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Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    KeshiaLovesCJ  33, Female, Kentucky, USA - 14 comments
Jul 2007
7:58 AM EDT

"Am I not destroying my enemies when make friends of them?" -Abraham Lincoln
I think that you are destroying your enemies because you are killing them with kindness... whenever someone hates me and when they give me dirty looks or something i just smile back cuz im not going to let them get to me.... I love being a BITCH!!!
i know wrote in a few days but i had to babysit and i have to babysit at my sisters almost all next week so yea.... its going to be wonderful lol... im going to go see my boyfriend today! yay! he is great! i Love him so much! well ill write later if i dont forget lol
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3 comment(s) - 07:33 PM - 12/29/2007
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    me1988  36, Female, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
7:57 PM EDT

1 comment(s) - 02:06 AM - 06/28/2007
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    Bioprana  49, Female, Chile - 1 comments
May 2008
9:39 AM PST

Hello, we to Pray, avery time we can, thing in the world are not good, so many bad thing going on, our prayer can help peoples in need in diferent part in the World
1 comment(s) - 02:40 AM - 05/23/2008
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    justinsbabydoll  31, Female, North Carolina, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
6:46 PM MEZ

well i brag alot about having a new boyfriend i always aggervate my brother about it whenever i have a boyfriend and he dont have a girlfriend but he usually has a girlfriend though lol so maybe i shouldnt brag as much luv~justins babydoll~
1 comment(s) - 01:35 PM - 05/22/2007
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    lar33  50, Female, Oklahoma, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
9:42 AM CST

For a long time I tried to pretend, to turn nonsense and tragedy into some form of devotion, a spiritual lesson maybe. But with (deaths, things happening in family), no spirituality I have learned or even recited can justify, make sense, redeem, or offer wisdom.

The size of a woman determines her true beauty; the bigger the heart the sharper the mind the purer the soul; for she carries paradise in her eyes, sun in her elequant smile, and elegantly walks with heaven in her step, bathed in exquisite beauty surrounded by an ethereal glow; forged of iron will she is proud, strong, brilliant, flawless, timeless, immortal, immaculate, transcendent, magical to breakable, goddess and wise, she is all this and more for she is plus size.

A women is often measured by the things she cannot control.
She is measured by the way her body curves or doesn't curve, by where she is flat or straight or round.
She is measured by 36-24-36 and inches & ages and numbers, by all the outside things that don't ever add up to who she is on the inside.
And so if a women is to be measured, let her be measured by the things she can control; by who she is & who she is trying to become.
Because as every women knows, measurements are only statistics & statistics lie.

1 comment(s) - 09:46 AM - 05/23/2007
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    BiTtErSwEeT<3  29, Female, New York, USA - 2 comments
Jun 2007
11:17 AM EDT

sometimes you can be so wrong about a person......especially if they'ree your best friend. The 1st year you meet your bffaeae never apart, the next year still the same, the next year not as close but close,the next year a little talkk a little bff time, and the next year you barely talk and the more you fight.
Nikki said we were going to the public pool today and i canceled my plans and to go with her and she tells me at the end of school ummm maybe later today see ya. Then i see her passing by in Jennifer's car and she's goign to the public pool with them im just so upset and i just idk if i can suffer anymore it just hurts me to see that our relationship is going to the dirt and staying there..
I gotta go and rest because i didnt really have a good sleep last night ttyl.
1 comment(s) - 08:46 PM - 06/12/2007
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    ilovegaarakun  34, Female, Virginia, USA - 3 comments
May 2007
2:46 PM EDT

hello all. for all who care, here is a list of as many things that i can think of about myself:
1. i love gaara-kun (obviously)
2. i am blonde
3. i am tall
4. i am one-eighth german
5. i love the band Rammstein
6. i hate the color blue. i avoid it whenever possible.
7.i'm a Naruto freak
8. i stay up all night long and wait for the next available Naruto manga chapter to be released.
9. i painted my room blood red.
10. i often seriously consider cannibalism
11. i have 4 birds, 10 rats, 3 fish, and one dog as pets.
12. i started off as having 1 female rat, but she became pregnant before i got her and birthed 9 babies.
13. i love each and every one of the rats.
14. i love chick flicks
15. i love yaoi and yuri
16. i am bisexual
17. i mostly lean toward being lesbian
18. i am a sadist all the way.
19. if i were a gay man, i'd always be seme ^_^.
20. i can make a origami shurikan.

that's about it. please comment. i have no friends on this site! :(
3 comment(s) - 08:45 AM - 11/23/2007
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    stacks45  36, Male, New York, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
5:36 PM EDT

My Favorite Lyrics, Duality by Bayside

Some days
I get crazed
I don't know why it's all relevant
I'll take deep breaths
And keep control, go on.

I've tried brave
And you've tried to save
I'm proud to keep it bottled up
I think I past my prime and lost my mind and I'm torn.

No telling what tomorrow holds.
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
You're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.

Some say
It's all fate
but I say we control our lives
And if my destiny should outbest me then that's fine.
I make believe thrill and apathy co-exist in me fairly equally

The truth is doubts are all I've got to call mine.

No telling what tomorrow holds.
No telling what voice takes control.
Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
And you're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.

Is there anybody out there (out there)
Is anybody calling (anybody calling)
Woaahh, if what i say is really wrong
Is there anybody out there (out there)
Is anybody calling (anybody calling)
Woooah, if what you say is really wrong.
I'm not in control, I think I'm out of control

Who let, who let this feeling die, when all I did was try?
Who let, you let this feeling die,
I can't get you out of my head, my head.
And you're the flame that burns me so I know that I'm still alive.
1 comment(s) - 07:58 PM - 05/28/2007
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    Alese  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
10:32 AM EDT

This is my very first entry. I am 18 and I love to PARTY!!! 151 is my stuff. I got lots of crazy stories.
1 comment(s) - 01:38 PM - 05/29/2007
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    charleyrojo  28, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 4 comments
Jul 2007
11:17 AM EDT

hi its me charley iwont be writing on here anymore i have a neww blog if u want to see it just go to look at it and send a comment BY
1 comment(s) - 02:22 PM - 07/07/2007
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    jen18  26, Female, South Dakota, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
7:48 PM A

1 comment(s) - 06:02 PM - 07/03/2007
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    andheartsme  34, Female, Hawaii, USA - 5 comments
Jun 2007
9:05 AM HAST

........... picture anyone?
1 comment(s) - 02:59 PM - 06/13/2007
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    nothingleft  43, Female, New York, USA - 4 comments
Mar 2008
4:32 PM EST

All alone 2

This weekend I had my friend over and thinking that I wouldn't feel like shit and still I do. This really sucks and I don't know how to get me out of this mess. My heart breaks more and more. I cut my wriste to help with some of the pain that is my heart because I admitte it I fucked up. Everything is my fault I try being nice and calem and it just back fires in my face. I want Joshua Noel Martinez from Yonkers, New York. I just want him I don't care how I get him. I can change for him anything I have to do.

I will even kill myself if he doesn't come back since I am about 7 months with his kid and he know.

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1 comment(s) - 08:38 PM - 04/06/2008
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    xcheerfreakx  31, Female, Virginia, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2007
2:29 PM EDT

Dear journal,

Today was another normal day except we had sensitive issues class and it was pretty funny. Me and my bff Esperanza arent very good friends anymore becasue she is way more dramatic then me. Scott kept on poking me and he has a really dirty mind lol. Tonight me chris, tiffany, ben, corey, and corey Allen are playing hide n go seek its pretty fun in the dark. It was really hott outside today and i relly do want to go swimming but not with a pool full of horney boyz i dont think so!!! IM trying to get my standing tuck on the trampoling without falling on my ass , knees and face lol jk no im really seriouse. Im not so sure if i like chris or i just want him because every other girl does. But theres a couple of problems. 1. he cheated on me and i dont know when he has a girlfriend. 2. He is 13 3. im not pretty and skinny enough well he doesnt say that i just think im ugly and fat meaning obeast!!!
1 comment(s) - 05:37 PM - 06/11/2007
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    Acrump76  31, Female, Indiana, USA - 2 comments
Jun 2007
4:18 PM EDT

i have to go journal but ill deffitnly be back tomorow oh yeah and peeps SOMEONE GIVE ME ADVICE
1 comment(s) - 07:12 PM - 06/21/2007
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    testing01  42, Male, India - 2 comments
Jun 2007
1:07 AM I

this is test to tst objectionable
1 comment(s) - 12:16 AM - 06/13/2007
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    bee  29, Female, Australia - 2 comments
Jun 2007
4:20 AM EST

Hi its Brianna
I live on a farm
Feel free to email me
i live in kempsey area but ifyou live further away it dosent matter
1 comment(s) - 11:50 AM - 06/10/2007
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    testing04  39, Male, India - 1 comments
Jun 2007
7:42 PM I

this is test entery
1 comment(s) - 12:15 AM - 06/13/2007
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    auxilary25  40, Female, California, USA - 30 comments
Sep 2010
7:44 AM EDT

Losing m sanity??

I've reached the point where I no longer know what's right, wrong, real, or an illusion.

I've lost total peace in my life and I've put the blame on my ex a million times instead of looking at myself to see how I contributed to the problem.

I need my space, I need my time to breathe, to reflect, to collect and I can't find that. I feel like a complete addict right now. I give him up because I know that being around him isn't good for me. It's not him, it's me. I react in ways that I shouldnt, I allow things to upset me. I get upset over his comments or lack of involvement. It's my lack of self control that's actually hurting me not him.

Yesterday when we were at the mall so he could share time with our daughter I tried to barely speak. I was there but not there because I don't want that contact, I don't want the communication. I need to heal these scars before I can allow myself to speak. He doesn't get it, he says something is terribly wrong that why wont I talk to him. He's sad, his eyes get watery and he wants to know why I won't hang out with him longer. I leave...I'm free...but then I do the unthinkable!! Like an idiot I call back because I feel guilty, I know he's home alone this weekend and he was looking forward to hanging out longer.

We go to dinner...and it gets worse. I find out that his mother is going to the trial this Wednesday and that just sets off every possible restraint I had. I laugh and say "wow you criticized me for involving my family yet here you go taking ur mom to our private matter." His response is this is revenge for involving everyone, I haven't changed one bit. He stops feeding our daughter which pisses me off because she has absolutely NOTHING to do with the argument. She has no fault in this, we can't get along then fine, but she shouldn't be punished for our communication issues. Then he starts telling me that no one is going to put with me (he has to repeat this 3 times) that good luck to whatever guy comes after him and if I really think that guy will stay around after he sees how I really am. That I have severe issues and I can't see it. I bite my tongue and don't respond because I don't want to add fuel to the fire. We aren't going to agree, we're both going to point the finger so let's breathe and let this go.

I ask him to continue feeding her and he says only if you say please....PLEASE!!!???? She's UR daughter too!! You're fighting for your visitation're� requesting 50% custody because you adore her and u want me to beg u to feed her?!!!!! I tell him no worries and I ask the waitress to pack up my food to go. I try feeding her but now she wants to play. he leaves. He leaves us there.

At night he texts me that things were going great and now look it's ruined. He enjoys spending time with us and I don't know how to have fun anymore. I have problems and I can't see it. I text him....I call him this morning...

I can't I can't I can't. I need to get away from him but I can't. I become a person I don't recognize around him, my peace is sucked away. Why?? Because I know it's over so that makes me bitter. The fact that he isn't willing to come to my home makes me bitter. The fact he chooses his mom over our daughter, over me makes me extremely bitter. The fact that he professes his love for me, tells me how much he misses me then says we can only be friends torments me. I know that if I stop talking to him it'll break my heart at first but I can finally disconnect from him...move forward and move on with my life. Work on myself, healing my wounds, learning how not to alow situations like these to get me down, focus on school to provide for our daughter and then one day open up to the idea of dating if I think I'm ready.

I don't know anymore if I'm really the problem here and he never was?? Am I really such a terrible person that I also bring out the worst in him and that's why everything went wrong? Because I'm unbearable and controlling? Because I wanted too much from him and didn't let him just breathe and make his own decisions?? Because I was too attached to him? Maybe I really just am not the commitment type person...all along I'm thinking that I can handle serous relationships but I destroy them...IDK what to think or believe. Idk what to do.

What I do know is that if after Wednesday if he does get unsupervised visitations I no longer will have to hang out with him on weekends...that will help reduce contact (even tho we see eachother @ work)...and then maybe just maybe I can move forward and not answer the calls when he calls me....or respond to his texts when he mesages me or call him. I can't no more!!!!!!!!!!

IDK if I'm being punished somehow for something I've done in my past. How can I talk to him?? He's lied to me, keeps lying, and like a dumbass I go back. Gosh I'm pathethic..

I don't even think this is love anymore, it's a vicious cyce. I thought I'd be a stronger woman but aparenty when it comes to love I'm not!

1 comment(s) - 03:41 AM - 09/06/2010
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    heyday  36, Male, California, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2007
1:45 PM PDT

testing lets go
1 comment(s) - 10:46 PM - 06/12/2007
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