Selina's Online Blog

Dec 2007
2:39 PM EDT

Dear Readers,

Today I stayed home from school with my dad and my brother's girlfriend. She is really nice and I like her because she listens to me. Not with her ears but with her heart. Today I spilled my guts out to her and it all started....uh....I foregot how it started but it had to do with boys I liked or like Manny or something. I told her everything from all the kids in my classroom to writing a book.

I like to write. I told you that already didn't I? When I write I am in my momment of zen or something. Since I like to write then that means I'd like a Pen-Pal to write E-mails to. Would you be my pen-pal? I would really like that.

What can I do to attract Manny? Help Me! Give Me Tips! I Need Your Help! I am begging you! PLEASE!!!

Answer My Question and Send Me Comments!


Tags: boys, penpals
6 comment(s) - 09:42 PM - 02/28/2008

Dec 2007
6:49 PM EDT


Dear Readers,

Why are boys so adorably cute? Why? Me and Manny were flirting today and it was good after a while then my "Friend", Jade, started flirting with him. Then she said that she liked him, no loved him and that he was so cute. Earlier today she got mad at me for talking and laughing at with the other guy she likes. Now she knows I love Manny and she flirts with him but c'mon if she does not want me to do it to her then don't do it to me. I know I have more of the chance of getting with him because she is butt ugly but the thing that gets to me is that of all people it had to be her to flirt with him. I HATE HER! I don't want to be her "Friend" anymore. Thanks for listening and send me comments!


Dec 2007
11:57 AM EDT

Dear Readers,

I have a weird brother. Do you have a brother?His name is Jonathan. We have the same mother but two different fathers. My mom had divorced my brother's dad but is now married to my dad. My mom might divorce my dad kind of like why she divorced the other guy. See my dad smokes and he always goes to the garage to do so and then he comes back inside the house with a big stench. Well anyway, my brother is going to be 22 in four days and I tease him because when you turn 23 you are old or just gone from being young so I say that he has to make the most of the last year of being young. My cat always hisses at my brother when he comes up the stairs or something. Not because she is scared or something but because she hates him. She hates my dad, too. Actually, she hates all boys except for my dog, Rocket. She may tease Rocket but she still loves him. She is such a little brat. Right now she just came and sat on my lap. She loves to be warm. Did I ever tell you her name? Well, her name is Sandy if you are wondering. I love her to death. She is so adorable. She is so hungry, too, just like my dog. They both love meat and they hate like potatoes or tomatoes. They are weird that way but they are family. I love them both.

- Selina4me

1 comment(s) - 04:12 PM - 12/11/2007

Dec 2007
9:32 AM EDT

Dear Readers,

I like to start off my journals as if everyday I make an entry and go on a certain topic that I have been talking about for days even weeks. I wait impatiently to see who sent me comments. I read my previous journal entrys to get an idea in my head. I think to myself, "Will this be the day I get a pen-pal?" ,or, "Can I write a book about this?"

My heart dribbles like a basketball on a freshly polish court when I think of the man I love. Mannuel Ledezma!We call him Manny or Mo Mo for short.He makes my skin quiver and my tongue swell up every time he walks by me or talks to me or even when he looks at me. Girls in my class are all over him, including me as well. There is this girl in my class, T as she prefers it, who likes him a lot and really likes to talk to him. I wish I could be like her who takes the risk of talking to guys she likes. I can't do that at all. Like I said, my tongue swells up. I dedicate this journal entry to her. My best friend!

- Selina

Nov 2007
2:02 PM EDT

Dear Readers,

Last night I had a dream about Manny. It was that my class was going on a field trip to the Museum of Science And Industry and there were no more buses to take us there so we got on a transportation van and rode off. Manny was sitting next to me. When we parked in the parking lot of the museum I turned over and kissed him on the lips and I could feel his lips coming for mine and then I just turned back around like nothing really happened. He had a confused look on his face and then he got out of the van. He called me over to him and I got out van afterwards. He then bent down on the ground and asked me to be his girlfriend and to kiss him again. I kissed him and then I woke up. After I woke up, I thought, "Why can't it be that simple in real life?" I could not stop thinking about him the whole day!

Send me Comments!

- Selina4me
2 comment(s) - 04:40 PM - 11/15/2007

Nov 2007
7:35 PM EDT

Dear Readers,

Its been a while but I've been busy with school and I am writing a book. A simple chapter book and when I am finished I am going to get it bound and kept in my library for me to read and I am also going to make copies to my friends and family.

School stinks so far, especially because a mentally retarded kid in my classroom is there (talk about B.O.). His name is John Wells and I shiver when I say the name. He is so weird and asks pointless and off-topic questions. It was just yesterday that it as duringmath and we were going over fractions and he asked the teacher if "possums were poisenous". He can be so agrivating especially when he starts to curse and one day he was so angry that he started to curse at the teacher and talking bullshit! All of the kids, including me, were laughing yet pissed off at the same time. That was the most fun we had all day. It would be funny if it happened everyday!

Since its been a long time I did not get a chance to tell you something! I don't like Johnny anymore! I like this guy named Manny. He is so cute and adorable and we flirt a lot! We are not really nice but we laugh a lot together! I think he might like me a little bit but I'm not sure. He is HOT!

I got to go! Send me comments! I missed you all! Bye!

- Selina

Jun 2007
10:50 AM EDT

Dear Readers,
I have not been on in a couple weeks but lately its been nothing but drama! On Saturday It was the PUERTO RICAN DAY PARADE and I was on a float with Outbreack (Spanish Rapper) and my sister Celia. After the parade, we all were unloading the float and my dad had just gotten to where we were. I was feeling sick in my stomach and head! I was going up to my dad crying and saying: "Dad, it hurts! Dad, it hurts!" After that I blacked out and fainted! It was about 90 something degrees there! I was de-hydrated and I had a 100% polyester dress on! I was so scared! Half the time, whenI was in my breakdown and my body shut down, I thought it was a dream and I foregot it was happening to me but when I felt the pain I said it wasn't! Everyone was rushing around me and I was gasping for air! It hurt like crazy! Good thing police officers were there! They took my blood pressure when I was standing up and feeling better! For breakfast that day, I had 1 egg and that was all I ate! I never thought I would have that expierience! Something else that was terifying happened to me and my mom last week! My dad, mom, brother, and I were taking a bike trip down at the forest preserves! Unfortunately, we had foregotten about the Cicadas and as soon as we got there, one of then got on my mom and she dropped her Gatorade and it busted! We both did not want to be there but she forced me to go forgeting about the bugs! After wards me and my mom split up from my brother and my dad un-none! Me and my mom came back to the car and waited for the guys! We eventually left without them on our bikes cause we did not have a cell phone or the car keys! Me and my mom stopped at Red Lobster and used their phone to call my brother! He hgad his phone! They both came and picked us up and we went home! The bugs were terrible!

Jun 2007
4:59 PM EDT

Dear Readers,
You will never guess what happened to me a couple days ago! Okay, well, I was sitting at my desk in school with my personal (everything) notebook open during math time! I was writing something on one page and then my teacher comes up and asks me: "Did you finish your math?" I said no but still kept my notebook out! He grabbed the notebook, looked at another page I had written on before that said: "Dear Johnny, I love you!" He read it out loud to the class! Almost EVERYONE was laughing at me! I snached the notebook back and finally a boy I hate said: "Its not funny!" I was crying and crying! That note in the notebook was a love/hate note that was never meant to be sent or read for that matter. Afterward, my teacher said he was sorry out in the hall! I was so mad! I hate him!
1 comment(s) - 02:36 PM - 06/08/2007

Jun 2007
10:58 AM EDT

Dear Readers,
Sup! Today I get my allowance for doing the dishes and watering the flowers outside. Lately I have been getting that feeling of doing something new. What I was thinking about was being a writer. Lately I have been writing things and at school we had a guest Author of children's books. Ever since then I wanted to write. DO YOU THINK I SHOULD WRITE? (LIKE LITTLE STORIES?) I think I should. I feel it is my "calling" or something. LOL! Send me comments!
1 comment(s) - 06:15 PM - 06/03/2007

Jun 2007
6:42 PM EDT

Dear Readers,
Hey. I am doing okay and normal so thats why I have not been on here in a while. I have been so tired lately so I have either gone to bed early or slept in late. I don't know what I am doing that is making me tired. I feel crazy! I have not seen my friend Caitlin in a long time and if you are reading, natzgirl, we need to talk!!!
Send me comments!

May 2007
10:47 AM EDT

Hello Readers,
Same-old Same-old today! I stay at home with my brother (and/or his girlfriend), eat, read, watch TV, Search the net, stuff I do every weekend! I want to talk to somebody so badso send me E-mails or write comments please!I am in desperate need of a friend to talk to and advice about anything! The only person that gives me good "girl" advice is my sister, Celia! Lately me and my brother (Jonathan) wanted to learn sign language so we got this book from borders about that kind of stuff! I learned way more than he ever did so basically I am teaching him! We want to have our own private conversationsso instead of a voiced language, we pick signed language! This is great for you and your friends to have your own private conversations! Go to Borders or to get a sign language book!
1 comment(s) - 01:30 PM - 05/29/2007

May 2007
2:29 PM EDT

Hi Readers,
OMG. A lot happened this week and last week. I went to the dance with Johnny yet he hardly talked to me, did not dance with me at all, and we did not get to take a picture with eachother and I cried that night! My cat is in heat and that is another term for horny! We tried mating her up with my aunts cat and my cat would not go near him! It did not work out for him. I get a 3 day weekend from school because of memorial day! I wish it was summer vacation already! I want to see Shrek the 3rd so bad!

May 2007
7:28 AM EDT

Dear Readers,
Yesterday was my dance at school! Its funny because Johnny asked me to the dance and hardly talked to me and did not dance with me at ALL! I got a littlejealous when my friend Iris was dancingwithJohnny and and she was moving her whole entire body including her butt and doing these moves with him and least to say, it discusted me and I almost ran out crying!I told this to another friend of mine and she told Iris so Iris says that she "foregot".
3 comment(s) - 06:22 PM - 05/21/2007

May 2007
4:31 PM EDT

Dear Readers,
It is me again! I would love to thank the people who gave me comments and I hope they keep coming in! Lately I have been really mad because this bratty little b***ch at school, in my class group thing, has been ticken me off the edge with her smart alec comments and her talking a LOT I cannot even think and I am going to murder her one day in her sleep if she keeps doing this to me! Because of her I have been doing bad in school even when the teacher has been catching me talking to her just to tell her to stop! I try to find the right time to ask my teacher to move away but I just cannot! She talks about sex, humping, licking the you know what and it feels good! I swear she is the most disturbed girl I have ever met! I will kill her if it is the last thing on earth I will do!!!!!!!! -Selina4me
2 comment(s) - 05:09 PM - 06/26/2007

May 2007
6:40 PM EDT

Dear Readers,
Hey! Today was the best day ever for me! Johnny asked me out to a dance at school that we are having next friday and I said yes! Some people say that he likes me but I doubt it! What do you think? I love him, I do I do! I would really want to be his girlfriend! Send me comments!

3 comment(s) - 07:17 PM - 05/15/2007

May 2007
1:20 PM EDT

Dear Journal and Readers,
Hey! I would like to make a special shout-out to Jessy5211, a Inbox Journal member! Thank you for the nice comment and please tune in on all of my journal entrys! I am in love with this guy at school! He knows that I like him but he does not know that I love him! I cry over him, I dream of him, because of him, my hormones go crazy! I can't miss a beat in my heart without loving him and I would go crazy if I were to miss a step of loving him and thinking about his precious, carved by angels face! My heart rages from bottom to top and thinking of him just makes it stronger! I just want to tell him how I really feel! I need some help so if you viewers could write anything in the comment thing then that would be wonderful!

Tune into my journal and I will tune into yours!
4 comment(s) - 01:30 PM - 05/11/2007

May 2007
4:53 PM EDT

Dear Readers,
Hi, My name is Selina4me and this is my first time ever having an online journal!
For starters, I would like to say that we all have bumps in the road with our "best" friends but in the end what is so "best" about them when they turn their back on you and suddenly not be your friend over some little thing like something you said (jokingly)that may have been insulting. It is the exact same way for me and my so called "friends". Its like a roller-coaster that will never stop or an axe that keeps tearing into your heart! I relize that I'm getting a little dramatic but it hurts! I am only being their friend because I don't want to get bullied.When I'm nottheir friend I do bad in school but when I am I do almost perfect! I know it is really stupid but this is how I deal with it! I can't change it!
Keep tunning into my online journal and good luck! -Selina4me
1 comment(s) - 01:44 PM - 05/10/2007

Selina4me's Profile

  • Username: Selina4me
  • Gender / Age: Female, 29
  • Location: USA - Illinois
    SELINA4ME's Interests:

    About Me: I am a very fun, loving, and generous girl and I am not very freaky!

    Interests: I like Painting, doing crafts, reading, learning history, and learning chemistry!

    Favorite Music: Hip-Hop, R&B, Rock! A little bit of everything!

    Favorite Movies: Titanic, Nacho Libre, The Patriot, The Notebook, Step-Up, Take the Lead, and The Color Purple!

    Favorite Television: Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, and Grey's Anatomy!

    Favorite Books: The Notebook, Fairy-Tale books, My own books!