Satinldy's(Hilda) Journal

Mar 2011
5:35 PM CDT

" Loving Hands"

Your loving hands that brings so much pleasure,
�that were so soft and tender, to have known more
hours than those that died in one night of kindling
�wine and faded flowers.
Your loving hands that I have kissed finger by finger,
� I left a brcelet on each,made by my lips.
� loving hands,mine all one night with such delight.
�i will always recall those loving hands,that was mine one
� night,But no longer is mine ,but life go on and we forget.

�������������������������������������������� Wrote by: Hilda(AKA satinlady)
1 comment(s) - 11:38 AM - 08/12/2011

Jan 2011
1:23 AM CDT

"Life is not a Fairy Tale"

������������������ When life becomes a struggle,you have to be able to
������������������ reflect on things that will make it better.������������������������
������������������ Life� has alot of disappointments,anger,hatery, and���
����������������� most of all unhappy moments� that overcomes ones��
������������������ soul and rips and tears at the persons thoughts,heart
������������������ and mind,but most of all it will over power the� human
������������������ to the point that they don't know what to do.But we all��
������������������ have to be strong in our selves to be able to push on��
������������������ and� except lifes curves and balls that it throws us.�� No
������������������ matter if it is pain or just something that we are trying to
������������������ fight to over come some old habit from the past. Life� was
������������������ never meant to be a fairy tale....................................................

����������������������������������������������������������������������� written by: satinlady

1 comment(s) - 06:03 AM - 01/06/2011

Jan 2011
2:04 PM CDT

When Jesus comes ,what will� we be doing?
�Will we� be in a� dingy bar ,or in some bed� lusting our lives away.
�When Jesus come,Wil we be ready� to go to live in that eternal home or HELL for ever.
When Jesus come will we be� out somplace doing drugs and get high,and never know when he comes.
When Jesus come I want to be ready and join his army ,so we� all need to get our lives right� while we can.
Where will you be when Jesus comes?

� � � � �� Written by� Satinlady �������������������������������������������������������
1 comment(s) - 06:41 PM - 01/03/2011

Dec 2009
8:03 AM CST

As the seconds pass by,
We look back over the years
Of what our lives have held with love.
As the minutes passes forward,
We see what fell through the cracks as we grow.
Parts of our lives we withheld for fear it may hurt someone else.
As the hours pass marches onward,
We think of what we learned as we grew older.
What we have taught. our children ,
What we have forgot. that has bad moments.
As the days pass we are reminded of the joy they have gave to us.
We wish a lot could be returned. so they would always be there with us.
You hope they forget-me not,but you have to let them go.
As years pass the memories lasts.
You stand alone and know that you have done a good job.
They have all grown up and are ready to do for thier own.
Married and gone to live a life with the one they love,
Or on their own.
As your life passes onward
You stand proud cause you di so good with them.
Looking how well they raise their own children now.
You did well in teaching them right things in life.
Live on forever my angels and know I love you.

���������������������� Wrote By :Hilda(satinlady)

1 comment(s) - 09:51 AM - 12/14/2009

Dec 2009
7:45 AM CST

" My Girls "

My girls are very bright and smart,

They all have� warm and caring hearts.

They� have� learn and they have grow with each� day,

In.� thier own beautiful� way.

All of my girls are filled with� love in their hearts.

I love them all very much.

When I having a bad day� or sad ,

My girls knows how to brighten my day.

I love them all more than I can imagine� or say.

Every day brings something new,

After all� I love them with all of my heart.

I� am thankful that God gave me four beautiful


Dec 2009
5:50 PM CST


����� Friendship is a wonderful thing to share,

������ You will alaways have someone you can turn to

������� In times of heart aches.

������� Friends are always willing to listen to your� woes,

������� They will cry wiith ,laugh with you and share joy

�������� with you.

�������� We carry them in our hearts in a special way.

�������� so always be my friend till the end.

������������������� Wrote by: satinlady(AKA Hilda)

Nov 2009
8:33 PM CST


��������� Misunderstanding can cause words to be said

�������� that will cut like a knife,

������� Things that should have never been spoken.

������� We have to learn that sometimes we have to

������� look at the situation ,then take a deep breath

���� so we can push on in life.

���� Now is the time that we should� I am sorry and

���� face the wrong that we have spoken,to over come

��� this obsticle that we have caused,so our lives can

�� prosper from this mistake and our lives can be happy

�� once again , then and only then� can we� get� our path back

� on track,and be happy in our life� once again.

����������������������������������������������� By:Hilda Butts


Nov 2009
11:23 AM CST

I'd love to gaze into your eyes,
Just to let you know what I feel inside.
Putting my hands on your sides,
This I cannot compromise.

I question my thoughts bout my feelings for you
Is it real or not ,I can't� figure it out.
I can't keep my feelings or emotions bottled up much longer,

I want to touch your lips ,
Just you & me babe under the moon light.
But who knows what the future holds.

My heart says YES,
But my mind says NO,
And this is why
I am so confused.

But...I'll always love you.

Jul 2009
5:17 AM CST

4Th Of July

�Happy 4Th of July...... May everyone have a great day and find some peace in it as well.Just wanted to wish�everyone a good day�and �a safe one .

Jul 2009
5:11 AM CST

School Crushes

When I see you,my heart flutters

�with things set in motion,������������

�you touch my heart like noone else.

I don't know where we will go from here

�or where we will roam to,����������������������

�but my head is spinning with rushing thoughts.

�I don't even know if you feel� what I do,����������

�but I can't� hide these feelings.��������������������������

�I'll take whatever lies ahead,with no idea�������

of what will take place.���������������������������������������

�But I'm sure it will be perfect,whatever it takes us.

��������������� By: satinlady�������������������������������������������������������

Jul 2009
4:59 AM CST

"Red,White and Blue"

���������������������������� Red as the blood our soldiers has shed, and red as fire.

����������������������������� Blue as the oceans waters and blue as the sky.�������������

���������������������������� White as a dove� that flys by,and white as the snow on a cape.

��������������������������� Our flag will forever fly.��� The colors are so beautiful to our eyes.

�������������������������� Each state has their own star� and moon that shines,but not as bright as those who has fought for our country.��������������������������������������������������������

�������������������������� So let raise our flags� high and be proud of it and our country.

�������������������� By:Hilda

Jun 2009
2:57 AM CST

Understanding Our Thoughts

If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would�look at�them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we wouldbe �silent to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive.�������� �hilda

Jun 2009
5:33 PM CST

The Lord is my shepherd;
He ever walks near,
To guide and protect me
Each day of the year.
Beside the still waters,
Through meadows so fair,
On life's troubled pathways,
I'm safe in his care.
His rod and staff,         
Reassures me now ,
That no hills are to steep
For he's walking there too.
Ever preparing a table,     
With gifts from above,
And binding my wounds up,
With his tender love.

Through all of my days,
No more harm will I fear;
It comforts me knowing,
My shepherd is near.
 By: satinlady

Jun 2009
1:46 PM CST

No Title

  I use to think I knew everthing,but now I must confess,
  The more I knew,the less I didn't know.          
  We've all had troubles,and we have to work them out.
  But I look around and I see trouble everywhere.
  When I'm trouble,I just look up to God,and grin because 
  he has always brought me through somehow.
  I always thank him,and count my many blessing every day.
1 comment(s) - 02:28 PM - 06/18/2009

Jun 2009
1:06 PM CST

Grandpa and Me

Amid our sprawling meadow stands a loafty blueberry tree.

Despite the years it has been a tree that grandpa loved.Like banners in a breeze,the guildon of� his homestead.

We called this blueberry tree "grandpa's tree"

Once under neath it's branches,when soft sunlight bathed your skin,me and grandpa would spend time under this tree just talking about stuff in our lives.

That tree will stand on and hold memories of our moments spent under that tree,grandpa has passed on now,but I will love that tree right on along with the memories of me and grandpa.

By satinlady

Jun 2009
12:57 PM CST

Come with me,along the sea and feel the breeze from the surf.Here I can lose myself with the waves.

The birds will spread their wings in rythem with the flow of the air.Come walk with me by the sea.

Maybe someday every one can see the beauty that I see.The gentle breeze sweeps by me,and I smell the aroma of the salt water.

Come walk with me along the sea,then my life will be over.

wrote by hilda

This one was wrote�about �a lady I cared for in the nursing home. She love the sea and wanted to be put there when her time came.

Jun 2009
4:58 AM CST

Moon Woods

I Lay on a soft bed of sweet clover,with my head on a pillow of moss.��������������������������������������������������������������

It was cool and sweet in my leafy retreat, with a soft breeze blowing across.

I dropped all of my cares in the brook at my side,the ones that return with each day.

And I watched with a smile for just a short while, then the last one was gone and the brook hurried along,with its busy serene;

I lifted my eyes with a prayer to the skies, bits of blue through the flickering green.

The soft humming sound of the trees all around me,

met the green and gold fragrance of noon,

For a while it was mine,and sweet peace devine,

I sweared it was heaven in June.

������� By Satinlady





Jun 2009
2:02 PM CST

Country Lanes

Theres nothing like the a country lane,waxed to a shine with Autmn rain,or buried deep beneath the glow of moonlight mixed with winter snow.Stream flowing with peace and a sunset casting against the sky with a the golden colors of the summertime� sun.

Jun 2009
12:13 PM CST

No Title

The rain falls mainly from heaven ,on the green grass here on earth.....There is joy in the family of the rain,sometimes pain can cause tears to fall like,just likethe falling of the rain,the ways of�this world will always be�changing,no matter what.But if we are sad,we can walk in�love like a dove,and the rainwill continue to fall from heaven.�

by hilda

Jun 2009
3:35 PM CST

Summer Fun

Apple blossom and cherry trees,

���� Butterflies and honeybees,

�Days filled with play and fun.

������ Dogs barking and cows lowing.

�Grandma baking and gardens growing,

������ Horseback riding and new mown hay,

Carefree days of fun and play.

������ These are the days I like to remember,

�From early June until September.

������� Barefoot,blue jeans,and peasent blouses,

� Summer days at Grandma's house.

�By: Hilda


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satinlady's Profile

  • Username: satinlady
  • Gender / Age: Female, 65
  • Location: USA - Florida
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    SATINLADY's Interests:

    About Me: I like to think of myself as a very polite and fun person to be around.I like being home mostly ,but I like getting out some too.I enjoy life as it comes day by day.

    Interests: Going to the tanning bed,swimming,grilling out,and doing stuff on my computer like playing games,chatting with friends near and far.

    Favorite Music: country,soft rock,and some rap but country is the one i listen to most and soft rock.

    Favorite Movies: I am not into too many movies .When i do watch them it is usually horror, drama, sci fi

    Favorite Television: Smallville, Nip/Tuck, Knight Rider,CSI Miami,Meet The Puckers,

    Favorite Books: Stephen King all of his books as well as movies,Vanpire books .

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