zombie's Journal

Nov 2008
3:31 AM EST


May 2007
7:28 AM EST


I'm kind of cranky.

Sucks to be me (Y)

May 2007
5:35 PM EST

This is pleasant;

I wonder if this will even work... It's allowing me to send blog entries through my journal =o oh the crazyness.

I swear, I want to sign myself up for some weird pornography just to entertain myself when I get bored. Like, Madison was saying yesterday how Cody read her emails but the majority were just like "GET A BIGGER PENIS xD" and yesh... that would entertain me for about the next three years.. (or till I mature a little).

I found out I'm very immature. Give me some maturity now please! I reaaaaaaaaally hope I do well in bio today ._. I need at least an OP 8 of some kind. Come on lucky number 8. 8 really is my lucky number I think. I'm not sure why, but I'm going with 8 as being my lucky number.

Yeah, well this is getting boring. I don't really have all that much to say this morning.

I had the weirdest dream last night... It was like, a dream within a dream. I had a dream that I was helping Alex and Joel swim their canoe out into the water (God forbid they couldn't like you know, do the normal thing and paddle out... in fact no one did o.o) and yeah, well I helped them and then there was like this giant shark swimming underneath me, ._. it was scary. then Joel like swan down (except the guy that swam down was a lot more attractive than Joel normally is, talk about eww @ Joel) lol well anyway... he grabbed my arm and saved me from the shark then kissed me underwater. Oh wow. I just had a realisation. Hmm... Anyway, well I'll continue.
So, I had this weird dream, except when you're in a dream everything seems real so I didn't realise that I was dreaming/dreaming, but I told Steven dunndunndunn and he was like lol, yeah, Joel told me he saved you from the shark. Then I got all weird and was like ._. but yeah, I kissed him under the water. And he's like, well you know it was just a dream.

I wish our regrets could turn into dreams =[ hmm.

Ahh, well at any rate, I really need to get over Steven, I guess this is what dad meant by if you fall in love too quickly it just fizzles out and dies where as if you develop it, it's a lot harder to get rid of, if not never getting rid of it ever. =/ Maybe I'll be able to handle never getting over him. Who really knows. It makes my stomach churn not being with him ='( -cries lots and lots- I find it easier to move on with the current situation by getting all emo, hurting myself a bit then crying myself to sleep that night if he's hurt me.

Heh, this one is longer than the other one I wrote. But meh.

Anywho, I'm off to get un-naked. That's the last time I go writing blog entries in the nude. =P

Mood: Meh, could be better.
Music: If you caaan't do the math! Then get out of the equation. I want this song on my music player thing.
{Hilary Duff - Math}

No quotes for me today, I don't think. Ciao for now.

1 comment(s) - 12:41 PM - 05/23/2007

May 2007
11:02 PM EST


Who cares?

No one really needs it... honestly. It's proposterous. I hate it. =[ It makes me do things that I wouldn't normally. Do things I never thought to fathom.

I fucking cut myself yesterday for goodness sake. Who does that? I'm the stereotype lame emo. But why? I have no reason to be... I'm the one that fucked up. Not Steven. =[

Hmm... Well, amidst all this, I've finally figured out something I should have went with yonks ago. No matter what happens... no matter how hard I try against it. I will always love Steven and it hurts a lot to admit that but oh well. Anywho, art is probably more important than my pubescent whinings. He tried to make me show him at major break.

Mood: Well, Madison made me laugh, soI feel a little better =P but apart from that, rather shite-core.
Music: None. I'm talking to Madison.

Lol.. Quote Madison about my life: "It feels like I'm catching up on an episode of Passions or something"


zombie's Profile

  • Username: zombie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: Australia