ania's Journal

Mar 2009
7:33 AM EDT

what a life??

hai...what a life... sometimes you need to smile, to laugh and be hapi but not all the time... to make the world fair... sometimes it better to make your self cry, be sad, to be anger, to be emo... in order to make and be hapi too... actually its ok, its fine... but why people.... still doesn't notice the sacrifice you've made?? is it fair??? or its just God's will... in order for you to learn a lesson... for you to learn how to make a right choice???? for you to learn how to stand??? how to fight??? and never give up??? and make your faith strong enough to face him..... hahahaha nag emo nah...hahaha
1 comment(s) - 06:58 AM - 05/24/2009

ania's Profile

  • Username: ania
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: Philippines
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    ANIA's Interests:

    About Me: well, i came from an island where no one have been there. no one try to discover it.No one discover the real soul of that island. they didn't discover that after a beautiful morning the dark night come and the island soak and hide. why? because the island will cry. the island didn't allow anyone to see her crying...and tomorrow when the sun rise people only see her beautiful smile....