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    THEDEADSEA  31, Female, Hawaii, USA - 2 comments
Jun 2007
7:43 PM EDT

dear journal,
am i in love!?? there's 3 guys i think im in love with! one of them are my boy friend and the other one is my-x boyfriend and the last one is just a friend with both of the other guy's! what do i do!!!! they got me going crazy! it's like total dajvu!
the one im dating is named BRANDON- his strong and got blonde hair and is really tall !
then my x-boyfriend is named DANIEL- his got dreamy eye's and a hot body and skaterish hair and and really hot smile!
then the other guy is CHRIS- he has dirty blonde hair he is the same height as me and he don't really have a fab. body but i really love his personality!
what do i do who should i really be falling for?

2 comment(s) - 05:24 PM - 06/26/2007
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    aac  31, Male, Australia - 1 comments
Jun 2007
12:03 AM EDT

hi everone i hate my life so let me give you an update.
i have a sister, im popular with friends and i have my friends over alot!
my sister is a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate her she ruins everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today i had 2 people over & one was her friend her friend diddnt wnt to play with my sister because she only comes over to play with me!!!
so she made up all this shit up about me & also reported everthing that i did, ate or said to my mum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by 4 now
alanna cassar
1 comment(s) - 09:53 PM - 06/28/2007
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    Gwenni  37, Female, Missouri, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2007
2:04 PM CST

P.S.- I love Jason more than anything in the world!
1 comment(s) - 09:49 PM - 06/19/2007
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    confusedgirl101  31, Female, California, USA - 12 comments
Jul 2007
4:59 PM EDT

omg! well yesterday after i posted i went crazy and decieded i wanted my hair blonder so i got comet(w/ bleach) and tried to bleach my hair! u know its that stuff that u clean sinks w/. well i know im crazy! anyways im not supposed to use chemicals on my hair and my mom noticed it was blonder but i told her it was lemon juice! lol! well ttyl! l8r Belle
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3 comment(s) - 04:38 PM - 09/06/2007
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    giovani74  49, Male, North Carolina, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2007
4:37 PM EDT

No wedding info today but I did tell my mom that our wedding maybe postponed. Danielle was with me when I broke the news to mom and mom understood where we were coming from... I accidenatally got some chewing gum in Danielles car and she acted like it was a crisis. Its here first car so I can understand her emotional attachment but it's not like I'm not gonna get the gum out. Oh well, wedding update tomorrow, we are going to the bank for a load. Wish us well.
2 comment(s) - 07:29 PM - 07/23/2007
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    babykakes90  31, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2007
2:20 PM CDT

Dear Diary,
July 4th
happy 4th.. :]]
well things have been greaaatt with me n saam but i thiink he likes this girl mia
More than me! I dont know what to do! I love hiim but i dont kno if he loves me back.

1 comment(s) - 12:49 PM - 07/05/2007
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    freetooshop  33, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2007
11:19 AM PST

Hey Everyone!
I hope you're enjoying your summer, cause I sure am! Today was kinda sucky because i had to go to some family party. It was totally snooze-worthy!!!!!!!!
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1 comment(s) - 04:38 PM - 09/06/2007
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    Hals  30, Female, Maryland, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2007
8:01 AM EDT

I like just woke up at my Aunt's house and I had like the best sleep ever. I slept for like 12 hours. Ever since I came back from camping I have been trying to ketch up on my sleeping. Well I finally did. I woke up to have my Aunts 13 week old dog licking my face. She is so cute. But then later on I found out that, that very same dog eats bugs, and other disgusting things. So I do not let her lick me anymore. I made sure of that! I wish she was my dog, but instead I have a cazy dog that is like impossible to train. But when he isn't wild he is the best doggie ever. I love my pup so much. But I wish I could have 2. But I am trying not to be greedy with my parents. But I think that my dog will be easier to train if there is another dog there to help. You no like monkey see monkey do. Yeah but my parents think I won't be able to take care of another dog. But I think there wrong. O well. I will keep asking for another dog. I will see what happens. They will probably get super angry at me. But we'll see.
1 comment(s) - 08:44 PM - 07/01/2007
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    magersamber  37, Female, Indiana, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
12:08 PM EDT

I am new to this site. I just need somewhere to keep my thoughts. At this time in my life im a little bit confused...I am 20 years old and just entering the adult world...I think what an older lady once told me fits what i am going through perfectly. She saidthat life begins going down a straight paved road through childhood,then u take a step off the path and begin a maze and then one day u find the yellow brick road that leads u to home...she also said home is where your heart is and that it is complete happiness....i feel that i have just begun my jouney through the maze maybe someday ill be ready for my yellow brick road..but until then im just livin life..

1 comment(s) - 08:46 AM - 07/02/2007
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    shadowlove  35, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
8:35 PM EDT

my mp3 player officialy died today...
1 comment(s) - 01:51 AM - 07/30/2007
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    lilmamii  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2007
9:23 PM EDT

Love is a mysterious thing... You will go to no extreme for the one you love... No matter how much your heart hurts. Your mind can tell you so much about the person you love and you just cant picture what lyfe would be like with out that one person. You always say thier going to change but in your heart you know it will never be the same and that person will never change. So you are again at a cross road where you have to decide if it is worth the struggle or if its time to let go...

1 comment(s) - 11:16 AM - 07/04/2007
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    lostblackbird  46, Male, Brazil - 1 comments
Jul 2007
10:34 AM EDT

E aki vou eu again! P/ todos, 7 abra�os e um copo de breja!

S� keria dizer p/ vc � fikar irritada, flw? Vc � minha amiga desde q conhecemos no take e desde ent�o sempre nos falamos, porque � assim q as coisas rodam.

Tem vz q crian�a tem q leva umas na traseira, e acho q ela tb merece!
Posso at� dar uns chutes por vc, se assim vc quiser, Raqs. Covarde q corre de briga e depois d� as costas t� � pedindo pra apanhar. Defendo amigo com unhas e dentes, sempre q precisar, sou assim. Posso � manjar das palavras, mas sou amigo at� a morte, � q nem essa falsa a�.
1 comment(s) - 09:14 AM - 03/05/2008
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    hl17  28, Female, Minnesota, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2007
3:12 PM CST

1 comment(s) - 06:58 PM - 07/26/2007
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    taylor  31, Female, Indiana, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2007
3:49 PM EDT


2 comment(s) - 12:59 PM - 07/16/2007
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    abbydoobers  28, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
11:06 AM A

i went to ithaca today. i cant believe it! i went swmming in james state park! then i went to Butter milk! it was awesome!
1 comment(s) - 03:13 PM - 07/12/2007
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    prazgod365  47, Female, Washington, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
7:16 PM EDT

I felt baby feets yesterday. July 19,2007 Was so cool I was sitting in my dads office in Olympia. I was so so excited and happy!
1 comment(s) - 12:48 AM - 09/08/2007
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    mommyscuteclutz101  27, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2007
12:21 PM EDT

when I'm in public i think in my head o'god is mom gonna imbaress me again then i think she won't then she does it embaressses me it never fails. If my mom imbaresses me around trenton my boy friend it's over between us. he'll dump me faster then a racoon can burp 3 times.
2 comment(s) - 10:29 PM - 07/16/2007
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    NotSoAverage  36, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
3:25 PM EDT

So how can i start i guess i can say that im not your everyday girl. i try to be outgoing and crazy but the past two years havae not been the best for me, or if you knew me you could say that before i was even born my life got screwed up. my dad died in a car accident about a week before his and my moms wedding, and my sister died when she was 15 in a seperate car accident with four of her friends. i guess you could say that my family is cursed with bad luck. when i was about four years old my aunt died of kidney failure, and when i was about fourteen my grandparents died.
Its only been me and my mom mainly for the last almost 17 years there was a time when i was about ten my mom got together with an old flame named ron. I absolutly hated him of course what child doesnt hate the new person with there parent. well they were together for about three years when he ask my mom to marry him in a restaurant i broke down and started bawling wondering why my mom would marry a man that i despised so much well while the fourth year went by they ended up not getting married they seperated but still remained close and i finally started to like him. well one day my mom picke dme up early from school in a rush to get to the bank she told me that her and ron had got into a fight because my mother wouldnt make him part owner in her buisness well after that we found out some pretty scary information about him. we kind of broke into his house which was technaclly ours because we sold it to him and he hadnt paid full amount yet but anyways mom broke into his computer and found dome disterbing emails from three different woman. yes he cheated on my mom while they were together but the worst thing was that he had gotten into some nasty stuff like slave and owner stuff one of the emails stated that while one of the womans husband was gone ron went and sexually abused her making markson her breast anad making her show them to her son to show him who was in charge. yes freaky i know. but what i realized later on about my gut feeling of not liking him was because i knew something was wrong with the picture , i would love for my mom to find someone exspecially since it would take some of the burdon off of me.
I have moved around alot from two different places for some reason we just keep moving back and fourth. during my ninth garde year i moved and when i first went to the school i hated it i wanted to move back that day but i didnt and i stuck it through and it was probally the best year of my life i met an amazing friend there named keri i dont know what i would do without her, have you ever heard the saying that if you go through life with that one true friend then you are truly blessed, well that is her i can tell her anything i know that she wont judge me and she can do the same to me she went through alot that year and i was there for her. Then i moved back again and i started my 10th grade year at a different school. it was ok at first but the thing is that i have this friend kayla for some reason i reamin friends with her not knowing why. its not that she is mean or anything its just that she is kind of to into her self and doesnt think of anyone else, and she is kind of two faced to its like when she gets around her cheerleading friends she wants absoulty nothing to do with me, which hurts alot. you can try telling her this stuff but it doesnt help at all. but its like she is the only one that i have here beside leanne. well i got my licence when i was 15 so of course i was the person to drive people around mainly kayla which was fine with me because i had some one to hang out with but everyone bet that as soon as kayla got her licence that she wouldnt even care about me anymore or even try to hang out and guess what that is exactly what happened. so basically i have nothing to do this summer because my other best friend is in australia right now for a month.
now here is where my life really starts to suck the past two years have been hell for me because of my mom she has been so stressed out and you know what they say they take it out on the people closest to them. well thats me. i cant stand it sometimes i get yelled at constantly like i can never do anything right sometimes i just think it woould be easier to just go ahead and end my life now as it is and get it over with. but something always keeps me holding on we have two houses that i cant stand because they are always dirty and im always exspected to clean them up. we have about a million junk rooms in our house of stuff that we dont even use or need and i want to get rid of it but at the same time i want to be a teenager with my friends thats probally part of the reason know one ever asks me to do stuff because im never aloud to. because i have to stay and help clean which most of the time we dont even do anything because mom is to busy sleeping on the couch. but there will be more about that in my next journal
now lets see my romantic life .... sucks i think that i am truly ment to be alone because nothing ever works out for me guys are never interested and never make attempts to talk to me. and when i do find a guy he is either a drugy who is obsessed with an ex, a jon tucker that is obsessed with girls period or his best friend which happens to be a girl, or a complete romantic who seems so good and spectacular then breaks a date and you never hear from him again. ya thats basically it my friend tried to hook me up with at least five guys this summer so far and none of them worked out so i officially give up there are plenty of woman that stay single and live happy lifes but i just want that feeling that someone wants me and loves me and wants to be with me and do stuff with but so far that hasnt happend i wish i could be like kayla she seems to have all the guys fall at her feet and i dont get it like why her i dont know . she just recently got a guy which just happend to be the same guys that i likes since about 5th grade well i guess i have to say that, that is all for today but i will be back tomorrow with more of my boring storys to tell it just feels good to get this stuff off my chest and say it instead of holding it all in... well in til next time.....NotSoAverage
1 comment(s) - 12:13 PM - 07/17/2007
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    jonni  39, Male, United Kingdom - 2 comments
Jul 2007
9:05 AM GMT

Jockstraps...Whilst studying in Germany, I have noticed that European guys don't ever wear jockstraps when they play sport. Why is it only we English / Americans only seem to wear jockstraps? They are far more healthy than other undergear for sport.
2 comment(s) - 10:33 PM - 06/29/2008
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    dunamis  55, Male, Australia - 10 comments
Jun 2010
5:14 PM WST

men v women. unrealistic expectations

Seems, my wife thinks that being a man, means being a dog - literally.

Had these very exposing discussions last night with wife.

I postulated that there are characteristics in which men and women differ. I'm not talking physiology or biology, I'm talking more emotionally and socialogically. All humans possess traits and characteristics to varying degrees, irrespective of gender. But I said that there are some characteristics that women display, on average, more often than men. And there are some human qualities and characteristics that men display, on average, more often than women. This is neither good nor bad, it just is. It's an observation that has been made after correcting for age, culture, economic situation etc.

It's important to note that the characteristics I'm talking about are neutral. They're amoral. They don't carry a "good" or "bad" classification.

To qualify, I can find examples men who are more sensitive that some women. I can find fine examples of men, who will display strongly, those characteristics which women display on average more often than men. I can find women who are more aggressive than some men. There are always examples you can point to, but we're talking bell curve's here and yes, the bell curve's overlap.

She went on and on that it was no excuse. But she must have misheard me. There wasn't an attempt to make excuses, I was just stating a well accepted and statistically proven fact.

After much discussion (more like torture) she agreed that there are differences between men and women. But, here's the kicker, it turns out she thinks that any differences between men and women can be overcome by proper nuture of boys and better education.

Her argument is that characteristics that women display on average more often than men can be attained just as often by men if they were brought up properly and educated. She used road rage and slavery as examples.

When I asked her how she characterised men, she basically described a dog. She basically said all men think about is sex and procreation. She muttered something about grabbing tits, leaving mess about the place, being dirty. There was mention of abuse in the murky mix too.

So it was revealing. What I think she's saying, is that men are basically inferior humans to women and that if you can educate and nurture them better, they will display those characteristics that women currently display on average, more often.

It saddens me that she thinks of men in such a dim view, because I am one.

The conversation started because I think that marriages are suffering under the weight of false expectations. Mass media over the last thirty years has portrayed both men and women in a light which elevates expectations. Women expect men to be basically bigger versions of .... women! Men now wear women's clothes, makeup, and manscaping is a burgeoning industry. We have bromances, we're urged to get in touch with our feminine side, be sensitive, caring, in touch with our feelings, and have long conversations. We're urged to shun "typical male behavior" which is now frowned upon as being neanderthal and somewhat less human. In other words, we need to connect left brain and right brain and become more emotional beings. If only building synapses was so easy!

Men seem to expect to marry the hottest babe (who of course never slept around) but is highly charged sexually and who will stay slim and gorgeous for the rest of their married lives. We only have to look at leading ladies of the big screen. They all seem to stay hot no matter how old, or how many babies they have (and if they do let themselves go, they're never offered any more roles). Take Demi Moore, or Madonna as an example. For goodness sake, even Grandma Cher is in some creepy way still hot. But the reality is that once young women have married it is hard to keep up with the hair, the fake tan, the nails, and keep off the weight. Post childbirth, it's a hard road. It seems only a tiny minority can stay slim after one or three kids. That's just reality.

But back to the expectations.... An extremely funny video by Perfect Italiano, has a fencing expert practicing his listening face when his woman is not around. He can fence and listen. He can paint and listen. He can cook and listen to all her problems, and urgers her to "go on and on and on". It's a total crackup, but it's only funny, because it's ripping off reality.

I think if we could just understand the other gender, and realise that no matter how hard you try, you probably won't shift the bell curves and to have realistic expectations of one another. On a personal level, if you want to have a more harmonious marriage, you have to get to know the other person. You've got to leave your expecations on the threshold. It's fine to have expectations when your dating... that helps you choose your mate. But after you marry, the best you can expect is for them to be... them.

And you can't change that. You have to seek to understand, but after understanding, then accept and then choose to want that. I'm not advocating tolerance here. That's one degree above contempt. I'm advocating that you understand what you have, and choose to want what you have.

Being blinded by expecations serves no-one. Disappointment is a heartbreaker and it's hard to turn around from disappointment-ville. Disappointment comes from unmet expectations. Wouldn't it be better to expect men to be men, and women to be women? wouldn't it be easier to just understand the person you are with, than to make an idol of your expectations and in the glasshouse of idealism in which it's only a matter of time before the rock of reality smashes it all around you?

Idealism is for youth. Realism with optimism and wisdom is for the mature.

Realistically, men are never going to become women in bigger bodies no matter how much education and nurture, their nature predisposes them to display certain characteristics on average more often that women and other's less often. It will always be that way. Expecting anything different is like the first sign of madness... doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you keep making males, you'll keep getting the same results - on average.

Men aren't unrefined boorish, second rate humans any more than women are. It's just that characteristics men display on average more often aren't desirable in our society, and characteristics women display on average more often are held up as being the pinnacle of humanity.

Why else would researchers be developing a nasal spray of oxytocin (the female hormone) that men can use to achieve greater empathy?prayt Why not just implement castration once family planning is over? Forget about vasectomies, just cut the testes out and the whole world would be a happier, more harmonious caring place to live.
1 comment(s) - 09:21 PM - 06/01/2010
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