hailey8908's Journal

Dec 2007
9:12 AM EDT


ugggggg another day with snow out side tell me will this stuff every go away!? It's far much a better day when it rains than anything else.
1 comment(s) - 08:29 PM - 12/19/2007

Dec 2007
7:06 AM EDT


ummmmmm well there's no reason to blab on about my day! Things are what they are and i can't change them! Im not expected to change them1

Dec 2007
6:52 AM EDT

umm it's way to late

night has fallen on me and i have come to knw the truth

that i once you loved me and cared for me to

but now you scream and yell and im so happy its over

i knw that you ment well

but you made my life a living hell

i have no regret is all ill say

and ill simply just walk away

who will simply love me

who will hold me tight

no one i say and i walk back into the night

1 comment(s) - 10:16 AM - 12/21/2007

hailey8908's Profile

  • Username: hailey8908
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Indiana
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    HAILEY8908's Interests:

    About Me:  Im 18 and a senior in high school! Im me no matter what, i love to have fun and i love to write and sometime it can be a little morbid but it depends on my mood for the day! Normaly not a neat person but i have been trying to change that! I hate bugs. I knw when ides will never work and i knw not everyone will like me and i can deal with that! I love to make new friends and junk. Ummmm if you want to now more just ask!

    Interests: BOYS! Music, writing, hanging out with friends, going to the lake, playing music.

    Favorite Music: 

    Favorite Movies: Way to many...

    Favorite Television: To much of it!

    Favorite Books: LOTS!!!

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