xEyezOfTruthx's Journal

Nov 2007
8:12 PM EDT

Blackout Friday!!! AHHH

Oh my! I never new holiday shopping could be soooo STRESSFUL! I've always had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so this was a first for me, and all I could think was SAVE $$$ but WOW what a shock, It was CRAZY! No shopping carts, People fighting over parking spots, lines miles long, I was like FORGET IT!!! Saving money is fine and everything, but I rather pay full price then to deal with the stressfulness of the crazed people. It really is insane, I say shop online, if you have a credit card, and stay away from stores on blackout fridays.
Anyways....on to better things, My Thanksgiving was nice, I ate till I was about to pop...always a good thing in my family though, since I no longer live at home, and im no Rachel Ray.....Family cooking is a blessing in the sky for me...I'm more of a microwave kinda girl....I can use the oven but I can only cook things that come from a box....I can't make anything from scratch....maybe for christmas Santa will send me a cook, who can teach me...lol
Anyways....just wanted to blab a little its late so im gonna call it a night.

Nov 2007
8:40 PM EDT

A begining......Hi.

Well this is new for me, I've alway's wanted to keep a journal, but never made the time to do it, so now here I am 23 years oldmaking the time. Sometimes so much goes on in my life, I need to vent, but sometimes there is noone to vent to, or thing's I don't really want to run to family and friend's about, so I figure this will be a good way to relieve myself of holding it inside.
It's back to work tomorrow, which to alot would sound silly, but I'm kinda of relieved to be going back tomorrow, I've been dealing with alot latley with having migranes and blurred vision noone can explain, and going to the doctors, and having cat scans arranged and ect.. that I can honestly say, I thank God for helping to heal the migranes and bringing the vision back. Although I'm still not taking the situation lightly, Im still going to go to the eye doctor and Nurologest and have myself checked out to make sure I'm okay.
I've been in a struggle with myself latley, I've been thinking about my life, where its going, and what I really want out of it....(maybe thats why the migranes kicked in).
I'm still not sure, which is sad, I'm 23 years old, and I should have some kind of goals for myself in life, something to work towards, to better myself...and I'm still confused, I mean I've had speratic moments where I say "Oh I think I should do this" or " I want to go to college", but still I've done nothing but waste time.
I know I need to pull myself together and figure it out now....but life is complicated sometimes, and it really can be stressful, oh what I wouldn't give to be 12 again or younger, no cares in the world.
Don't get me wrong, I have a decent life, compared to some, and I am thankful, but always wishing for more or wanting more is not such a bad thing, we all have our dreams.
Well I guess this isn't to bad for a 1st time journal entry, atleast my mind has freed up a little more space. :)

1 comment(s) - 08:43 AM - 11/23/2007

xEyezOfTruthx's Profile

  • Username: xEyezOfTruthx
  • Gender / Age: Female, 41
  • Location: USA - Virginia