jae15's Journal

Dec 2007
6:19 PM EDT

a fake smile is all it takes to blow your cover

they can see right through you

like you dont exist

if you went away

no one would care

no one would even notice

your worthless, useless and shameful

nothing more then a wrist without a razor

resorting because your weak

weak, but its whatyou are

i give up

kill me now,

i've lost the will to live

and im making the same mistakes again.

Dec 2007
3:10 PM EDT

feed me drugs

to help numb the pain

give me more, to live off

more morphine; more prozac

its not you, its me

i have so many problems that hide beneath a smile

i honestly wouldnt know what to tell you if you asked

so lets keep it a mystery

and pretend im alright

we'll pretend we're fine, and that we're so in love

just a happy 'little girl'

whos had her faults and regrets

thats what we like to think

isnt it ?

would it give you comfort to know that your not the one who did this

when really,

your everything that i amount to

and believe me

thats not a lot

Dec 2007
8:20 PM EDT

did you actually think i would be fine

left there to rott
you ripped my heart
and tried to sew it back together
now its all in peices once more
im use to it though
i've been through this too many times

and i think its time i stop myself
but i cant

its all i have

and all i know

with you its like theres nothing wrong

wrong with me

when there are a million things that i never said

im wishing just this once that i had

and maybe
you would've left

i deserve it, i really do.

2 comment(s) - 02:23 AM - 10/08/2008

jae15's Profile

  • Username: jae15
  • Gender / Age: Male, 35
  • Location: Canada
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