ireland - 2 comments
Feb 2009
1:09 PM EDT

HELP ! I'm addicted to EDWARD (Robert Pattinson) xx

2 comment(s) - 04:15 PM - 02/25/2009

    alyssa0428  36, Female, Illinois, USA - 2 comments
Oct 2008
6:10 PM CST

Growing up is hard to do

I've always been the little girl that hid behind doors growing up from ages 6 to 16. My mother thought she had it all worked out and supposedly met the man of her dreams when I was 6 years old. At first I thought he was a pretty nice guy. As time progressed, I noticed a few changes in my living situation. I was no longer allowed to open the refridgerator to get something to eat. I always had to ask to get a glass of water and go to the bathroom. I didn't really understand why my mom had chose to be with him and never said anything to him about the way he was trying to raise me. I had a younger brother that was deemed the devil child to my moms boyfriend and at 3 years old was getting his butt whooped for something totally stupid and off the record. I tried to keep myself out of trouble, but nothing seemed to work. Me and my brother were just 2 kids growing up in a house of hatred and my mother saw nothing wrong with the picture, at least I dont think she did. I got my butt whooped almost everyday and I always had to sit on my bed and I could never play with my toys. Four years had gone by and my mother decided to marry this quack when I was at school. When I got home she told me she got married and all I could do is look her dead the face and ask "WHY?" She never told me, but then I moved to a different house and things didn't get any better. I was always in trouble as was my brother. When I turned 11, things started to change, I wasn't getting my butt whooped as much but I can't say much for my brother. I was molested beyond repair and I tried to tell my mother, but she didnt seem to believe me. I then, had a wonderful and awesome friend that let me confide in them and I told her everything. She had taken in as much as she could until one night, my brother got into trouble for something totally stupid and got his butt whooped and my mom wasnt home and her "husband" wouldn't stop hitting him, I tried my best to yell at him to stop but that did not work. When I got to school the next day, I told my friend everything and she went with me to the office because she quote "had had enough of this bullsh*t." And that day my life changed, something inside me told me what I had to do. Later on that day, my mother arrived at my school and I had to go to the police station and file a report and record a testimony and everything. Her "husband" was arrested and told to leave the premises. I thought things were going to be better, but they got worse, I got blamed for ruining her life and I didn't feel accepted at home anymore. So, I started looking in to other options for myself, rather than running away because I knew in my heart that I wanted to finish high school. I sat my mother down one day and told her that I wanted to join the National Guard at 17 years old. She signed the papers and I was on my way. Before I left for Basic Training I met a remarkable person and fell in love with him to this day. He is the love of my life and I would do anything for him. I then went to basic training, all the while still dating him, so yes, i have been in a long distance relationship for 3 months. It was hard but I stuck it out. Then I returned to school and completed high school and recieved my diploma. I was very proud of myself. I mean I had my life set and a career and a fresh start for college because the guard paid 100% tuition. I had it made, BUT then something tragic happened, I was ran over by a car and I lost my career due to my leg having a huge hole and myself not being able to complete training, (this happened a year ago), but I'm trying my best to get my leg to its fullest extent of therapy. It will never be like the other leg, but I know that now. I currently just went back to work and am living my life day to day, not taking sh*t from anyone and loving my family and friends that are there for me.� I know this entry may seem way too long, but the title "Growing up is hard to do" is what I am trying to emphasize on.� No matter what happens in life, whether it be growing up in a messed up world like me or growing up without parents and on the street, everybody is different and sometimes it takes longer to "grow up" persay than most. I know it took me 19 years and it'll prolly still take me til I pass to figure out that I never stop learning or growing up, but I may reach a medium. So for all� you bloggers out there, I just wanted to say, hang in there, it'll get worse before it gets better. And if you ever see something wrong with how your friends are being treated, please be there for them. It helps out a tremendous amount and you'll be glad that you did it!

Thank you


2 comment(s) - 02:46 PM - 10/22/2008

    samsung9  29, Male, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Oct 2008
12:50 AM EEDT


i have a email wahoo!

Tags: e mail
1 comment(s) - 08:35 AM - 11/04/2008

    Tammy  55, Male, Florida, USA - 3 comments
Oct 2008
10:51 PM EDT

I would go to college and get my degree in Information Technology. And be a teacher maybe.
3 comment(s) - 01:20 PM - 12/08/2008

    DakotaList  24, Male, Florida, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2008
3:42 AM EDT


1 comment(s) - 06:12 AM - 11/04/2008

    ban715  37, Male, New York, USA - 1 comments
Jan 2009
8:01 AM EDT

1 comment(s) - 04:40 AM - 03/08/2024

    Lolastar18  34, Female, United Kingdom - 9 comments
Aug 2010
8:51 AM EDT

Bow Chica wow wha

Heyyy! wassup? Soo, schools out for summer :D Happy happy! Four weeks left -_- And the bad thing is when i dont want it to go quickly, IT DOES then, when i want the week to speed up a bit to an event, it goes so slow! I'm more then happy to have all this time off of school. But so many great things are happening this week! im not doing anything tommorow. But On Wednesday something SO EXITING I MIGHT PEE MYSELF is happening. I wont wright about it till after though. Then Thursday im going to see Hairspray, (not the movie seen that got the DVD) On stage. I dont know if it is the big Broadway-ish one. But I think Hairspray is exeptionordnarily good!! so Maybe i will enjoy the onstage one. Then on friday its shopping time :D And i cant wait untill Halloween, and November My Neice will be born! then christmas. :O Im getting a Laptop For Christmas, I will make sure of it!! I need one badly. I always Use computers. Im always on Facebook, and Twitter keeping up with the Gossip and my friends. Then Youtube... Is one thing i cannot live without, I dunno about you guys. But i CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT� ��You��Tube �!! So, I need to beg my Mum and Dad to go half and half to get me a laptop. I dont really want much else. in fact. Thats the only thing i want!

1 comment(s) - 03:35 PM - 08/25/2010

    TheWannabeKoreanObaachan  35, Female, Australia - 1 comments
Jun 2009
3:30 AM CST

An Introduction.. of sorts.

I copypasta'd it from another place. It's unedited. I'm sure you'll get over it.

Hi! I’m Sarah, 19, Pisces, socially creative hybrid camwhoring subculturalist. I live in Adelaide, SA, and have realised that I talk too much and seem to be prone to mood swings (everyone I know: prone? *snorts*).

I’m a very busy nymph. I’m studying for my Certificate IV in Music (Technology) at Adelaide. I’m also a first year in the Advanced Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing). I’m working on a theatre project for the Confucius Institute (Tales of the Global City) AND I’m also a shift supervisor at my local house of pizza (think about it!). Therefore, I do many things.

I’m an electronic musician, with a background in traditional instruments (keyboard – 10 years or so * backing vocals – did for just under two years; really need to start again). Sound is such a fascinating thing to me, so to be able to play with sound in so many different ways is very appealing.

I write. Writing, for me, is an emotional release. I can scream and shout without actually screaming and shouting. It’s great. I’ve worked very hard to get to where I am as a writer, and will be working just as hard to get even further. I’m quite proud of my work. Maybe I’ll put some of my work up someday.

Theatre work is new for me. I’ve never done it before. But I’m working with a ridiculously awesome team, AND the play will be in both English and Chinese!

About the only thing I hate about my activities is my job. It was great when I first started, but now I’m just getting screwed over something chronic. I’m looking to get out, and will be the moment I get another job (anyone looking?).

So I tolerate a lot of pressure in my life. But at the same time, I wouldn’t have it any other way. It makes my downtime so much more fun and awesome!

Ambitions? Many. Suicide Girl. Successful published writer. A totally kick-arse live electronic music performance. Fame, fortune and all that jazz. Never having to work a proper job ever again. Many tattoos. Awesome gravity defying hair.

I love having photos taken of me. I’m vain, I’m awesome, and I love it! I hate photos being taken of me when I’m not waxed. I love my friends and significant other. I dislike the banality that is most of my family. I love having a social life. I hate having to plan a social life around work. I love cute, cuddly animals. Hate big, giant bugs with a passion. I love cooking. I hate cleaning.

When I am online (Me? Online? LOL!) I can be found at many places, either as Shichi Reifujin or the Wannabe Korean Obaachan (or variants of those two) Obaachan, because I’m, according to most around me in the real world, O-L-D. Not OLD, or old. O-L-D. Korean, because I’m currently learning Korean, and Wannabe, because I’m a non-Asian Asian (lol).

So, me in a lengthy nutshell (diatribe!) Thanks for stopping by, and don’t hesitate to talk to me further!

1 comment(s) - 02:50 AM - 07/10/2009

    Mario  54, Male, Connecticut, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2010
6:13 PM EDT

Lord, I pray,

For the many hurting souls in Haiti,
God shed your spirit abroad/
Although for now there is fatal darkness/
Let the pure light of God and his grace,
Captivate the hearts'
To the innocent victims lost in the mire/
Rude helplessness,
Attacks that were not hope for/
By an enemy of lies !
A decorated veteran of mere tormoil !
Offering a full assault of an arsenol of weapons/
Branded by decadent scorn/
Men of evil, corrupt minds !
1 comment(s) - 04:50 PM - 03/11/2010

    kapowkristen  30, Female, Kansas, USA - 4 comments
Jan 2009
6:45 PM EDT


Has anyone ever just thought of how fucking sad it is that everyone has hopes and dreams of traveling and just�being happy...

And all they need is money. the money.

people blow money every-fuckin-day and don't give a rats ass.

how is that even remotly fair? all those people who just wanna be happy...

it's ridiculous and sad.

On a lighter note:

Life blows.

Thanks for listening dumbfucks.

Tags: fuck
1 comment(s) - 11:46 PM - 04/03/2009

    barrelracer101  32, Female, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Jan 2009
5:57 PM EDT


Heyy guys I am Brooke whats uppp??? :D HEA HEA!!!!! HAHA!!!

Tags: crzy!
1 comment(s) - 11:45 PM - 04/03/2009

    momery  50, Male, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2008
10:26 AM EDT

how does this work
1 comment(s) - 07:56 AM - 11/18/2008

    Sportygirl15  31, Female, Michigan, USA - 93 comments
Sep 2010
12:12 PM EDT


Wow, so many new ppl... It's kinda scary.
I miss all of the orignal users...
3 comment(s) - 05:17 PM - 01/21/2021

    xMacex  36, Female, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2008
12:49 PM EST

I only use Private :]

and i dont want anyone to read it (:

1 comment(s) - 10:48 AM - 12/06/2008

    CjhineePrinting  16, Male, China - 1 comments
Feb 2009
10:54 PM EDT

Inflatable Boat SALE:Inflatable Kayaks,Inflatable Boats and Accessories since 1998

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1 comment(s) - 03:20 PM - 02/18/2009

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