xxemoxxkittyxx's Journal

Nov 2007
3:30 PM EDT

about me

i am a turely fun girl and i tend to be a bit emoational and umm i rambel on and i am a bit anyoing and i can be a dits some times i look like:
Black hair some blonde at the roots (i have blonde as myy natural hair color)
it wraps around my face and on the right it has a lil flip and on the left it SOMETIMES covers my eye but uaslly it it just fluffy and nice, I have black eyebrws that are kinda cool/evil so it makes these gorges green eyes look amazing! and plain lips ( i ually put a rose colored lipstick on them) and i am kinda tall about 5'3". i haver tiny feet and a tiny figure. i like to have coffe in the morning but i never get too becaus emy parents don't drink it..
i am not allowd to have enery drinks because umm well if you knew me you would be like "kelsey on a redbull..O MY GOD!" i am hyper enough without the enegry drinks lol.
1 comment(s) - 02:56 PM - 07/18/2008

xxemoxxkittyxx's Profile

  • Username: xxemoxxkittyxx
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Michigan
    XXEMOXXKITTYXX's Interests:

    About Me: i am a half emo half gothic girl. umm i am really fun and totally in-sane and i am super smart i love to write and draw anime! 'Take the Emo Quiz at QuizRocket.com!Make Your Own Quiz'

    Interests: boys, reading, writing,

    Favorite Music: mY ChEmicAl rOmaNcE, Panic! At The Disco, Boys like Girls, The Used, Slipknot, Fall OutBoy

    Favorite Movies: all harry potters!

    Favorite Television: 

    Favorite Books: ruby holler, loser, pretties, Dexuprax(sp?)
