xxemoxxkittyxx's Journal

Dec 2007
4:52 PM EDT


i have a new boyfriend his name is Nick he is so sweet to me is is unbaliveable we slow danced about 7 times TODAY!! we had a school dance and my friend owed me some money so she paid for a dollar and Nick beng Nick paid for the rest! and we were holding hades all the time! ^.^ and about 3 teachers told us no hugging (u can't hug but u can hold handes) and 7 people told us to get a room and Nick says: I have room at my house. And they would just stare at us...It was weird thought his friends don't like me and my friends don't like him...But the whole time they are telling us to go dance also i don't think his friends don't like him they are VERY mean!!! but he is just so!!!!!!~ ^.^!!!!!!! and he is NOT emo so put that in your pipe and smoke it! ha ha sorry its just storetypes have been pissen me off lately!

Love ur fav emo girl-

Nov 2007
3:30 PM EDT

about me

i am a turely fun girl and i tend to be a bit emoational and umm i rambel on and i am a bit anyoing and i can be a dits some times i look like:
Black hair some blonde at the roots (i have blonde as myy natural hair color)
it wraps around my face and on the right it has a lil flip and on the left it SOMETIMES covers my eye but uaslly it it just fluffy and nice, I have black eyebrws that are kinda cool/evil so it makes these gorges green eyes look amazing! and plain lips ( i ually put a rose colored lipstick on them) and i am kinda tall about 5'3". i haver tiny feet and a tiny figure. i like to have coffe in the morning but i never get too becaus emy parents don't drink it..
i am not allowd to have enery drinks because umm well if you knew me you would be like "kelsey on a redbull..O MY GOD!" i am hyper enough without the enegry drinks lol.
1 comment(s) - 02:56 PM - 07/18/2008

Nov 2007
3:21 PM EDT


i am acually jelous of my best friend Kayla's realashinship because she has a guy who truely cares..and no guy at my schools like me like that.. I feel horible..ibut i could get a guy on here like that *snaps* but i want a guy i kniow uin real other wise he can't hold my hand or kiss me or anything it truely sux!

love your favorite emo girl-

3 comment(s) - 07:19 AM - 03/12/2008

Nov 2007
3:10 PM EDT


ok so say you understand politics ok. so you run for president, but if you understand politics YOU WOULDN"T RUN FORPRESIDENT! and if you don't understand politics you still wouldn't run for president. (*me and my friends seem to talk asbout this qiute often)

love your favorite emo girl-
Kitty (Kelsey)
Tags: politics

xxemoxxkittyxx's Profile

  • Username: xxemoxxkittyxx
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Michigan
    XXEMOXXKITTYXX's Interests:

    About Me: i am a half emo half gothic girl. umm i am really fun and totally in-sane and i am super smart i love to write and draw anime! 'Take the Emo Quiz at QuizRocket.com!Make Your Own Quiz'

    Interests: boys, reading, writing,

    Favorite Music: mY ChEmicAl rOmaNcE, Panic! At The Disco, Boys like Girls, The Used, Slipknot, Fall OutBoy

    Favorite Movies: all harry potters!

    Favorite Television: 

    Favorite Books: ruby holler, loser, pretties, Dexuprax(sp?)
