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Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    neffie  31, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 3 comments
May 2007
10:26 AM EDT

Hey my homies, send me some comments so i can get back 2 u.
3 comment(s) - 09:54 AM - 05/09/2007
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    bluehoneybaby14  34, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
12:14 PM EDT

I world think and be brave than showing people my failure and really deal with it!
1 comment(s) - 09:58 PM - 05/11/2007
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    sassy16  33, Female, Texas, USA - 3 comments
May 2007
4:56 AM EDT

hey ok my weekend was super crazy we had founders day so i got to see a lot of people. i hung out there all day then i went and wated spiderman 3 that was agood movie i like a guy a lo older then me but he like me to but it still sucks alot im 15 ill be 16 in a month and he is 18 or 19 ineed help he is a lot of fun i talk to him last noght for like 4 hours he is great but i dont want to get hurt or hurt some one else like zane my standers are so high i dont have balls to tell him im not interested well get back to me i need all the help i can get................
1 comment(s) - 11:30 AM - 05/15/2007
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    britny  32, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
10:16 AM EDT

Hey everyone. what's up?
1 comment(s) - 01:24 PM - 05/08/2007
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    Courtney1316  34, Female, Montana, USA - 9 comments
May 2007
9:29 AM EDT

Dear Journal,
Well today is goin slow, I am really really tired because I was up till 4 am waiting for my dad to get here. He drove here all the way from Portland, OR. I am excited to see him, but then again in way I am mad. Mad because I dont want to have to hear about alyssa all damn week long from him as well as my mother like she has been doing the past year. I cant handle listening about her for another second. So, I was on myspace yesturday and I talked to a friend that I really do like. I havent talked to him for a really long time. He is coming to denton today for is cousins graduation. I really do like him, but one problem. He is older then me. I am not talking about like 3 years, more then that. But I just cant help it...I really really really like him. He makes me happy and he tells me that I am him happy. I dont know what to do...I dont know if I should see him or what. Anyways, Thats all for today...thanks for, Court
1 comment(s) - 06:56 PM - 05/19/2007
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    Selina4me  29, Female, Illinois, USA - 26 comments
Dec 2007
2:39 PM EDT

Dear Readers,

Today I stayed home from school with my dad and my brother's girlfriend. She is really nice and I like her because she listens to me. Not with her ears but with her heart. Today I spilled my guts out to her and it all started....uh....I foregot how it started but it had to do with boys I liked or like Manny or something. I told her everything from all the kids in my classroom to writing a book.

I like to write. I told you that already didn't I? When I write I am in my momment of zen or something. Since I like to write then that means I'd like a Pen-Pal to write E-mails to. Would you be my pen-pal? I would really like that.

What can I do to attract Manny? Help Me! Give Me Tips! I Need Your Help! I am begging you! PLEASE!!!

Answer My Question and Send Me Comments!


Tags: boys, penpals
6 comment(s) - 09:42 PM - 02/28/2008
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    manindras  49, Male, India - 3 comments
Sep 2007
9:20 AM I

I Love Birds

3 comment(s) - 12:26 AM - 05/22/2008
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    MzLonely2007  53, Female, Missouri, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
7:46 PM CDT

My first post and it's not very pretty. Life doesn't agree with me. I am 35, too old for this shit. I am very depressed. I had a fight with my husband. We've been married for almost 12 years. It hasn't been happy for a long time, but I've had trouble leaving. Tonight has been horrible. We fought. And I cried. He calls me a whore. Although I've never cheated on him. He broke things. And then so did I. I hate him most of the time. I've been going to a therapist because of him. I don't think anyone has the power to help me, cause I can't help myself. I'm just letting myself go. Yes, I have thought of suicide. I am a recovering self-cutter. I have thought of hurting myself tonight and it has been a struggle to keep from doing it. I won't, I hope.
1 comment(s) - 07:30 PM - 05/17/2007
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    **AEcutie93**  31, Female, Texas, USA - 5 comments
Jul 2007
10:38 AM EDT

Wats up? i havent talked to anyone in a while!!! so hows life everyone? okay my life has been so so boring!!!!! im going to schlitterbhan for a weekend next week!!!!im so happy lol !!!!! kays guess i will talk to yas later!!! -<3KaTiE<3-

Tags: HI
2 comment(s) - 08:55 PM - 07/15/2007
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    prissy  47, Female, Hawaii, USA - 2 comments
Jul 2008
2:25 PM HAST

The men that influenced me.....

So, six years ago, on this day, I married a guy that I fell in love with. We moved to Hawaii and decided to build a life together (at least I thought that's what we wanted).

Thinking about it right now, it's so odd the way I buried almost each and every memory of that horrible relationship. For a naive 24-yr-old that's far away from home life in Honolulu can be very scary. But I coped.

Four years into the marriage I accounted for all the warning signs, including the load of John's debt, and my health. Then I decided to rescue me and move on.

Move on I did. While divorce paperwork was on the back burner. During this time I met many a wonderful young military lad. There was this one particular one that I couldn't get rid of. He was always around, always dishing advise, always there... when I needed a friend.

I'd like to think he took a liking to me from day 1 that we met (which was February 07). Six months or so later, he began sharing with me of his intentions to buy a place and that he wanted me to move in with him. I think he didn't know what he was signing up for. I didn't either.

The divorce was finalized in Jan of 08. And I said yes to moving in with him. We've been dating for about 8 months now. We did survive a strong wind of issues, including my divorce and herpes, and we continue to survive smaller issues.

I believe my secrecy stemming from a humongous lack of confidence (a result of divorce-trauma) has caused my boyfriend (it took me a while to get used to referring to him as my boyfriend) to be wary of me.

And as much as he loves me, and I do love him back and more, I'm not sure about us. We're the oddest and at the same time the happiest couple I know. I'd be devastated if we broke up. I know he'd feel the same way. But chances are we'd just pick up and move on, and stay in touch with each other. Yep! We're never not every going to be best friends. And I pray, I do so very earnestly and sincerely pray that I can make all this man's wishes and dreams come true. Because he has been so good to me, eventhough I've not been completely honest with him.

This year our parents will get involved with this relationship. And soon, others that we individually know and care about. He's supposedly set to leave the islands in June of 2010 (2 years from now). So that's about how much time we have to make a decision. So let's see...

1 comment(s) - 08:54 AM - 08/04/2008
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    AshQuality  39, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 comments
May 2007
7:11 PM EDT

so today i find myself scared to know how it will end up. i am just getting started with my journal and the reason why i started this was for the plain but true fact that i can't talk to anyone...this is something i need to figure out for myself with other peoples opinions on the way. the road seems long but hopefully worth the drive. do you ever ask yourself "who am i"? i honestly can say at this point in my life i dont know who i am or what i stand for. i feel as if im not making an impact on my life and more importantly, the people i love and care about the most. most the time i find myself hiding away in fear or getting hurt or finding something out about myself that i would rather not.
2 comment(s) - 01:44 PM - 05/14/2007
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    Dethmion  30, Female, Hong Kong SAR - 1 comments
Jan 2008
11:25 PM EDT


im writting on another journal now...theres no more use of you....

I'll see you later

never writing on you again

Tags: whatever
1 comment(s) - 08:36 AM - 07/27/2009
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    CarlyJade  38, Female, Oklahoma, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
10:01 AM CST

Well I leave for Mexico in four days! Its kinda hitting me how soon i am leaving, but hopefully this experiance will come with great lessons. I hope this online journal is working, let me know if its confusing so i can set up another one before i leave. email:
1 comment(s) - 05:25 PM - 04/30/2009
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    vjaychowdhary  43, Male, India - 44 comments
Nov 2007
5:02 AM I

India Pakistan Cricket

We all were expecting a competative Indo-Pak series but it turned out to be one sided with Team India leading 3-1 and winning the series....Expect the 2nd ODI at Mohali where Pakistan played brilliantly and chased a huge score of 322,in other Matches Pakistan simply surrendered. Poor fielding, Batting not clicking in totality and weak bowling has made Pakistan to suffer.Failure of important players like Afridi, Malik, Akmal with the bat and Shoiab, Gul, Afridi, Rao with the ball has been a major dis-appointment.
Tags: Cricket, India
1 comment(s) - 11:13 AM - 11/23/2007
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    Bluegig1  54, Female, Missouri, USA - 2 comments
May 2007
10:52 AM CST

Monday, May 14, 2007

So, what's a person to do? I am so suicidal I could scream! I can't have friends and I don't know how to talk with my husband anymore! So, here I am God! He can't take you away from me. I need someone to talk with. I am on the verge of tears and can not figure out why. I want to end things and can't figure out how to make them better. Today Ryvanna says to me that I am the only one who can make things change. But I don't know how to make things better! I am so confused and unhappy at myself and things I have done over the years.

I seriously can not remove things from my life. I want to just forget. I don't know how to go about opening up and letting things out. I am stuck. I am forever scarred and you are my hope that keeps me going. Lord, you and I have been friends for a long time. I've left you standing many times alone and I am sorry. It's so hard for me to not connect with you because you are not exactly someone I can touch or see. Please don't think I'm being ignorant. I am trying to get myself figured out!

Sometimes I wonder where I am going to be in the next hour. I am struggling with the thought of just ending it all! Where should I start Lord? Temptation has got a huge hold on me, you know this. I don't know how to stop it! I've got so many things I want to do and most of them are pretty good thoughts. The other part of me is not satisfied with anything I am. The other part of me doesn't know where to begin.

2 comment(s) - 07:18 PM - 05/15/2007
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    zombie  35, Female, Australia - 1 comments
May 2007
5:35 PM EST

This is pleasant;

I wonder if this will even work... It's allowing me to send blog entries through my journal =o oh the crazyness.

I swear, I want to sign myself up for some weird pornography just to entertain myself when I get bored. Like, Madison was saying yesterday how Cody read her emails but the majority were just like "GET A BIGGER PENIS xD" and yesh... that would entertain me for about the next three years.. (or till I mature a little).

I found out I'm very immature. Give me some maturity now please! I reaaaaaaaaally hope I do well in bio today ._. I need at least an OP 8 of some kind. Come on lucky number 8. 8 really is my lucky number I think. I'm not sure why, but I'm going with 8 as being my lucky number.

Yeah, well this is getting boring. I don't really have all that much to say this morning.

I had the weirdest dream last night... It was like, a dream within a dream. I had a dream that I was helping Alex and Joel swim their canoe out into the water (God forbid they couldn't like you know, do the normal thing and paddle out... in fact no one did o.o) and yeah, well I helped them and then there was like this giant shark swimming underneath me, ._. it was scary. then Joel like swan down (except the guy that swam down was a lot more attractive than Joel normally is, talk about eww @ Joel) lol well anyway... he grabbed my arm and saved me from the shark then kissed me underwater. Oh wow. I just had a realisation. Hmm... Anyway, well I'll continue.
So, I had this weird dream, except when you're in a dream everything seems real so I didn't realise that I was dreaming/dreaming, but I told Steven dunndunndunn and he was like lol, yeah, Joel told me he saved you from the shark. Then I got all weird and was like ._. but yeah, I kissed him under the water. And he's like, well you know it was just a dream.

I wish our regrets could turn into dreams =[ hmm.

Ahh, well at any rate, I really need to get over Steven, I guess this is what dad meant by if you fall in love too quickly it just fizzles out and dies where as if you develop it, it's a lot harder to get rid of, if not never getting rid of it ever. =/ Maybe I'll be able to handle never getting over him. Who really knows. It makes my stomach churn not being with him ='( -cries lots and lots- I find it easier to move on with the current situation by getting all emo, hurting myself a bit then crying myself to sleep that night if he's hurt me.

Heh, this one is longer than the other one I wrote. But meh.

Anywho, I'm off to get un-naked. That's the last time I go writing blog entries in the nude. =P

Mood: Meh, could be better.
Music: If you caaan't do the math! Then get out of the equation. I want this song on my music player thing.
{Hilary Duff - Math}

No quotes for me today, I don't think. Ciao for now.

1 comment(s) - 12:41 PM - 05/23/2007
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    Phoebe4  48, Female, Minnesota, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2007
5:11 PM CST

Ok, Ok - why am I so nervous to write this entry? Why am I worried that my thoughts will be revealed. Perhaps because I for many years it was so difficult to be true to myself on paper, that using this new media is bringing back the same anxieties as before.

So now where to start? I had a really good conversations with one of my oldest and closest friends tonight.While his words sometimescome out completely differently that what his mind is saying, once you can figure his point out, he actually has some profound things to say. I think one of the things that I like the most about our relationship is that we know each other so well, and so deeply that we can really get to the core of things. What I mean is that there is very little left to reveal to each other and we know enough to make it dangerous. He will completely call me on my BS- an vice versa. He is helping me to make some difficult decisions in my life right now- whether he knows he is playing that important of a role or not.

What's truth is that my living condition is less than desireable, and it is time to be on my own. I had specific goals to accomplish by moving in with family for the last few years: financial freedom, surgery, travel, and school. I have accomplished all of them (wow- in 4 years??it sounds weird to say it out loud- or actually to write it out loud), But being 30 years old in my position means time to move on. I need a new job. Period. I am looking to relocate to the south. I have been sending my resume out like a mad woman, but it has only been for the last 2 weeks and I am so impatient- I want something to happen NOW. My friend (mentioned above) tells me that my number one fault- or area to work on is my patience. I can't disagree. When I want something- I am so driven to get it that I make it happen. The problem lies within having goals that depend on other people, people I cannot control.

More later....
1 comment(s) - 02:03 AM - 06/15/2007
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    RsANGEL  36, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
1:12 PM EDT

ok some one write me back i dont know how to use this site
1 comment(s) - 07:31 PM - 05/17/2007
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    annie  32, Female, Illinois, USA - 3 comments
May 2007
4:03 PM EDT

looking for single

betwenn the ages 14-16
1 comment(s) - 04:37 PM - 12/23/2007
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    alyssa  27, Female, Oregon, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
12:53 AM U

hey it is 4th of july i get to see hannah montana well u noo who lilly is right well i play lilly i am her SISTERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 10:31 AM - 03/02/2008
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