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CarlyJade's Journal
Jun 2007
6:16 AM CST
So last tuesday night Jessica and I decided to go out and have a few drinks! It was around 9:30. We walked all the way down to El Tigre and saw that nobody was there. So we decided to walk beck to Tiki, when he got there they had shut down for the night. so we decided to see if Tres wanted to go out with us, so we wakl back to the dorm, and couldnt find him. Then we ran into Ricardo. He was like i want to come with you girls. So we said sure, we talked to him in the court yard, and he couldnt decide which way to waer his hat. His english isnt all that good so..When he put his cap on backwards he said "I looka likea Badbad Boy!" it was to funny. So he goes up and changes and we run into Diego. We were talking to him and we told him that he is just to cute and he to doesnt have the good of english skills and he told us " I ama hot stuff" again frickin funny! So we walk back to El Tigre with Ricardo. The waiters rip jessica and I off and a cute guy actually wanted to dance with me. So it was an alright night.
Then Last thursday i went out with Emily, Eric, Emily´s roomate and Jessica...
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Jun 2007
11:33 AM CST
Well its been awhile since i have wrote one these its time for an update! Well its kind of been boring the last week and half.
Two fridays ago i went out with Emily, Sarah, and Dina. I was really tired and i didnt feel like going out. So we went to dinner in down town Puebla. the place that we wanted to go was full so we went a little resturant down the street, next to an amazing salsa club. We sat down at a table out side but the misquitos were crazy so we moved inside. We ordered spigettie (however you spell it) but i got mine with meat suace. The rest of the girl just got tomato sause. After dinner we went walking around called a cab and went back to the dorms. It was around Midnight and i see the Laura and Jennifer are in the TV room about to watch a movie. So i eat popcorn and watch a movie with them. I went to bed right after that. I woke up around 6am with a horroble tummy ach. I was cursed with a bad case of food piosoning. After i was done throwing up my face, i called my mom. She was like "honey just go to the pharmacy and get this that and some of this" I had to explain to her that it was not the easy. First i would have to hobble ( if you remember my foot was messed up) to the front desk and some how have her call a taxi, then once the taxi got there to pick me up i would have to argue with the cab driver ( who speaks espanol) to take me to the nearest pharmacy. One i got there i would some how describe my symptoms to the spanish speaking pharmasist. I told my mom just make me feel better now and last on tonight i will go to the store. After i got off the phone with her. I feel right to sleep. From the night before till later the afternoon, i slept a total of 16 hours. Not counting the hour i was up and being sick. I had Neal go the Pharmacy with me. And i was right i had to act out throwing up in order to get the right meds. She said oh Dramamine! When she said that, it was like in slow motion music to my ears! I was so happy. We took a cab back to the dorms, i popped a few of those sleepy pills and i was out for anoth 14 hours. So last Thursday we took a day trip the the Pyramid of the Flowers and it was boring. That night i went out with Sarah and Emily. We went to an awesome cantina with a Mariachi Band! The margarits were the best ever! It was a great dinner beside the fact that i ordered something and got something totally different then i thought. I flirted with one of the Mariachi Band members. It was great! Then after dinner our friend Jamie (pronounced 'Hym A') took us to a near by salsa club, and this is wear it gets sticky. WE were haveing a great time. Emily was danceing with Jamie, Sarah and I were crowd scoping and chating. Laura, Jennifer, Ross and Neal showed up. Laura was so cute she had been drinking and she was haveing a damn good time. After being there for an hour or so, and old fat man asked me to dance. I was like oh it wouldnt hurt to dance a little. So after the first dance i sat back down and five minutes later he asked me to dance again. so i did trying to dance as bad as i could so he wouldnt ask me to dance again. I sat back down and sure enough the old scarey man asked me again!!!! I said i was tired and he walked away...FOR ABOUT TWO SECONDS! He would not take no for an answer! So i got my happy ass up and danced with him again. After that song i was like GIRLS WE HAVE GOT GO! i felt bad makeing the girls leave, but i was afriad that the man was gonna ask me to go home with him! AHHHHHH! That next day i went to the pool around 11 and i was alone for about an hour untill Sarah and Emily showed up. It was nice to be alone for that hour. But i was excited the Sarah and Emily showed up. I enjoy their company! then the other girls came and we spent about three hours at the pool gossiping and what not. We left and went back to the dorm. I changed and met Sarah, Emily, dina and Crystal in the courtyard. Our plan was to find a place to eat lunch and go to the Cholula town square. We walked to a place called Karma Begals! It was so yummy. While we were there it started raining and HAILING! it was crazy so we waited till the storm was over and said we will go to the square later this week. We walked back to the dorms. I bought a few braclets along the way! That night i decided to not go out, instead Sarah. Emily, Dina and I watched the movie Chocolate. I think i found my new favorite movie! It is my new favorite movie! After watching that we wanted chocolate so bad! So we called a cap and went to Walmart! He got some mexican hot chocolate, popcorn and M&Ms! We got back made the hot chocolate in Dina�s appartment, talked for quite a while and i went to bed. The next morning i woke up and went upstairs to see what Jessica was doing! O hung out with her for a while. I decided i was going to Cholula that day. The only person that wanted to go was Luara! So we showered and went shopping all afternoon in Cholula�s town square! I bought a poncho and bracelts and a ring! YAY. Around 5pm we decided to go back to eat somewhere around our dorms. So we hoped on a bus that we thought was the right one. NOPE...we ended up on the a different side of Cholula that was have never sence before..It was a little scarey but it was all good..it was still light outside! We got home dropped our stuff off and went and grabbed a burger. WE came back i finshed a movie that Emily and Sarah started. It was in spanish and i couldnt stop watching, it was really good! Laura came and found me and told me that she was going to have a few drinks with Ross and Neal i was welsome if i wanted! I was like heck yes! So we had one drink at Arrachera�s and then went to Bambooka�s were i can get huge margaritas for 4 bucks! I told myself i need to be in bad by midnight because i was going to Teotiauhcan in 7 am in the next morning! But nope that didnt happen. After Bambooka�s we went to Club Bling to have a beer. Then we went to El Tigr� and had another beer. I saw my classmater there. One of the seminaries was there named Mike and then Christina! i talked to them for awhile untill Luara was ready to leave! We then we went to La Corcholoata! This place was awesome,, they were playing American music! the even play YMCA in spanish! lol how crazy is that! That place has a chiar that is hanging from the ceiling and you spin in it after a few drinks. Luara got in it twice. I get dizzy really easily so i did not even tempt it!I told laura that was the best night i hd since i got there...it was so much fun,,,i think becasue we werent in a big group, and the people meshed well together! I made it to bed around 2:30 and 6 am came all to soon! lol
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Jun 2007
2:39 PM CST
That Saturday was kinda boring, the girls and I went to the market that the woman told us about! and we stayed home that night and made some sandwitches! We knew we had to get a good night sleep because we had to get up early the next morning for a day trip into La Cuidad de Mexico ( Mexico City). Tres, Ross, Neil, and Jessica planned on going out for one beer and being back by 11pm. I went to bed kind of homesick, but i think i was the fact that not talking about justin was getting to me! I dont know i thought going somewhere with people not knowing what has gone on in my life lately would be good, but i think its more difficult. I guess we will see what happens to my sanity, mabey its part of the healing process!
Sunday moring came all to soon! I had to get up at 6 am and be at the bus by 730am. I met the girls in the courtyard around 7am and found out the Niel and Jessica did what they siad they were going to do, have one beer and be back by 11:30. Tres and Ross went out and partied hard. We could not find them anyewhere. We went to the ATM and then to the bus stop. We found glassy eyed Tres there, and still Ross was nowhere to be found! we loaded the bus around 745 and on the schedual it said we were leaving at 8. right as the driving turned on the bus. We could see Ross running towards us. Jessica said she had kicked him door like crazy to try and wake him up but he didnt wake up. He siad he just opened his eyes and saw that it was 745. i guess he just hauled ass and made it on time! The trip over all sucked! The ride to Mexico City was beautiful, but the contents of the trip were fun at all! Before we loaded off the bus, the tour guiedes advised what not to do. They said it all in spanish, and Tres translated. he told me to walk every where by my self, take candy from strangers, go to bath rooms alone, and take drugs if offered. Of course he was kidding! We visted 3 musuems and had the most gross expensive lunch ever! We got to shop a total of 10 mintues! Sharkira was haveing a free concert in the zocolo ( city square). the tour guides siad the they city was expecing over a million people to be there that night. The catherdral in the zocolo was the largest Cathedral in the Western Hemisphere. I went inside briefly and bought my parents some rosaries from some little nuns!
the next week consisted of early nights, and exams on Thrusday ( may 31)....i am tired i will start this one tommorrow!
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Jun 2007
2:18 PM CST
ok picking up where i left off about thursday! Yes jessica met a very cute guy! And i think we finished the night staggering home! Tres carried me some of the way! thank god!
Friday morning was not fun! I remeber the night before when i got to my room, i fell on my bed, stripped down to me undiesand passing out! I had to go to the bath room a few times, and if only i had camera! I had one arm over my bare chest and the other arm holding on the wall so i could hop on my good foot to the bath room down the hall. Thank goodness my roomate had not arived and any of my suitemates werent up useing the restroom at the same time because they would of been in for a peep show! I woke up with my foot throbing and a really bad hangover! But i did wake up by myself, 9 am the cleaning crew came in and was telling my something an Spanish! All igot out of it was I had to leave my room for about 20 min so they could spray for bugs! I got up, got dressed and hobbled out into the court yard where i was met with all the other hung over girls! If only we had our cameras! All the mexican cleaning ladies were laughing at us, not only because we looked so darn beautiful but i was hobbling and hung over! I then went a checked my facebook, and went back to bed! I woke up around 2 pm jumped in the shower and tried to start my day! I talk to the crew and we decided we would go the movies! believe it or not it only cost 4.75$ for a movie here! isnt that crazy! So we went to Triangleo Mall, went to Applebees for dinner! ( it was kind sad because Applebees was the last place justin and i went out for dinner 2 days before he passed away) But i held up for the most part! when we walked in I walked past a table of people speaking english! we sat down and a woman came over and asked where we were from. Turns out she was from OKLAHOMA! her family was transfered to Puebla, because of her husbands work. she let us know a few tips where to eat and how to get around. She even gave us her number if we needed anything like a free meal or a ride! She introduced us to her 4th grade daughter, how was completely fulent in Spanish after only living here for one year! crazy huh! After eating out cheese burgers and jessica sharring a borwnie sunday. We went saw Pirates if the Carr. As i was sitting down there. The boys reminded me that the night before i let them in on the fact that my chest is not real. Im not going to lie! I was little embarressed! the movies was long and borring! After the movie it was hard trying to call a cab! It was porring down rain and my ankle was killing me! After sitting at the mall for an hour the cab finally came ... it was about 12:30 midnight! It was the end of another day in Puebla!
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May 2007
6:53 AM CST
The first week of class was interesting! Breakfast is at 8 am and class starts at 9:20. My first class is Grammer and it last until 11:00 and then my next class starts 11:20 and is over at 1:00pm. Monday and Wednesday i got to a two hour pottery class, which seems like fun but after and hour i am ready to leave,
LastMonday we all took a bus to Walmart where i gotsome walking shoes and a few other things. Takening the bus is a lot cheaper then taxis but it is a rough ride! I was so tired after that. that night Neal, Ross, Tres, Jessica, and I went to a lounge bar called Utopia. Its really cute, it has white leather chairs, everything is white with black lights. Its but one drink get one free! So we figured that would be our regular place.
Tuesday we went to a bar called Tiki, where our friend Kyle was haveing a going away party. He had spent the last pring semester at ULDA, and was leaving that following morning! We played a game called Buddy ears,,,its a really fun drinking game that i will surly introduce to all my friends back home! We also found out that Tiki had a great drink special, 10 leters of beer and six appitizers for 300 pesos. (30 bucks) Between the eight of us its great deal! We finished the night at Utopia, were i got a margartia! yum yum yum
Thursday was crazy! It all started off with me busting my ass at the dorms on the tile outside. It just so happens that we were leaving to go to the bars! It had been raining and i sliped and rolled my ankle. It hurt so frickin bad, so i was like i am still going out, and I am going to drink alot so I wont feel how frinkin bad it hurts! We started with beer at Tiki, then Utopia for some Sex on Beach drinks. Our bartener gave us all free shots of tequilla, Jessica didnt take hers so Luara and I split it! then a few guys i knew from class walked into Utopia, and Cody (from Mississippi) grabed my hand and started Salsa danceing with me! HELLO with me broken foot! its was OK i couldnt feel it! lol Then we deiced to go to a dance club! OH MAN we had to walk like a mile, by then the tequilla was wearing off! Tres Carried me some of the way! We got to Club Bling, and started drinking Vodka and sprite! I think we broke a total of 3 glasses, because we were so far gone! lol Jessica met a cute guy from...
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May 2007
10:28 AM CST
Well I finally got to Puebla Friday around 9 pm! Flying was interesting, landing was pretty rough when we got to Puebla. I met all the student from OSU and i was really glad that they were so down to earth! The dormatories are very nice. They are have mexican architechture painted light brown with royal blue walk ways. The walk ways are all open ans they lead it a beautiful courtyard. My room is very nice, huge wood furniture. Sadly my bed is hard as a rock, and the big blanket feels like plastic. Dont worry though i took it off and there is a flece like blanket under it. The walls are really thin so i hear alot of stuff at night, but thankfully i have been to sleepy that i sleep right through it. The birds wake me up though in the morning, but hey at least its not an anoying alarm clock! My spanish speeching roomate will becomeing in a week or so. Thats going to be interesting, because my spanish speaking abilities are rather limited. The univerisity aka UDLA, where i am at is beautiful, gardens everywhere, a few fountains, and a very pretty pond sitting in the middle of campus. I learned the UDLA is the most expensive school in Mexico, and the students come from very weathly families, which i thought was very interesting.
My first day here was no stop. We all met at 8 am for breakfast followed by orination and a tour of campus. In orination that UDLA student put on skits to telling us dos and dont on and off of campus such as: was taxis are safe and what not to do wile bar hopping and clubin! lol Also the UDLA dancers put no a performace showing us how to Salsa!!! It was frickin sweet! For lunch was were served spanish appitizers, there was a small sloppy joe tasting thing and crackes with sundried tomatoes and goat cheese, yum. The traditional refresco was rice milk, which was pretty good! After lunch am professor let us rest before we walked a mile in a half to Chilula. That was one hellish trip but it was worth it because we saw some beautiful churches along the way. Chilula is known for having the largest based pyramid. We ended up in a public square with huge trees and lot of little resturants! We walked back to UDLA after getting some smoothies! When was returned we took a bus to the mexican Walmart. It alot like the ones at home. But the bus ride was the most interesting because we got to see more of the Puebla and Chilula area. We got back to UDLA and we were all super hungery,so we walked down the street to a resturant where we all ordered quesidillas con pollo y cervesas (chicked quesidillas and beer). It was alot like something i could make myself at home :). It was funny after my second beer i have to use the restroom. So I got up and walk to the ba�os. I stood in front of two doors which said "hombres" and "damas". I was pretty sure dames was ladies but i wasnt sure. So i turned around and Crystal( a OSU student) was smileing at me and siad "Damas". I thought i was very cool that Crystal was right there to guide me to the right restroom! :) After dinner a few of us still wanted to have a few more cervasas so we went to the store and I bought my first 40 oz of Sol ( which is their main type of beer). Ross, Jessica, Trace and I went to Trace's dorm. I didnt finish my 40 oz unfortunatly. I was to tired so i went to bed around 11pm Today was really fun. We all met at the bus pick ups at 10:20 and we went on a schedauled tour of Puebla. We saw the place where the city was founded and then we went to all the markets surounding the area. I was a ton of Mexican culture booths like art, clothing, jewlery, and of course food! I met a very goodlooking UDLA conselor there, who looked very american. He spoke clear english at times but then he would try and talk to in Spanish which was hard but i picked up a few words! I found out that he is not American, he was born and raised in Mexico and is working on his third language which is Italian! ohh lala hehe... We all had lunch. Stace and Niel ordered a dish common to Mexico, it was chicken enchiladas with choclate cuase, Not even kidding. I tried it and it was not bad. I also learned the beef is not common here. I wanted beef tacos but they siad my chioces were chicken or donkey. Crazy huh? lol ok well tonights plans are getting some dinner and going to bed early. Shakria is haveing a conert on campus tonight, and seeing that the walls are thin i might be using ear plugs tonight lol! Wich me luck class starts tomorrow! Adios amigos!
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May 2007
10:01 AM CST
Well I leave for Mexico in four days! Its kinda hitting me how soon i am leaving, but hopefully this experiance will come with great lessons. I hope this online journal is working, let me know if its confusing so i can set up another one before i leave. email:
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- 05:25 PM - 04/30/2009
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Female, 39
USA - Oklahoma
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