Users With Most Comments

Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    grimm  47, Female, Israel - 5 comments
May 2009
6:48 PM EET

Знакомство с Джос меня очень радует!Я ей давно симпатизировала.Видно,она думающая личность.Надеюсь дружба с ней у нас получится."Заочно" я знаю Джос почти два года.Была симпатия,но было и то,что мы немного недолюбливали друг друга.Еще бы!"Общий объект обожания" и полное отсутствие "информации" друг о друге;)...Странно ...но такое случается!Уважение и раздражение!Сейчас,когда "объект" отошел в сторону,раздражение ушло вместе с ним,осталось уважение.Будем узнавать друг друга поближе.Взаимный интерес.Думаю ,нам будет о чем поговорить!

5 comment(s) - 03:12 PM - 05/28/2009

    AgentS  36, Female, Washington, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2009
4:03 PM PST

Dreaming With Your Eyes Open

The past couple weeks it seems like i've grown alot. I'm more realistic, I am more positive, and best of all, I've started "dreaming with my eyes open," metaphorically speaking. I have come down from my high horse and realized that i've got to take action to get what I want. I can't just do a little bit of work and think that everything is going to fall into place, because it never will. Your never going to get anywhere assuming if you do one little thing, it'll be good enough for your dream to come true. I'm fully aware of� how much work comes behind building a future for yourself, and the huge effort that comes with "making your dream come true," or just being sucessful. That is why dreaming with your eyes open is good, because you will have a better perspective on what you got your eyes on, versus dreaming with your eyes closed where you think nothing will come in the way, let alone make the journey difficult. I'm glad i'm starting to get my mind frame straight. It hasn't always been this way, hell no it hasn't been like this. It's been a road of endless potholes, cracks and speed bumps, not the kind of speed bumps that slow you down, i'm talking about the kind that scrape the hell out your car and make you cringe fifty times worse than a chalkboard. Especially in the past year. I've been through more in the past year, than i've been through in the past few years. Some of the most significant people in my life are gone, and I had thought I was doing good, untill I turn on the news to find out that someone is going to jail for murder, or that someone was killed. I don't know what to think most of the time, but if there's one thing I do know, it is this, no matter the event that changes your life, no matter the tragedy, no matter the situation, you must keep moving, and just keep it going.
Now, I'm going to hit the sheets!
2 comment(s) - 01:55 PM - 03/23/2009

    sleepkitty  39, Female, Maine, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2009
8:51 AM EDT

Today I have found, and decided to give it a try. I don't know how much I'll use this... I may find another site or give up altogether. But I do like writing things. Random things. Many things. I enjoy expressing every single thought in my head because I know that in an instant it could be gone forever and I'll never remember what it was. Kind of sad, kind of liberating. Regardless, I like to keep track of my thoughts... maybe I'll have a pattern, maybe I'll keep track of myself... So here's my first blurb on this particular journal site and we will see where time takes us.

Tags: Blurb
1 comment(s) - 12:44 PM - 03/16/2009

    Lyric0inlove  31, Male, Philippines - 1 comments
Mar 2009
9:33 PM EDT

My day, my life,Myself

Ahhh...another day of shit anyways I had tutor today ON A HOLLYDAY so yeahh... I got so anyway I was going to watch this movie called "Confessions of a shopaholic" but sadly I couldnt. Because I came with my dad and stepmom to acomany them to find a place where they'll be holding their "reception" it reached 10 am my tutor was there in my house and I was still out then my grandma called my dad onthe way home she was sure mughty pissed! I hate it when shes like that... I mean whats the prblem she could just fucking sufficate and rot in hell so simple!�so I have to go to tutor anyways... being bored because I have no schooL I bet I cant even walk the dogs outside because of what I did... but I guess I'll ignore the rules and break out... I might meet my one and only and maybe run away for awhile just for� night, Im not sure so anyways thats really all for today... I just listened to Katy Perrys song called "Ur so gay" , "simple" and one of the boys.. I didnt know she was that good!�LFMAO well fuck this shit I'll wirte tomorow :D

�����������������������������������������������LYRIC FUNERAL

1 comment(s) - 06:51 PM - 03/03/2009

    phsphtm757  34, Male, Virginia, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2009
6:15 PM EDT


dnt you hate wen someone is standing over you and all up in yo bizznezz! i do and dats why im glad we moved the computer dwn stairs!!!!!

but anyways i just put ALOT teatree oil in my hair so is all laid dwn and curly!!! i think i might go to skool like this....c wut ppl think lol

i reallly dont have anything to write about except the fact that im majorly bored!!!!!! i have nothing to do and no where to go...not that i hae ne money to go anywhere anywayz but since i dnt have n e thing to really write about im gonna say... THE END!

2 comment(s) - 10:27 PM - 04/14/2009

    kayevaste  45, Female, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Apr 2009
11:51 AM GMT

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach
1 comment(s) - 10:53 PM - 04/09/2009

    JBaby14  30, Female, Iowa, USA - 17 comments
Apr 2009
12:32 PM CST


I know, I�haven't written for a while. But not too uch has bee ngoing on. Just everyday drama... yuck. But Ryleys Is made at me and Jacey cause I am "replacing her." I just get so irritated cause she treats Jacey like crap and I always try to be there for her. But Ryley doesn't tell her anything but she expects jacey to tell her every fricken detail that goes on in her life. Jacey doesn't have much drama except for Ryley. But Jacey really likes tis guy and they talked every night for like two months but then he thought it would be best to quit talking becase he lived a while away. (Not at the same scool as Ryley's bf) but He just texted her the other day saying he was sorry and her still really liked her and he didn't forget her. Jacey wanted to tell Ryley but she didn't know. She ended up telling her and Ryley was like "Cool. I�think Mackenzie is talking to him too." Mackenzie is this girl who is really slutty and she "likes" everyguy she talks to. Of course Jacey was upset. Her feelings get urt really easily. I ujt get so frustrated.

7 comment(s) - 08:14 PM - 04/12/2009

    stevo  38, Male, Australia - 4 comments
Mar 2009
4:32 PM EDT

heloo this is a test
4 comment(s) - 08:18 PM - 03/28/2009

    Kodak87  37, Female, Arizona, USA - 3 comments
Mar 2009
5:58 PM EDT

mmm, what to do

Ok so I�haven tbeen on this in like, a long time. Things have been good I guess. I gave up on the guy, let my friends have him... I'll just find someone else or maybe I will just have meaningless flings... so many options, so little time, lol

1 comment(s) - 05:24 AM - 03/31/2009

    gain4indians  54, Male, India - 2 comments
Aug 2009
9:46 PM I

What is goodness?

You can create world wealth with your education and intelligence but without goodness you cannot enjoy it in real manner.

Tags: Goodness
2 comment(s) - 08:58 PM - 08/02/2009

    juiceboxx123  31, Female, South Carolina, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2009
7:03 AM EST


i use to have one of these. but not anymore. well i got a new one now. i'm a creative blogger. :)
2 comment(s) - 08:36 PM - 04/05/2009

    digital491  30, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2009
12:16 PM EDT



i know you do

you poke me

sit by me instead of your friends or anyone else

your so sweet and caring

when you raise your hand and answer right makes me love you 10% more

i love your courly goregeous hair

your deep brown eyes

your smile, reminds me of theodore the cutist chipmunk in the world

when you look at me i can see the love in your eyes

when you grab my side i know your showing your love

why cant you just tell me?

everyone else says it

and just the opposite for me

we both deny it

but why try to hide the secret by saying never

i wish you wouldnt feel ashamed of saying it

if you told me

id tell you

and never tell another soul

if you happen to stumble upon this

well here you go

dont tell a single soul

if you feel the same

just tell me tomorrow

just to let you know your always on my mind

wish you would know,

love is strong forever


2 comment(s) - 10:10 AM - 04/10/2009

    Dead-Girls-Dont-Lie  32, Female, Georgia, USA - 5 comments
Jun 2009
6:39 PM EDT


So much has happened since I�last wrote.

  • I've lost my best friend
  • I think Im finally starting to move on

But those are only a couple of them. I just wish for once someone would belive me when I say Im innocent. Ok so maybe I dont have the best "record" but hey whats a girl to do when thinks get tuff? Stand there and let people take you out? NO�WAY�IN�HELL!!!

Ahem, excuse my language. So now it seems like my life is slowly crumbling apart. Why? well I just feel lost, confused, numb, and unsure as to what is to come... Who knows; maybe change would be for the best....

2 comment(s) - 10:16 AM - 07/01/2009

    lockedupheart  32, Female, New Jersey, USA - 10 comments
Jul 2009
7:16 PM EDT


if i wasnt afraid of failure i wouldve probably called kaitlin and talked to her along time ago. for some reason i always felt like i was second best or last standing next to her. i mean shes pretty and funny and smart and she can ride a horse. tell me you wouldnt feel like a failure standing next to her? if you wouldnt (not even the tinsiest bit) then i so give you props.

forgive me kitten?�(its suppose to be a puppy dog face)

3 comment(s) - 01:33 AM - 07/11/2009

    taradactel13  29, Female, Florida, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2009
7:15 PM EDT

My erritating friend !

Ugg Amanda is soo erritating !!!

all she talks about is herself and i am soo tired of it ! she dosen't care about me at all she says i am her best friend and i jut roll my eyes bc to be a best friend you have to be there for the other person , I am always there for her and she says i m overreactin and acting like a bitch wen i say anything to her or she justs finds a way to talk about herself again ! i swear she has a real gift . I could be talking about how i feel realy deprssed and she finds a way to talk about howone time 3 years ago she found a lost dog and she got yelled at for bringing it into the house !. I feel bad bc she thinks i am her best friend and i could care less about her silly little problems . I probably sound realy mean right now but it is soooo true "OMG my sister stole my sweater and i got grounded bc i yelled at her " is ussually what she complains about . I am realy glad i have friends who actually care about me . I can't even talk about my getting accepted to duke summer camp bc she starts crying saying that i shouldn't go and support her bc she isn't as smart and they should take away programs like that bc it hurts her feelings . !!!!!�� Ok i am done venting for now ....


1 comment(s) - 03:18 PM - 04/29/2009

    jazziette  67, Female, Arizona, USA - 11 comments
Sep 2011
9:41 PM CDT

Spreading my gossamer wings...

It's time to come out of the cocoon and to taste the beautiful and exotic mystery of life once more.

Breathe deep.....feel the unparallelled freedom of letting go!

Bask in the intoxication of your very own unique and exquisite being.

Time to fly the miracle of the butterfly.

1 comment(s) - 10:33 PM - 11/01/2014

    masochistlover  33, Female, Georgia, USA - 2 comments
Jun 2009
10:20 PM EDT

I'm starting to hate people...

You know, it seems like if someone cared about you as much as my ex SAYS he does, they would tell you if you did something wrong. But they're all cowards and can't face whatever the fucking problem is...

1 comment(s) - 02:08 PM - 06/03/2009

    nia  29, Female, Canada - 4 comments
Jun 2009
7:03 AM HNR

in music class. isn't that funn.....*blah* ((boobs hahahah)) niki is awesome hahah red bra! we won't delete that picture EVER!! kayy is it okayy for girls to ask out guys???
Tags: niki
1 comment(s) - 04:37 PM - 06/01/2009

    ChelseaIrenee  29, Female, Canada - 2 comments
Dec 2009
11:52 AM EDT


Bottled up inside

are the words I never said.

the feelings that I hide,

the lines you never read.


You can see it in my eyes,

read it on my face.

Trapped inside are lies

of the past I can't replace.


With memories that linger-

won't seem to go away.

Why can't I be happier?

today's a brand new day.


Yesterday's are over

even though the hurtings not.

Nothing lasts forever,

I must cherish what i've got.






1 comment(s) - 04:14 PM - 12/16/2009

    ekin1972  59, Male, United Kingdom - 5 comments
Aug 2009
12:25 PM EDT

I'm going to Paris

I've never had a passport since I was a child and the reason being is, I've never been interested in going anywhere, because I think the UK�is the most beautiful place in the world!

But ever since the Channel Tunnel opened, I've had a need to just have a go on a Eurostar train through the tunnel. Just really for the experience as its an amazing piece or engineering. Just to board a train at the very, very beautiful St Pancras international railway and leave for Paris would be just amazing!! And then travel at 186mph to Paris will be the biz!

So now I have my passport, I have today booked myself on to a Eurostar for Paris. I will be in Paris for 2 hours and then back home.

I'm so so excited :-))

3 comment(s) - 12:57 AM - 09/04/2009

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