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journalgirl22's Journal
Oct 2007
12:05 PM CST
Today is our one year anniversary and we are having an okay time. I really just wish that I could walk away and be completely self-confident in myself to know that I will be able to find someone else who is better for me and who will treat me better. Well I should get going, we are going out for our anniversary. Have a good night!
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- 03:37 PM - 10/15/2007
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Aug 2007
3:54 PM CST
How many times can you give one person your all? We've been playing this game where I give my all and he just takes. How can you say you love someone and you aren't willing to be there for them when they need you the most? And maybe not even be there when they need you the most, but just be there. I moved to his city to be closer to him and all he's shown me was ungratefulness and just an overall feeling of not wanting me here. Now we've broken up a million times and each time I'm not really sure why I come back or ask him to stay with me. Its not like he's great to me, he's pretty much only nice to me when it benefits him. And that's not the right start to a relationship right? And it doesn't help that I'm writing all of this because I'm at my apt all by myself on a Saturday because he doesn't feel like going out and I don't really know very many people in the area that I just moved to because I moved here for him. Anyway... sorry for this rant. I think Vodka and Cranberry will help me tonight. Have a good night!
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Aug 2007
8:06 AM CST
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. There is so much in my life that I have to get together that I'm not even sure where to begin. I think I'm just going to jump in. This is going to be a random journal about my life, love, work and whatever I deem necessary to feel like writing. Although, I will keep myself confidential. But I do hope everyone enjoys what they read.
First off, I have a boyfriend who finds any excuse not to see me. We've been together almost 10 months and we've already had our ups and downs. Most of our ups have been inside the bedroom because when you are working with something as big as he's working with, its really hard for you to remember why were fighting in the first place.
He is a decent man, works at his mom's company and plays semi-pro basketball. But he's afraid of commitment and getting close to someone (that someone being me) that its frustrating. Right now, we haven't had sex in 6 days, and its driving me crazy. To some, they say I am lucky to have gotten it recently, but you don't understand my sex drive and how I'm used to getting it before him. I want it everyday, two or three times a day and I'm not allowed to have it that way, why you ask? Because he doesn't want it that way, I'm not even allowed to spend the night at his house. Bull shit, right? I agree!
I've never spent the night at house and finally I got to the point of breaking today and I think he gave in, but now he's faking his own sickness and going to the dr, and I think that he's going to try to get out of me sleeping over tonight. I don't know why he would do that, he doesn't understand that I'm a catch and I don't know how he doesn't. I'm not trying to sound cocky or conceited, but all of his friends think I'm attractive and everyone I know thinks I'm an attractive person and I've never had any issues EVER with finding a guy who wants to be with me. The only issue I'm having right now is wondering how long I'm going to wait around until he realizes that he has something that is great for him right in front of him.
And lets go back to the sex, there's never been a time I have not cum (most times multiple times) while we've done it. It is by far the best sex either of us has ever had, maybe that's why I stick around, because I don't think I will ever find anything like what he is packing anywhere. Well I should get going, I am hungry and oddly horny, so I think I'll have to go and take care of myself.
~Journal Girl 22
The beginning of everything
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- 08:55 PM - 10/23/2007
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The beginning of everything
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Female, 40
USA - Wisconsin
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