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    lilmama  31, Female, South Dakota, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2007
6:12 PM EDT

There are so meny days I don't even know why I should live! My boyfriend tells me he loves me and he needs me but I have heard that so many times and its hard for me to let myself believe it after being lied too.
1 comment(s) - 11:30 PM - 07/26/2007
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    PrettyPrincess  26, Female, Oregon, USA - 3 comments
Jul 2007
9:12 PM EDT

I would really like to have an online pen pal because I am kind of lonley this summer so could some one mabey chat with me please.

Thank You!
3 comment(s) - 07:42 PM - 07/23/2007
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Current Tags: abbydoobers, I want a online friend.

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    Peyton  25, Female, Texas, USA - 6 comments
Mar 2009
7:01 PM EDT

Song for me and you

Now you are the enemy...

�Song for me and you

You left with out a goodbye

And now I cant help but wonder why...

My heart is lost in a puddle of tears

So now I have no choice but to face my fears...

With everyday that passes bye

I wonder how I bought those lies...

How could you ever do this to me?

I never thought you would be the enemy...

If only I had known what was to come

Then maybe I wouldn’t be so dumb...

Soon I will let you go away

I probably should have a while 'go...

Unlike those childhood fairytales

This one ends in betrayal...

6 comment(s) - 11:43 PM - 04/03/2009
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Current Tags: By me not you!

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    angel3811  43, Female, Ohio, USA - 6 comments
Apr 2009
8:35 AM CDT

i really miss him

i raelly miss him so much do u ever get over the loss of someone u love so much??? i should have never gotten married in the first place before i dealt with the loss of jon i loved him more than anything and we were happy together then all my happiness and joy was stolen from me when jon tragicaly commited suicide. i don't think it ever get's easier although people try to tell u it does i just wish it didn't hurrt sooo bad but hopefully someday i can get over all the pain and the hurt and the feelings� of how he'll never get to see his daughter god please help me i miss him sooooo much he's always in my thoughts and i always wonder what might have been !!! does the pain ever stop??? should i have gotten some kind of grief counceling??? now how do i tell his daughter about him the daughter he wanted more than anything and the daughter he never knew he had because i found out i was pregnant 3 weeks after his funeral i reallly and trully wanted to die from the pain of loosing him and even though it's been since dec 03 since he died it's still not any easier i love jon soooooooooooo much someone help me please im going crazy i should love my husband lke he loves me but i can't why why cant i love him the way he's meant to be loved is it because i can't let go and go on??????????????

6 comment(s) - 09:39 AM - 05/03/2009
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    TremblingAngel  33, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 comments
Sep 2007
6:16 PM EDT

Alrighty, so I'm not quite sure what to say. *Looks Around* I guess a good way to start off is by introducing myself, aye? Well my name is Natasha. I'm bittersweet sixteen. Yes, I actually have my license. Now all that's missing is a car. And a job too! *Nods* I'm engaged to a wonderful girl named Chelsey. She's the corn on my cob. *Giggles* Haha! Yeah... I also have a strange obsession with corn. Oh! I love writing stories. That's sort of how I became obsessed with corn because I wrote a story where the main character was corn-obsessed. *Nods* It's still my favorite story. Hehe! I love singing too. I'm in Concert Choir at my highschool. I'm a Junior by the way. Haha! In Concert Choir I'm a Soprano 2. I actually wanted to be a 2nd. I pretty much requested it. Haha! Soprano 1's may be number 1. But 1 + 1 equals 2, thus making Soprano 2's better. Haha! Also, I like rebelling from the Soprano part. Hehe! Yes... that's how I put it! Haha!

I have 20 diary-ish things. Why? I want to test out some sites and then I'll pick a few that offer the most and are most inviting. If something doesn't offer much, why waste time updating on it? So if you randomly see me disappear, make sure to check my last entry, because I will post where you can still read my blog/journal/diary/what[corn]ever at. Also, I'm posting the same entry at each site. Of course, if some sites have more things to offer, I may put more stuff up. I'll post the other websites later that I'll be at. *Smiles*

Some people say I'm funny. Yes, yes, quite. Honestly, I'm not sure whether I am... or not! I am amusing however, if I do say so myself. I'm, pretty much, a drama queen. Just ignore that. Also, I love ranting, rambling, and all that fun stuff. Especially about fashion! You'll see those from time to time. Feel free to comment. Hmm... but if you leave a rude comment (or one that I just don't like) I will not let others see it. What's that called where you filter the media? I'm having a brain fart now. Is it capitalism? I remember talking about it... back in 9th grade, I believe. Haha!

Let's see... what else can I say? Oh! I speak French! *Nods* Well... I speak some French. I'm not fluent. Haha! But, I have been to Paris! This summer I went and we were in Paris about... oh... a week or 8 days, I'd guess. C'est fantastique! Oui? Haha! So randomly if I talk in French... it's okay. Ce n'est pas de probleme. Also, I know I'm lacking accent marks. Pardon me on that. I'm not going to figure out how to get it to work for each journal. I'll learn over time. Haha!

Anyway, I think that's about it for this entry. Trust me, there will be more to come. I can't promise one daily, but I do promise them. *Nods* I'll talk to ya'll later! Ciao! Ya'll come back, ya hear? Haha! Sorry... I just had to... *Giggles*


Other ways to possibly reach me:


AIM: EvilCornLady

Yahoo: TremblingAngel

MSN: [I'm not sure if this one would work...]

My Myspace: TremblingAngel ( [Add me, if you please! *Grins* I also update these journals {or whatever} there.]

2 comment(s) - 04:55 PM - 10/29/2007
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Current Tags: introduction beginning hello new TremblingAngel

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    Blayne  30, Female, Arizona, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
10:38 PM EDT

Hey biotches!!!!

Im kinda mad cuz I have to go back to this hell hole of a school next year and summer break is almost over!!!! for you unlucky s.o.b.s you have to start the 30th AKA Kirsten Murray!! Hahaha!!
1 comment(s) - 01:44 AM - 07/29/2007
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    arandall  42, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2009
1:54 AM EDT


Right now I am freaking hungry. I don't know how to deal with it without eating. Yesturday I got so hungry that when I was done with dinner I was still hungry. Today I think it will be the same way with breakfast. Dave was in the living room so I could not get anything to eat when I got up. I don't want to deal with him. I tried laying on my stomach on my bed. That worked for awhile. now I am out of options.
1 comment(s) - 10:50 AM - 04/27/2009
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    ramoody  66, Male, Kansas, USA - 1 comments
Aug 2007
3:04 PM CST

The office was very calm today. Most of the staff was on vacation, however, there were several new faces wandering the hallways,must be new faculty. I was in their shoes last year.
1 comment(s) - 10:50 PM - 08/07/2007
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    carlok  50, Female, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Aug 2007
2:13 AM V

my name is chantel hi if u r on here theres no point im not going to tell u anything like my secrets cya bye bye
cya wont wanna be ya
1 comment(s) - 03:30 PM - 08/03/2007
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    roxxxxxi  49, Male, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Aug 2007
12:54 PM EDT

I AiNt aFrAiD Ov nOfIn
1 comment(s) - 09:30 AM - 08/04/2007
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    RollerCoasterLove  40, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
Aug 2007
4:12 PM EDT

Sometimes i just dont understand what ive done wrong. one day he acts like he loves me, the next he acts like i annoy him. im trying to become a better girlfriend, but hes not trying to be a better boyfriend. it doesnt help that all his friends are younger and more immature and dont have serious girlfriends to understand his situation. i think when he gets around them, he changes. into this "single" guy who doesnt give a fuck about me. im always tryna talk about our problems and tryna resolve it, but just randomly outta nowhere hell make it seem like he dont wanna try. when just yesterday he told me "i love you" "i miss you" "im thinking about you". and today i say "am i ur girlfriend" and he tells me "not really." and i say ur throwing me off telling me u love me one day and the next im not ur girlfriend. and he tells me "u threw me off when you moved out". is he tryna make me feel guilty? is he having money issues? financial problems stressing him out? and he blames me? i wanna work things out but how can i with someone whos not willing to try...instead i think to myself why dont i just walk away from all of this. just say fuck him and end it all for good... one day were okay. the next it seems like its all over. its this up and down roller coaster. ive try to change.. ive been making him dinner, avoiding issues i would usually argue about that upsets me... but i guess he doesnt see it. hes too stubborn to see where im coming from.. i kno theres a lot hes done, or hasnt done,to upset me, but im tryna see from his point of view and quitting all the "nagging", the fighting, the arguing.. im tryna do things for him to remember why he fell for me. but with him.. he just doesnt see me as something fortunate to have.. what do i do? i love him.. i dont want all this to end.. i just want everything to be okay again
1 comment(s) - 11:09 AM - 09/19/2012
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Current Tags: betrayed, boyfriend, confused, cry, girlfriend, heartbreak, hurt, lonely, lost, love, sad, tears, upset

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    journalgirl22  40, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 2 comments
Oct 2007
12:05 PM CST

Today is our one year anniversary and we are having an okay time. I really just wish that I could walk away and be completely self-confident in myself to know that I will be able to find someone else who is better for me and who will treat me better. Well I should get going, we are going out for our anniversary. Have a good night!
1 comment(s) - 03:37 PM - 10/15/2007
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    AngelStar  37, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
Aug 2007
12:33 AM EDT

Dear Journal, i'm like really thinking i talked to my dad today and he seem kind of weird. most of time hes not like that but he seem out of it.
1 comment(s) - 09:24 PM - 08/17/2007
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    tiahe  32, Female, Canada - 3 comments
Mar 2008
4:53 PM EDT

trust me

I guess everything is changing, and I dunno what I think about any of this. I feel betrayed by friends, and a lot of things are frustrated me. I guess becoming close with new people, cause the old ones to start drifting.. I can't really write much on here, I feel like I can't even trust a personal website, where you're suppose to write everything. I feel like not many people can be trusted anymore, and let alone something like this. It is so annoying how shitty and low people will go, just for someone else. I guess this isn't even entirely about me, well actually very little of it is. I see one of my new really close friends, constantly being betrayed by a lot of people, and I relized how shitty people are now of days. How they will do anything, just to make them feel superior, when really it makes you shittier then the person before you. So many people are like this now, so many people suck at being a good friends, and good friends seem really impossible to find. I am so glad, that I now keep my guard up a lot more then I use to. I don't know what I would do, if every day passed and I had to worry about someone betraying me. It doesn't seem to matter how close you are anymore, because everyone seems to just love to do it, and its happened more then it should have to me in the past.

1 comment(s) - 07:55 AM - 05/24/2009
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    annabean  30, Female, Utah, USA - 6 comments
Feb 2008
4:56 AM EDT


It feels like love is just another form of suicide. my friend wrote that on a desk in science class and other girls responded. LOVE IS JUST A WASTE IF U DONT EVEN HAVE A BOYFRIEND.....when will i ever get a boyfriend who understnads me and cares about me....i cant even wear make-up till im 16! or even date! So i think guys are wasted on me...

Tags: boys
2 comment(s) - 11:07 PM - 08/26/2008
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    jesssie  32, Female, Canada - 7 comments
Mar 2008
7:27 AM EST

Last one

This is probably going to be the last time i write in this thing..everrrrr. Or i hope.

I realized a couple days ago what people are all about. You cant call people your best friends just because they are there some times. You cant call them best friends if you know they talk about you behind your back. Well, I am done with one of my "best friends" & honestly, this year couldnt have been more dramatic, thanks to her. I love hanging out with her, and I love how I have met so many more people thanks to her, but its time to really move on from that. While her telling me little life lessons can sometimes help me out, it discourages me more than anything else. No one is perfect and I'm sure we both have realized that by now; we were so fixated on perfecting this friendship for so long, but nothings perfect. Friends fight. The only problem with this friendship was that we fought over stupid things. And, I dont mean to be the girl who blames it on everyone else, but 95% of the time, the fight was not my fault. It was all her. She has been a hypocrit throughout the entire friendship. She told me a long time ago she thought I was changing when i started to smoke weed & drink. What do you know, she started drinking every weekend and eventually smoked weed as well.. Tells me i shouldnt keep things from her, but she keeps so much from me. Says I shouldnt talk about her, she talks so much about me. Tells me this and that, blah blah blah to the point where its eventually come to me that the entire friendship was a lie. It never seemed real from the beginning, and to be honest it feels like she only became friends with me because of Alex. And now that i have no ties to alex anymore, she could care less about this friggin friendship. And im happy to say that I could care less too.� I also think that while she was telling me to grow up, she was happy she knew all of my passwords to "destroy" my social life.. good one.

Thats basically it.� And i dont care what anyone has to say about that
1 comment(s) - 01:24 PM - 05/11/2008
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Current Tags: alcohol, drinking, passwords, weed

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    satinlady  64, Female, Florida, USA - 7 comments
Mar 2011
5:35 PM CDT

" Loving Hands"

Your loving hands that brings so much pleasure,
�that were so soft and tender, to have known more
hours than those that died in one night of kindling
�wine and faded flowers.
Your loving hands that I have kissed finger by finger,
� I left a brcelet on each,made by my lips.
� loving hands,mine all one night with such delight.
�i will always recall those loving hands,that was mine one
� night,But no longer is mine ,but life go on and we forget.

�������������������������������������������� Wrote by: Hilda(AKA satinlady)
1 comment(s) - 11:38 AM - 08/12/2011
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    jgonyea  40, Female, Georgia, USA - 1 comments
Sep 2007
7:49 AM EDT

Today something happened that I am not sure I can get passed. He actually was yelling at me so loud outside in the parking lot, I got scared. He was screaming at me what the fuck is my problem, and asking me if there was something wrong with me. He got right in my face, and was spitting on me because he was screaming so uncontrollably loud. Then he lunged at me, not putting his hands on me or anything, but I got really scared. Then I walked away and he went to the gym. My hands are still shaking, and my heart is racing, but what do I do. I am 8 hours away from my closest family member, and I have not one friend up here. I do not want to call any of my friends or family to talk to them about this because I do not want them to look down on me, or if him and I do work this out, I don't want them to hold it against him. I never thought he would be able to hurt me, but after that I just don't know. He looked so scary, I did not even recognize him. To make things worse, I have not been able to find a job, and currently have no income. Even if I wanted to leave right now, I couldn't.....I am ok right now, but what do I do when he comes back? How is he gonna be? How did I get myself into this one...
Tags: scared
1 comment(s) - 11:31 AM - 09/09/2007
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    MyTeenageFairytale  32, Female, United Kingdom - 2 comments
Sep 2007
5:14 PM BST

Well .. that ... has to bee the shittest day of my life!!!
Me and ryan have be seperated 6days .. and iv alredy caught him bumming some other girl!! ... Lovely to watch!! ... worst thing is .. this girl was supposedly my friend .. and in her words .. 'know exactly how i feel' ... well how dus she fink it feels watchn ur ex boyfriend .. hu yoo stil like VERY veryy .. much!! ... flirting wiv your close friend hu i fort was gd for advice and for talkn to about to situation!!! ... i can't believe!!
Wel .. anyways .. iv deffinately screwed up this time!! .. my last words to him wer ... 'BYEEE .. YA FAGGOT!!' ... woopsie .. maybe i went a lil over the top wiv the foggot bit!! .. i was told that wen he went back over wiv his group .. it looked like he was about to cry!
Ahhhhhhhh shoooott!!!!!!!!! I dnt believe this! .. i always muck things up in the relationships i have!! .. i take after my bloody mother!!
Just wen im angreyy and full of rage .. i hav to let something out!! .. i hav to say sumit .. no matter how horrible it may be!!!!
I hate everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its soo fucked!!!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 08:22 AM - 02/19/2008
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Current Tags: Shittest day of my life!

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    hailey8908  35, Female, Indiana, USA - 2 comments
Dec 2007
9:12 AM EDT


ugggggg another day with snow out side tell me will this stuff every go away!? It's far much a better day when it rains than anything else.
1 comment(s) - 08:29 PM - 12/19/2007
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