Users With Most Comments

Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    cindypurk  61, Female, Illinois, USA - 3 comments
Mar 2008
10:48 AM CST

Who AM I?

Why can't I be happy alone? Why do I think I have to have a man in my life to be happy? I want to learn how to live happily alone. I am tired of thinking that I need a man in my life all the time. I want to know how people who live alone and are happy do it. I am tired of feeling lonely. I want to feel complete without having someone in my life. I want to feel that way all by myself. How do I get there? Somedays I get so depressed, I reach out to people that I know aren't good for me, because it's better than being alone. How do I get past that? How can I get to the point that I can be alone and be perfectly happy with it?

3 comment(s) - 01:45 PM - 09/29/2008

    xxxKayleexx  31, Female, California, USA - 3 comments
Feb 2008
4:26 PM EST

I like Ice Cream!!!

3 comment(s) - 09:30 PM - 02/28/2008

    miranda377  34, Female, Canada - 1 comments
Feb 2008
9:13 PM EDT

I met a Guy

I meta a guy. He made me. So now I sit here and want to die.
Tags: Cry
1 comment(s) - 06:43 PM - 02/18/2008

    gr8nammy  66, Female, North Carolina, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2010
7:55 PM EDT


I thought I would get up early and see if I could do something, anything useful. Wanted to get the Chiro doc if he had an oppening. NOPE. I have been so sick with reflux and in such pain I did nothing but sleep and of course wish I could sleep more to escape the pain etc
1 comment(s) - 04:12 PM - 05/19/2010

    dannyboy4life  34, Female, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Feb 2008
5:18 AM EST

i love u but !!!!!!!!

i loved him so much then found out he was cheating wif my best mate on me !?!?!?

he says he still really loves me but y should i be wif him !!!!!

except the main problem is i love him to !!!!

1 comment(s) - 04:12 PM - 02/20/2008

    dez01  49, Male, California, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2009
6:51 PM EDT


1 comment(s) - 09:50 AM - 06/27/2009

    beachlover  35, Female, North Carolina, USA - 2 comments
Feb 2008
4:23 PM PST

WOO Flordia!!!

Hey guys WOO HOO im going to Flordia! I can't wait put i will be posting stuff every day so see ya later bye.

Time: 12:30

Mood: Happy.

2 comment(s) - 10:21 PM - 03/01/2008

    beauxPatrick  73, Male, Florida, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2008
5:57 PM EDT

defining Love!

Love is when you see all that you are in another person's eyes... and that is beautiful...

Love is holding hands as you walk or talk... and you smile and you cry!

Love is seeing a beautiful reflection in the mirror of your life!

1 comment(s) - 02:47 AM - 02/24/2008

    tracyjacobs007  42, Female, Indiana, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2008
12:04 PM EDT


I'm so fucking bored! Mike just left with nick to go to the auto parts store. Sure I don't need anything there or want anything, especially cuz I have no money, but I'd at least like to go along for the ride. I don't have my own car. I can't leave if I want to, so now I"m stuck at his house. Hell maybe should've stayed home, would've been the same thing. Sitting around with nothing to do but watch tv or play video games. God I hate being bitchy or moody or whatever. Maybe it's because of everything going on and it's bothering me. And my knees hurting so much. Listening to music helps. Mike called me a damn hippy because I had his stereo shaking the walls, lol. Oops. I like my music loud and love to rock out.Listening to Nickleback now. Nothing going on on myspace, nothing at all.Trying to figure out how to put pictures on there, not working too well. I need to figure out how the fuck to put music on my little card for the mp3 player in my p hone.Hell so much stuff that's pissing me off and can't figure it out. Fuck it

1 comment(s) - 09:38 PM - 03/10/2008

    koko  35, Female, Malaysia - 1 comments
Mar 2008
6:15 AM EDT


my name is is weird name but what can i parent choosed....but luckly im clever and not trying to show of...but im telling the truth...i get 5A's for my upsr...that's all about me...i guess so...babai...

1 comment(s) - 08:21 AM - 03/08/2008

    athiera  29, Female, Malaysia - 1 comments
Mar 2010
4:40 AM EDT

long time

Tags: Hi there
1 comment(s) - 02:43 PM - 03/19/2010

    corvinus3  48, Male, Illinois, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2008
4:59 AM CST

The A$$hole Driver

1) So you are driving down the road, minding your own business, when you look in your rear-view mirror and notice that the car/truck behind you is riding more than a bit too close in an attempt to "push" you.� You look down at your speedometer and see that not only are you going the speed limit, but you are going over it.� You want the guy off your tail, so you decide to decelerate by letting off the gas petal.

2) So you are driving down the road, minding your own business, when you look in your rear-view mirror and notice that the car/truck behind you is riding more than a bit too close in an attempt to "push" you.� You look down at your speedometer and see that you are not going the speed limit, and are going a bit slower than it.� You want the guy off of your tail, so you decide to decelerate by letting off the gas petal.

These are two scenarios, both pretty similar, but the a$$hole driver in each scenario is different.� In 1, the guy trying to "push" you when you are already going over the speed limit is the a$$hole, and he deserves every bit of frustration and outrage you can create by slowing down.� I actually like to slow down to just at the speed limit, and if he still won't back off, then slow down more.� There is absolutely no reason to "push" a car that is already going over the speed limit -- that car is already keeping traffic flowing faster than normal.� Back off, a$$hole.

In 2, the driver who slows down when he/she is already going slower than the speed limit becomes the a$$hole driver.� Sorry, but you are already impeding traffic by going slower than the speed limit, causing a nuisance.� Slowing down even further only makes you more of an a$$hole than you were in the first place by not driving the speed limit.� There are laws in some states making it a ticketable offense for driving at a rate of speed that impedes the flow of traffic.� There is absolutely no reason to drive slower than the speed limit.� Get off your phone, put out your cigarette, and speed up, a$$hole.

Road rage is a terrible thing (something I suffer from), and having a$$holes on the road only makes it worse.

Tags: rants
1 comment(s) - 12:12 AM - 04/24/2008

    celticpeace  39, Female, Hawaii, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2008
9:39 PM EST

--- Sam Nejad

1 comment(s) - 11:51 PM - 03/12/2008

    Brookroo9963  34, Male, Wisconsin, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2008
12:20 PM EDT

3•27•08 Tyler Lenzke

Dear Journal,

My name is Brooklyn, and im just an ordinary girl, shopping, movies, guys, esc. There are many good things go on in my life, like that i have great friends, and a great family, and i used to have a great boyfriend, thats one thing bad about my life, i had a great boyfriend and i dumped him because he didnt even like me, March 15, 2008.

I thought he was the one, but aparently not. hes just a guy, a ordinary guy, a guy who doesnt like me the way i am.

1 comment(s) - 07:10 PM - 08/18/2008

    timeflys  68, Female, United Kingdom - 6 comments
Nov 2009
8:02 PM BST

thank you anyway

our friend dorthy passed away.It just breaks my faith in the holy spirit,jesus christ,lamb of god his word and god himself. Agin, which has been happening for sevarl years now... and is happening over and over and over all the time. Faith and then no faith.. Peace in my spirit.. and then none.... no answers from the holy spirit. nothing of caLVERY OR HIS SON ALIVE. of calvery regarding my daughter AND WHAT IS HAPPENING BETWEEN HIM AND HER ME AND HER AND THE REST OF US,ABSOULTLY NOTHING IN MY OPIONION, �SHE IS TOTALLY ATHEIST AND HATES ME BLAMING ME FOR EVERYTHING IN HER LIFE AND NO ANSWERS TO ANY PRAYER ABOUT THIS. sHE WHOLE HEARTLY despises and hates me now AND HAS BEEN TURNED TOTALLY AGINST ME AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY., no answers.. from heaven OR EVEN FROM HER OR ANYONE ELSE. on waether my mother is dead or alive... no answer, as to why �MY family �NOW hates and disowns me WHEN THEY DID NOT IN THE PAST. i feel he has given the devil �A EVIL SPIRIT OR SPIRITS, a playground in our �HUMAN spirits, IN OUR hearts ,self ,soul ,and mind. CONDEMING US THROUGH THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND HIS LOVE AND HIS WORD BECUSE WHAT IS HAPPENING IS TOTALLY AGINST EVERYTHING HE SAYS IN HIS WORD AND HE FAILD ME MISERABLY BY CONTINUEING TO DO ABSOULTLY NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT TURNING HIS ALL KNOWING ALL POWERFUL ALL PRESENT BACKS ON US AND JUST WATCHING LIKE THAT DOES ANY OF US ANY SALVATION AT ALL YEA RIGHT. i AM TOTALLY CONVINCED OF THIS TOTALLY BY WHAT I FEE,HEAR AND SEE FROM HIM AND EVERY OTHER SPIRIT. MEANING HUMAN THAT ARE REALATED TO ME IN MY FORMER FAMILY FAMILY THAT LOVED GOD AND ME THAT I GREW UP WITH, AND SPIRITS OF THE �OTER WORLD AFTER WE DIE.. �I BELIEVE THIS� statement whole hardly AND COULD NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING ELSE BY WHAT I AM EXPEREINCEING INSIDE ME AND OUT SIDE OF ME NUTS OR WHAT EVER. NON BELIEVERS SAY IM NOTS OTHERS WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT THEY SAY THERE NOT GOING THROUGH THIS IN ME I AM ALONE OBVIOUSLY. and am totalyy convinced of �THIS. so i hurt. in my spirit. the fruits of the spirit are not in �ME AT LALL I CANT EVEN PUT ON A HAPPY FACE ENJOY LIFE OR PLAY PRETEND ANY MORE EVEN THOUGH I HAVE A LOVING HUBAND AND FAMILY HIS MINE BY MARRIAGE ONLY WHILE HE HAS BOTH ME AND HIS FAMILY.. IT HURT S ME TO THE CORE OF MY SPIRIT AND BEING THAT GODS MERCY DOSNT EXIST FOR ME AND MY FAMILY BEFORE MARRIAGE. �or my atheist daughter �WHO IS SO BLIND SHE CANT EVEN PRAY OR HELP HERSELF IN ANYWAY. LIKE DEMONIC POESSION. AND� the family . THEY CANT OR WONT TURN AROUND EITHER AND I CANT EITHER IT EATS ME UP INSIDE THANK YOU JESUS HOLY SPIRT THANKS ALOT I COUNTED ON YOU AND BELIEVED YOU AND DAM IF I WAS MISTAKEN TO TRUST YOU AGIN DAMIT ANYWAY.that has turned there back on me... i pray the word, witness for him obey to the best of my human ability and it has counted for nothing for about 5 yrs or more not caring enough for me and mine to give an answer in a positive good way like he cliamed in the spirit of his holy word shame on me for thrusting shame on me im stupid . pray the spirit of the word and nothing. is i study the word i stay in the word i do everything he has said from his word and still unsanswered being totally hateful he and his word has turned his back on us totally �soemtimes i see his guidence through emails and messages from churches and websites but how do i know anyof his message is for me or mine when no answers to the prayers said for the 2nd or eternal death for grace love mercy and salvition through his spirit of his won words out of his mouth that hasnt happened or coem to pass . im at an all time low i cant fight this battle raging in my spirit anymore while i watch my shild as i sit here knowing that she could die anysecond and life for eternitiy in the damed from gods presence. �this is more then this human can cope with where is the truth in the spirit of gods word the bible why dosnt it come to pass for us?????�

2 comment(s) - 08:41 AM - 08/09/2012

    stranger  36, Female, Philippines - 1 comments
Apr 2008
9:31 PM EDT

hai. haha. gud day! just wanted to�tell more about myself. hmmm. just a simple junior student. well, my life isn't too hard coz i have�many friends out there. and�of course i had my family.�.�at this very young age,�many trials and problems has come in my life. problems on friends, family. haha.�but proud to say i overcome it all. well i just do�the things that�can make me forget and overcome it. haha.� be continue��

Tags: hi, life
1 comment(s) - 05:12 AM - 05/21/2008

    Alvin  34, Male, Malaysia - 2 comments
May 2008
6:24 AM EDT

An angel or a devil...


wat am i??

a�best fren or a�worst 1.....

i enjoy every moment wit u...


i think dat i'm too over....even pass the limits....

plz do remind me....

fren 4ever....

luv u~^^


hope u enjoy today...

1 comment(s) - 11:44 AM - 05/11/2008

    csauls3378  47, Male, Tennessee, USA - 3 comments
Nov 2008
5:16 AM EDT

Another morning at work

���� Well, another boring, rainy Thursday at work.� this is the first of 6 days in a row.� I hate it when I have to work the whole damn weekend.� Granted, having days off in the midle of the week are fun and relaxing, but this all weekend shit has GOT to go.� I have yet to get my first activation, but I have had some renewals.� what sucks though, is that it is almost halfway through the month!!� anyways, I hope things will turn out better.....Plus, it DOEs help that I have roomies now!


Tags: life
1 comment(s) - 08:56 AM - 11/13/2008

    darkgal23  33, Female, Malaysia - 2 comments
Jun 2008
12:07 AM EDT

Full of fear











1 comment(s) - 10:24 PM - 03/25/2010

    China  32, Female, Tennessee, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2008
6:34 PM CDT


wat do u do wen da one u love and care about has left u for da one dey like n da person dey like is treatin dem wrong n u dnt kno how 2 tell dem cuz dey won't talk 2 u n u cant do nothing about it but cry 4 dem n u cuz u kno he has dne u da same way but u dnt want him 2 get hurt even doe he hurt u badly u still want da best 4 him no matta wat cuz u care about dem enuf 2 still love dem afta everything dey did 2 hurt u n make u feel i wish der was a way i cud tell him cuz its hurtin me more than wat he's dne 2 me cuz he shud b wit me cuz i love him and care about him deeply but i jus dnt kno how 2 tell him and now it mite b 2 late well it is kind of 2 late cuz im not wit him n he ignores me even doe he said he wud still tawk 2 me idk im jus real hurt rite now

Tags: afraid, hurt
2 comment(s) - 04:50 PM - 04/09/2008

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