Users With Most Comments

Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    opinionated  32, Female, United Kingdom - 12 comments
Apr 2011
9:44 AM ADT

Forget Christmas--Easter is the shittiest time of year.

Allow me to explain the situation. My family has two faiths, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox (I don't even know which. I've gotten different answers from the different people I ask). Forgive me for judging my parents, but I see it as a HUGE failing on their part to not pick one religion and stick to it. Sure, go nuts teaching us about the other, but do NOT have us, as a family group, celebrate both. There are two Christmases and two Easters, and every so often we have the misfortune of the two Easters falling at the same time. My father, being the Orthodox, has a whole other procedure to follow, getting the eggs blessed and all that. I've decided that not only is it exhausting to try to ascribe to two religious practices, but also fundamentally wrong--the whole point of religion is that you pick one and stick to it. I only ever realised that--only ever was told, that is--in the last few years. Hell, people go to WAR over things like this. And I'm no huge fan of organized religion, and I'm pretty sure that the God that I believe in goes against both of my handed-down beliefs ('beliefs' used in the loosest sense). Regardless, we are forced every year to go to two church twice, and (as I had the misfortune of forgetting this morning) eating a communal breakfast with all the blessed food that I've despised since childhood. I like to think that my brain does an excellent job of erasing all those awful memories, and so this morning it completely slipped my mind.

I know many families dread getting together and having to deal with all their crazy relations. I, on the other hand, dread their not coming. There is a shitload of things that my parents wouldn't DREAM of saying in front of company that we get to hear before their arrival, and believe me when I say that it doesn't lead to Christmas carols or joyful cries of Christ is Risen!. It nauseates me, that two people could have so much anger in them. And to someone who is as sensitive to emotion as I am, trust me when I say that sitting at a breakfast table with two people seething, one angrily resentful, and one aggressively uncaring is enough to take away my appetite. Shit. And so I await the time that my aunt and uncle and cousins come, because then my parents won't say the things they would otherwise. I won't get into the hypocrisy of that here.

At some point, I'm going to have to tell my father that I'm choosing Catholicism (despite its less-than-stellar reputation). He's not going to be pleased, but he can bite me. I'm an adult, and I've been capable of making my own decisions, ideologically and otherwise, for years now. And besides, I know that I'm not really a Catholic believer. Like I said, my God diverges in a great many ways from theirs.

May all your Easters (or long weekends) be less painful than mine.
2 comment(s) - 09:52 AM - 04/27/2011

    SEXKITTEN2469  41, Female, Arizona, USA - 3 comments
Apr 2008
9:15 AM EDT


Good Morning,

Life lately has been a bit difficult.

Chase (ex) broke up with me a little over 2 weeks ago and I seem to be taking it badly. I though that we had a future together and we had all these plans and then poof! he was done. He can be a good person, but he has not been that great to me. You would think that I would move on already from a guy who treated me badly. Im getting there.

My mom died almost 5 months ago and it didnt truely didnt hit me until recently.� Now that I need her to talk to her about everything that is going on......I cant! I miss her so much and wish that the last few years could have been different. I usually dont regret anything, but when it comes to my mom I do.

I wish I was around more before she died.

I wish that I didnt fight with her about stupid stuff.

I wish that I could have gotten married and had a child before she died.

Getting married will never be the same anymore. I wont have my mom to give me advise. Be there to cry with me as I walk down the isle.�Or tell me how beautiful I look.

Having children used to be something that I looked forward to. Now I dont know if I could have any. Knowing that my mom wont be in the delivery room or be there for their first time they talk, walk, or school events. I need a mom!

Time to vent is over. Time to carry on the day. Time to be positive.

Tags: death, moms
3 comment(s) - 04:04 PM - 05/27/2008

    Dreamer  33, Female, Australia - 3 comments
Apr 2008
10:55 AM WST


I have this bad ache in my chest...i really need him i cant sleep its 4:00� *cries* i wish i knew he was gonna make me this hurts very bad

Oh my god why does it hurt so much *keeps crying*

1 comment(s) - 10:26 PM - 04/29/2008

    Gilbert022208  35, Female, South Carolina, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2010
4:48 AM EDT

Realistic Nightmare

I had a horrible nightmare... it was so real...but i know it was not. It was one of the scariest dreams i have had in a long time. It felt so real... i felt the feelings..its hard to explain... but it felt like everything was so realistic. My husband and i was visiting a friend and some guy walked in and tried to throw me out of a window... because he didn't want me to be there. I was able to get away and run out of the house, i got in the car cause i was scared for my life. my husband was right behind me, but that guy was right behind him. As he tried to get into the car� he was pulled out and was being beat. He told me to lock the doors so i did. I thought there was just that one guy.. but there was a bunch of them, some of them were hiding in the back seat. As i was watching my husband being beat i was being held down and being raped. One was in the front and one was in the back while i am being held down by� two. The thing that scared me the most... was as i was waking up i could feel their hands touching me and my backend was hurting like it was actually done. i really don't understand it... how is it that something happens in a dream and you actually feel it after you wake up? Does that even make since or am i going out of my mind??? I feel kind of crazy i guess you could say. i am really confused. i know it was just a dream and dreams are NOT real... it... its just a real scary thing and so real like. has anyone else ever experienced a dream where you feel what happened even after you woke up... is it just in my head?? How do i find out, how do i understand what is going on? Can someone please help....
2 comment(s) - 03:25 PM - 03/25/2010

    flakis502  35, Female, Texas, USA - 3 comments
Jul 2009
9:36 AM EDT

i'm bored! :(
2 comment(s) - 05:17 PM - 07/23/2009

    janewisniewski  57, Female, North Carolina, USA - 2 comments
Nov 2008
6:50 PM EDT

I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!!� I drove a real NASCAR race car.� What an experience it was.� I was not nearly as nervous as I thought I might be.��I was only slightly nervous because I had to drive in front of all my peers.� I knew all the guys I work with would be watching to see how well I did.� I did not care about how fast I went but was more concerned with be a "good" driving and following as I should.� My instructor said I did really well, in fact he said "You did better than I thought you would".�� He apparently did not think I was the race car driving type.� I was really quite proud of myself.� My top speed on my drive was 140 mph.� It was really amazing and I am really grateful to have had the opportunity to do it.� I would recommend it to anyone!!!!

1 comment(s) - 08:54 AM - 11/13/2008

    rina  49, Male, California, USA - 1 comments
May 2008
1:56 AM PDT, remanber this dot com
1 comment(s) - 11:14 AM - 05/12/2008

    confused101  31, Female, Washington, USA - 1 comments
May 2008
9:12 PM EDT

My mom is pushiong me to the limit Right any advise on how to destress?
1 comment(s) - 02:12 PM - 05/28/2008

    CreateSomething  52, Female, Texas, USA - 6 comments
Sep 2008
2:12 AM CST

Finding Self

It is important for me to find out who I am and how I have become that person. I know that I have had some major life experiences that went very badly. They have and continue to effect every aspect of my life. I have found that I can not change the past and I can't decide on the future. The only things that I can work on and mold and create is the now. I want to find people that have interests similar to mine and work on these things together. I want to learn to put aside all influences from my past, from the people who have molded me into the person I am, and people around me. I want to figure out how much of the time I spend doing things is wasted time because of habit and influence or time spent on things I have chosen. I want to keep the positive but along with the positive I have had a lot of negative. I want to know how much I have gained from these for now, I don't want any influence on my life. I want to be the one making the choices from now on.

1 comment(s) - 10:35 AM - 05/24/2009

    Jimay25  36, Male, Philippines - 1 comments
May 2008
6:45 PM EDT


I am a filipino. my girlfriend is darker than me. When people see us they laugh at us but it's okay. I'm used to it already. I just feel sad whenever my gf hears their sharp remarks, judgements, jokes about us. She gets hurt. But good thing I'm there to comfort her. I hope God supports our relationship, because most people in the world aren't supporting. Not even family members. My cousins laugh at us. my friends even deserted me after knowing my girlfriend was darker. It's like there's a universal rule, "Don't mix white with black". when the truth to us here is: WE ARE ALL FILIPINOS. MOST OF US WERE BORN DARK. fairer complexion just came in because of interracial marriages. like filipino-chinese, filipinos and spaniards, fil-ams,etc. Some of my cousins were born with dark complexion, and their hair was so curly like the igorot or aeta. but because of monthly glutathione shots, over-expensive beauty products, botox, etc. they became "models", they strove for the model-image, as in magazines. Until now they still strive for these things when the fact is they're getting old. i don't think God wants people to change their skin complexion. Michael Jackson did. Now he hides his face because his plastic surgery is "melting" or I dunno what. He should have stayed black. The best singers and artists are black. Brian Mcknight, Boyz II Men, Babyface, Usher, beyonce, mariah carrey. although I know her mom was white.

In numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because he married a cushite, african woman. God heard and turned Miriam's skin WHITE AS SNOW. I'd like to believe Miriam discovered white skin wasn't more beautiful than dark skin. I hope and know, there are couples like us, who go through the pain of being criticized and judged the way we don't deserve. I hope in some way I could encourage you to hang in there. I hope that God-willing I could meet a couple, or more couples like us someday and support one another.���������

1 comment(s) - 08:25 AM - 07/17/2010

    ladybug8000l  30, Female, Virginia, USA - 1 comments
May 2008
3:26 PM EDT

hey its lily! most of you probably dont know me so ill start by talking about myself.....i live on the east coast, have lots of brothers and sisters, am a teenager, and this i loooooooove grilled cheese. ya, that was random...but a couple weeks ago i got out of the hospital, not for a physical problem, a mental one...ya i went through a rough battle with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. but it wasnt my first go at it, i was in the hospital about a month earlier for the same reason. i was then diagnosed with PMDD(Pre Menstrual Dysphoria Dysfunction), it's kind of like PMS but with more serious symptoms, like horrible symptoms! but now they put me on the pill which is supposed to control my hormones a little we'll see what'll happen. anyways...there's this guy, reid...yeh he's one of my brothers friends, or used to be at least. he has been to my house two or three times and i never really thought much of him...up until now that is. somehow he got my cell phone number and has begun texting me almost joke! well...first i guess i should tell you a little more about reid, physically...hes pretty tall, 15, blonde hair, really muscular, i forget what color eyes, and not so good teeth. so, i guess he sounds kinda cute, but now lets talk about his emotional problems. he is a really depressed person who has tried to kill himself at least three times(OD'd) but never really succeeded. he gets very attached to his of his exes is in my class and she was head over heels for him...but he has a really low self esteem and image, but he also brags it's kinda weird but w/e. anyways...he has confessed his love for me and repeatedly refers to me as hun, babe, babygirl, and beautiful babygirl. i guess you could call it flattering, but honestly it makes me feel like im his granddaughter or something, ya its creepy! so he just keeps on talking to me about how much he wishes he could be with me, and how he wants to bite me on the neck and suffocate me with kisses. you know what i mean, like he's always saying how all he wants is for me to be in his arms. and when i told him i fell down the stairs today at school and hurt my knee(ouch!) he was all like omg i wish i could have been there to catch you, and thats not even the half of it! he says im the only person that makes him somewhat happy and he wont be happy until im in his arms...and that im the only girl he trusts, and i deserve any guy i want and so not mean to him, but i can be cold...i dont want him to think i really like him like that, i dont want to hurt him i just kind of talk to him nonchalontly(no idea how to spell that) but then he tells me that his mom is making him move to new jersey in four months...i was like aww well maybe it will be good...and hes like no im staying, for you, no matter what. i told him he didnt have to do that for me and that once he got there he would forget about our boring little town and all the people in it, including me. he said he would never forget me no matter what. i asked him how he was going to get out of it, and he just insists that he will find a way...i dont see how, but whatever...yeh so then there's this guy we have living with us, he is a foreign exchange student from china...yah well we have a little bit or a romance, to say the least. i mean we make out and hang out and he has touched my boobs! ew i know right! that is a whole other story...well there's only one problem, its illegal for us to date or anything like that, hes an adult legally, and im not...well its kinda too late now. i dont even know what to do, and he wants me to help him decide whether or not to go to oklahoma for the summer for ESL but im like uhm dont ask me...i tried to explain to him that i dot want him to go buti dont want to keep him from something he really wants to do and might regret not doing later, so he flipped a coin and hes going. yah i mean im not happy about it but w/e, i guess if he really didnt want to go, then he wouldnt. so yeh my hands are getting realllllly tired.....
1 comment(s) - 02:01 PM - 05/28/2008

    sigay  37, Female, Philippines - 4 comments
Oct 2010
7:13 PM PST


What am I afraid of? I fear what I don't know because I may not be able to act against that fear and suffer whatever grave consequence it might bring me. I am afraid of relationships, because it is a commitment, and I might not be able to sustain that commitment, lose patience, and lose the relationship altogether. I am afraid of intimacy, because it would be heart-breaking to be hurt by bringing foul to knowing what I am, my body, my soul and my flesh. I fear love, because it means that I have to take responsibility in taking care of that person, which I am not prepared to do right now. I am selfish, I admit. It is my way of preserving myself. Maybe in time, when I am more mature enough to do these things, then will I have no fear of these.
1 comment(s) - 05:50 PM - 11/01/2010

    brokentearsRcryd92  36, Female, Ohio, USA - 10 comments
May 2009
8:10 AM EST

people seem t be confused!!!






1 comment(s) - 02:25 PM - 05/21/2009

    steveford  72, Male, Arkansas, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2008
6:46 AM EDT


King David knew with certainty that God had called him to lead and his son Solomon to follow. Listen to what David says to the nation (1 Chron 28:4-10) as he explains to them that God will not allow him to build the Temple, but will use his son Solomon to do so: "Yet the LORD, the God of Israel, chose me from my whole family to be king over Israel forever. He chose Judah as leader, and from the house of Judah he chose my family, and from my father's sons he was pleased to make me king over all Israel. Of all my sons—and the LORD has given me many—he has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the LORD over Israel. He said to me: 'Solomon your son is the one who will build my house and my courts, for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father. I will establish his kingdom forever if he is unswerving in carrying out my commands and laws, as is being done at this time.' "So now I charge you in the sight of all Israel and of the assembly of the LORD, and in the hearing of our God: Be careful to follow all the commands of the LORD your God, that you may possess this good land and pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants forever. "And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a temple as a sanctuary. Be strong and do the work." 1. Calling. David was certain of his calling. It had come down to him through his country, through his clan and through his family. He was called, or chosen. When Abraham suggested to Lot that they should split, he gave Lot his ch
1 comment(s) - 11:12 PM - 07/26/2008

    Neha  31, Female, India - 1 comments
May 2008
9:54 PM I



i m neha. i m 14yrs old.studying in an all girls school ( Loreto House ) AND ITS DAMN BORING WITH NO GUYS. i m in high school (1st yr) and have started my 1st tuition. there are boys but they are so DAMN UGlY and BORING

My life though has been quite exciting. i went 2 a fest in La Martiniere for Boys. IT WAS FUN!!!!!!! THE GUYS WERE SUPER COOL AND CUTE



1 comment(s) - 07:36 AM - 05/27/2008

    empc27  31, Female, Tennessee, USA - 2 comments
Jun 2009
4:55 PM EDT

Well I learned a lesson the hard way.The lesson I learned is that you should really think before you speak because if not you will get yourself into a lot of trouble. Something happened the other day that was just a freak accident. Everyone is fine. But my brother told me he thought it was one of his friends fault. But it wasn't. It was no one's fault. So I go and tell my brother's friend what he said. Well he goes out there and cusses out my brother. And they have been best friends since they were both born. And I pretty much ruined a great friendship. But if I had kept my big mouth closed none of this would have happened and everyone and everything would be fine. So next time you're about to do something, please think it through because you might dig yourself into a hole. :)

1 comment(s) - 09:16 PM - 06/21/2009

    ecorum1  44, Male, Indiana, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2009
9:45 AM EST

well its been a while since my last entry and alot has happened in just that short time. after six years with someone i trusted more than anything, she turned into exactly what she swore she never would.....a whore. so here's whats happening now. Brandy lives in michigan somewhere with some loser construction worker who looks like the cover of madd magazine. Josie is in town for the summer and part of fall. I kinda went off the deep end for a couple months after brandy left. but lots of beer and women got me back on track. lol. over the past weekend i hooked up with an old friend. went out, got my new shirt ripped off me at a bar by some drunk but gorgeous girl. then went home with my friend. and for some reason with Angie I didnt feel like i was just there for sex. mostly for sex but there was also a spark. i'll just let it ride though for a while. Im not sure what im ready for yet. Im trying to get into school in indy right now. hope i do. ok im bored so im outta here for now. peace
1 comment(s) - 07:03 PM - 06/22/2009

    dia87  37, Female, Oregon, USA - 3 comments
Dec 2008
10:56 AM PDT

My life is falling apart....part 1

So it may not be to some people but to me it life is falling apart. My parents for 21+ yrs are getting a dad filed and told me yesterday... i dont kno what to do...once i found out of course i cried, we talked he explained him self.. which sad thing is not just me but both my brother and i agree with my dad.

we both love our mother but she is nothing but this u owe me wheres my money where my money all the time. she charged my dad interest when he borrowed money from her...who in thier right mind charges thier husband interest..

UGH!!!! i love my mom of course and i have to be here for her. but its hard..its hard to sit at home and think my dads not coming home hurts i kno its not his fault and i am not made at him one bit but...i am a major daddys girl...

just wanted to get a lil off my chest now..there will be more.....

1 comment(s) - 07:45 PM - 12/03/2008

    Jenee  37, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
Aug 2008
9:43 AM PDT

A night Alone!

So tonight I have the House all to myself, Jorge is going out with the fellas. I have no idea what to do I really wish I had My textbooks for school so i can get some major homework done. My Professor gave us like a ton of home work. It consists of alot of reading but i could totally handle that. I like to read and write so this class should be a breeze. I really hope I do good this semester, Grades should be a sinch since i really have a laid back job. I should be able to get homework done throughout the day. I think imma order me a movie tonight and pick out an nice outfit to wear to my first day of elementary algebra. Ha ha ha I know, i know, My math level is not really up to par but hey at least im in school right? being in school gives me this sense of security as if Im taking care of business. Last night when i was released from my english class, I felt Good. Like if i did a good deed such as Lend a friend some money. It felt similar to that feeling. I am very thankful that I am back in school and I really hope that this semester goes by smooth and quick, as one of my instructor's at Western career college would say! Those were the good days but anyway, I might be back tonight to express my feelings and what my night really turned out to be, but im pretty sure its gonna be calm and fun. I hope to eat popcorn and maybe watch a chick flick. LOL so cliche! but hey, if the shoe fits right? Anywhoozers i will let you know how my night is going later on! tootles!

Tags: Solitude
1 comment(s) - 06:55 AM - 08/23/2008

    JustMe0322  52, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2008
8:47 AM EDT

Reveiwing wedding budget. CRAP!

Why is there more owed than we have? aaarrrggh!

1 comment(s) - 01:49 PM - 06/12/2008

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