
Sep 2008
10:15 AM HAST


When someone let's you down, it's the worst feeling on earth.

When you're reminded of it, that's just like dying.

Why? ..Most of us want to know why that person did such a thing to us. Simple. Out of sight is truly out of mind. The easiest thing for a person that's embaressed or ashamed, or one that has a very low self-esteem is to exit. "Escapism". So they turn their back on the mess they made, and just walk away.

Where's Karma? Where's the Universal Law? Where's the Law and the Prophets? I guess I'll never know.

There's a lot I'll never know. It's not like you get to sit back and watch the movie. You kind of have to deal with it as it happens... to you.

Jul 2008
2:25 PM HAST

The men that influenced me.....

So, six years ago, on this day, I married a guy that I fell in love with. We moved to Hawaii and decided to build a life together (at least I thought that's what we wanted).

Thinking about it right now, it's so odd the way I buried almost each and every memory of that horrible relationship. For a naive 24-yr-old that's far away from home life in Honolulu can be very scary. But I coped.

Four years into the marriage I accounted for all the warning signs, including the load of John's debt, and my health. Then I decided to rescue me and move on.

Move on I did. While divorce paperwork was on the back burner. During this time I met many a wonderful young military lad. There was this one particular one that I couldn't get rid of. He was always around, always dishing advise, always there... when I needed a friend.

I'd like to think he took a liking to me from day 1 that we met (which was February 07). Six months or so later, he began sharing with me of his intentions to buy a place and that he wanted me to move in with him. I think he didn't know what he was signing up for. I didn't either.

The divorce was finalized in Jan of 08. And I said yes to moving in with him. We've been dating for about 8 months now. We did survive a strong wind of issues, including my divorce and herpes, and we continue to survive smaller issues.

I believe my secrecy stemming from a humongous lack of confidence (a result of divorce-trauma) has caused my boyfriend (it took me a while to get used to referring to him as my boyfriend) to be wary of me.

And as much as he loves me, and I do love him back and more, I'm not sure about us. We're the oddest and at the same time the happiest couple I know. I'd be devastated if we broke up. I know he'd feel the same way. But chances are we'd just pick up and move on, and stay in touch with each other. Yep! We're never not every going to be best friends. And I pray, I do so very earnestly and sincerely pray that I can make all this man's wishes and dreams come true. Because he has been so good to me, eventhough I've not been completely honest with him.

This year our parents will get involved with this relationship. And soon, others that we individually know and care about. He's supposedly set to leave the islands in June of 2010 (2 years from now). So that's about how much time we have to make a decision. So let's see...

1 comment(s) - 08:54 AM - 08/04/2008

Jun 2008
1:49 PM HAST

Still crying...

Maybe it's the solo piano I'm listen to that's getting me all reminiscent and remorseful. I just can't help thinking how sad my life has been. And I'm afraid I'm going to wallow a little.

Since I can remember I've always been unhappy. I was sick a lot when I was growing up. I always remember yearning to fit in with my peers. That never happened for some reason. I even remember wanting to hang out with Danny. And nice as he tried to be, he couldn't help going with the flow. I almost think it had to do with my being encouraged to be content with being a loner. Mom and Dad were just like that. They don't have any friends at all, not people that they see eye to eye with. Not people that they can sharpen themselves with. But then perhaps it's all an idea, a euphoric glance at someone else's life. Maybe it's just not real.

So let's give it a shot at being ok with who I am. Who I've been for 30 years. This girl that was good at sports, academics and music as long as she was cheered on�(by a very significant individual). I see a trend at work, and at home now. Ideally I would want to be unshakably content. It's understandable to have some insecurities. Or maybe I just need to Boo Hoo and Poor Me for a little while each time it happened. And then move on. But that would only be appropriate in the confines of the nest. The place I called home. At this time, that's Ryan's appartment.

Where are all these thoughts coming from? I think they've been underlying for a while. But tonight's events definitely triggered a bit of a personal emotional outburst.

Just like Allison, many others have questions about where I'm from, and why I don't have a stereo-typical Indian accent. I really think I need to prepare myself before some rendezvous. I am who I am. I look the way I look. I speak the way I do. There is nothing that can change that. I can't take a class to change that. I don't hang out with many Indian girls or guys. So that's that. And why would I change to accomodate someone else's unanswered questions. I will educate them about my upbringing, and leave it at that. That's the only thing to do. Then they can decide if they want to be friends or not.

As for Ryan. His part in this is apparent for the moment. Time will tell if he's into me for the long run. Or not. I can only hope. Because I am falling for him. It's not like I don't guard my heart a whole lot. I let people in to sensitive places all the time. And it hurts sometimes. Especially since I'm only just now (at 30) learning to be comfortable in my own skin.

Personal Goals: I must say it does help to not procrastinate. At the same time striking a balance of not overcrowding my to-do list.

Oh yeah. Focus on others as people, not as critics or judges. They have what you need. And you have what they need. That's how it works with people. People need people. It's just 6 Billion of us on the planet. No other species that has equal relatability. There are finer details. It's not as general as it sounds. But that is the bottom line.

Oct 2007
5:01 PM HAST

I thought my previous marriage was going to work out. Eventhough from day one all the negative signs were there. He didn't want children, he didn't have his own place, he didn't enjoy sex, he didn't make enough to manage his own credit, much less support me and any prospect of a family, and he kept things from me and cut me off almost entirely from my family.

I thought it was going to work out, and it didn't, and there are a million reasons why it didn't.Some of them are listed above.
Among others, I think he didn't see me the way I saw him. He wanted an exotic trophy without being able to pay the maintenance fees.

I was wrong, and I'm not clear yet why I was wrong in the marriage. I think I have to figure out the lessons from that.But I am clear! It was done in haste, mostly due to the pressure of everyone else around me getting married at the time.
John just happened to be around when we were looking, and he was too stupid and moronic to realise what was transpiring.
Sometimes I hope we will someday be on talking terms and not be this way.. the way we are right now. No communication. We went from being uncomfortable in bed, to being uncomfortable talking about things, to yelling, to misunderstanding, to giving each other the cold shoulder, to avoiding each other and stop talking all together.

I think I still need a little distance before jumping in again.
But that doesn't mean I check out what's available, and consider any particular prospect.

Oct 2007
11:12 AM HAST

I must listen to that little voice on the inside.
I guess the shortest way there is to learn to tune out everything else when it speaks. But first I must recognise it and listen.

Oct 2007
12:41 PM HAST

Ok. So I haven't heard from Cora in a week and a half. I'm not sure about the motion for publication process. I'm hoping it will work out soon, so I can move on to other to-do's. I can't even call her though, I know she hasn't answered my calls/emails in the past. Of course, that was when I hadn't paid her the $600 to file. Well, things take wayyy longer where I come from, so I should just be grateful and put up for a while. Maybe a month, no more. Then I'll call.

Oct 2007
10:06 AM HAST

I'm going to stop this once and for all.
I really can't be open with people. It just seems like I let them in a certain way, and they end up giving me extra advise. It's more like, I can't tell them what I'm feeling or my perspective without coming across arrogant.
A few times it's happened where I I voiced my opinion and was soo scared it would backfire, but it really ended up being ok. And the other party seemed to take it well, they just needed a bit of time to process the information about me.
I gotta conquer my fear and step out there. And I gotta know it's not going to be a bother at all. It's just good old honesty - the best policy is what they say.

Ok, so tonight it looks like a jazz night and me time.
Maybe Robin will come over or I'll meet up with him or whatever.
He said he's getting smashed. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as I do what I want. I might just want me time. Just sit at Jazz minds, soak in the music and sip on my one drink.
It seems so hard to meet good people in Hawaii. But that's just what they say. I think I'll be alright.

K, time to take a shower and head out.

Oct 2007
10:36 AM HAST

I love my life today.
It feels like a couple of good things happened. Then towards the evening I got this overwhelming sense of being so damn lucky to life here in Hawaii. Then Gary told me the owners of the appartment said he could basically hang out here for the next 14 years. And eventhough that doesn't directly apply to me, it's security. It's a feeling of not being rushed or forced to do anything. This year is closing so well.
When Dean dumped me, I thought my world would fall apart. It felt like it did for a bit. Then I started talking to Steven again. And he said he wouldn't mind waiting for me.
As usual Daddy told me I was a princess, and so deserving of much more than what life has handed out to me. I could always accept what he said. And I still do. That man! I love him so much.
Haven't really been able to break even with Danny. It seems like he's just really busy and not really ready to deal with my issues. But he does listen when I talk. And I love him for that.
I plan to meet up with Ryan for a bit tonight. Right by the bookstore. He sounds like the old Ryan, except Sober!

I'm almost glad that Dean let me go. I wouldn't have been the one to do that. I was starting to get comfortable with the idea of being with him indefinitely. With me, everything is doable, and it's really for me to see if the other person is up to it or not.
For that matter I know Steven loves me unconditionally. Sometimes it feels like his desire to start a family or be a family is more than his desire for me, or his love for me. But if that's the downside of any hopeful relationship between us I really have no issues with that.

Now I just have to work out the math: Get my divorce finalized, start paying off debt, separate myself entirely from John, and maybe even be amicable with him again. I'm not sure how that will turn out, but my intentions are pure. I think it will be easy on all of us. I mean, he did teach me a lot. I just hope he's not bitter and can let go of some things and be a little social with me.

I swear, sometimes it feels like a Spirit or Spirits are watching over me. It feels like a lot of the things in my life are being guided by a star or something. Like I have these protective walls around me that won't allow me to make a wrong decision or take a wrong path. And if somehow that happens I find my way back to the original Priscilla. It's pretty crazy. But good. I feel safe, not so down on myself and lonely anymore.
What a wonder.

Oct 2007
11:14 AM HAST

... Answer: I don't know.And I don't care right now. All I want to do is put my thoughts down on paper... e-paper.

So I know in my heart I'm not ready to settle down with anyone. Or be anyone's girlfriend. I want to be free to bring closure to some issues in my life.
And in the meantime, just have a good time, sex and all.
I think I kinda have a steady sex-partner. That would be Robin. I like his style of sex. And there's absolutely no strings attached. He's from freaking London. They do things the way a free spirit should! So it works out just fine... And I think he likes me a little.

Steve on the other hand, is ready for a full-blown relationship. Plus he's pretty messed up himself, so in a weird irony of sorts he's the only one I take advice from. And he's good in bed!

Neither Steve nor Robin are realistically ready to settle down with anyone. And we're talking girlfriend or wife.
So they're really in my category of "being with".

I have to moan the loss of Dean. My dean. I thought we were soulmates. But that didn't work the way I expected. Not one bit!
I think that maybe in a way I was using him for my own benefit. And in the process I started to care. The deathly caring for a guy that you like. Oh God! It's a disease, an epidemic. Then they start to grow on you, and that's all you think about. Then you convince yourself that you and he were meant to be. And you're really settling for second best. Not again! Never! I'd rather be alone, and miserable than go down that path again.

So I dreamed about John last night. That we were sort of friends again. That's not realistic. But maybe, once we were legally divorced it would be easier to get along with each other. So the possibility is there.
Then this evening I filed a motion for publication. Soon it'll be in the papers, then a hearing, and then it'll all be over. I'll be free. I won't have to lie anymore. Or at least those are the rules I set for myself. I don't really have to lie at all. It's just a matter of getting over myself.

I'm letting go. I'm setting myself free. Free to fly. Fly with the rest of the loners. Fly high, till you can't fly anymore.

Sep 2007
12:37 PM HAST

So according to mom, dad and danny no one back home can know about my situation. (Letting it sink in.. Processing...)
God! That means no one back home can know about my life. Because everything I am right now is a self re-invention as a result of my separation/divorce. That makes me feel even more estranged from so much and so many endearing ones back home.
I feel like I can never go back home. I feel like I can never re-visit. I can't be the new me. My new life has to be kept secret.
Here I am trying to become a better person. And I have to fake or just avoid anyone that may be connected to people back home. That's just crazy.
Ok, enough wallowing. So now we must think of a strategy to deal with this.
A-I will eventually be open with the people that matter, regardless of who they are or what my family thinks I should or should not do.
B-I will try my best to keep mom, dad and danny's family from being affected by my situation.
C-I mustn't let any of this affect my spirit. I will go on. I will go on. I will go on. I will go on. I will go on. I will go on. I will go on. I will go on. I will go on. I will go on.

Sep 2007
3:09 PM HAST

So, I'm certain i'm not ready to be family again. There's some deep-seated issues I can't really deal with. Part of me wants it to be like it was before when we were kids. But that can never be. There's always that stray word that hurts like hell, that strange tone of voice that resurrects old wounds like demons that have been asleep for years on end. I don't want to go there anymore.
I want to start over. I like being in denial of my past. Actually it's better than that. I choose to turn away from the past and move on to my future. I want to date, maybe someday have my own family, always being successful at work, never giving up on myself. It's so strange though, now and then when I get that phone-call (for whatever reason)and I'm back to feeling confused and stranded.
So I must find peace within myself for those things.
There'll probably be a part of me that will always be vulnerable to my family's words. But for the most part, I'm free now, I'm away from all of the hurt and pain. That's so sad that that's how i relate to them. That's how I remember them. It's all been hurt and pain. It's all been lies and back-stabbing. One out-doing the other in being hurtful. Jesus! That's all I can think of when it comes to family. That sucks.
Well that doesn't have to be the case anymore.
I could just not talk to dad and mom, and if I ever get married, give them an invitation, and just do the formalities. As far as Danny, I love him, don't really get along with his hench-people. But they come together, so that's the way I have to take it.

Tonight though, Dean asked me to go out with him, as in for a little while, as in be his you-know-what. Hmm.. Interesting. I think I'll go with it for a bit, and feel it out. Get to know him some, and take it from there.
We'll be a good team if all goes well.
Sweet dreams my child. Dream sweet. You deserve it. You've come a long way from being the hunted. The witches and warlocks aren't in sight. Walk on to peace, and comfort, and safety. Live with the butterflies, swim with the dolphins and nestle in rainbows. Don't forget to redeem your ticket for a pot of gold. And look, a scottish man has it in his hands.
Good night Journal.

Sep 2007
2:46 PM HAST

In order to protect my femininity and be the passionate woman i've always admired I must journal, analyze and realize. This will help me understand what I put out. It's good to have an understanding of one's own self.
I must be honest with myself first. Before being honest with my "nearest" relative or my significant other.

Steven needs to know the truth. Pronto!
This may or may not be something I want to deal with right now, but he needs to know my thoughts. I'm concerned that he won't take it too w... that shouldn't be my concern. Especially with what I've been through in my past, I should take care of my heart and mind first.
That makes sense.

I need to be with myself and center clarity, peace, serenity.

Sometimes you have to keep what's in your heart a secret, even to yourself. Just so that we can get a unanimous decision when the moment of truth arrives.

So I want to see Dean while he's here. And break it off with Steven.

Aug 2007
5:14 AM HAST

I'm blessed to have Steven in my life (even though I don't think he knows me as well as I think he should).
I'm blessed to be far away from home and have the opportunity to make something of myself.
I'm blessed to be separated from John and have the hope of being completely divorced.
I'm blessed to have a job and have a steady flow of income since I got back from India.
I'm blessed to share an appartment with rent and deposit down on paper.
I'm blessed to be able to jump into the ocean whenever I like.
I'm blessed to have music whenever I want.

Jul 2007
3:46 AM HAST

What am I passionate about?
I'd like to develop an extra-curricular lifestyle. It would consist of Salsa-dancing and Scuba. These are things i can see myself becoming passionate about. It's more like re-igniting my passion because I used to be very involved with both until recently.
Generally I like roller-blading, bowling, pool, darts, ping-pong and hiking.

My domestic genius.
I'm great at organizing, decorating, rearranging. Then there's cooking. I enjoy a good stir-fry, used to bake cakes. I enjoy experimenting with indian essence and flavors. And I make a decent shrimp curry.

My family values.
I grew up in a very very close-knit family atmosphere. My parents, brother and I were "little Israel" in the face of hindus and muslims back in India. Things changed as we grew up (and we all did, mom and dad grew up with us). Now Danny has his own life, and I have mine. I felt like I was always trying to pull everyone together for a reunion or something. Then I got tired and decided to focus on my own future.
So I made mistakes, lots of them. But with Steve in my life.. there's hope.

Community service.
Never really considered myself as being part of any one comnunity. I'm Irish-Indian, grew up so different from my peers and relatives. Then moved to Hawaii and have pretty much redefined the person that's Priscilla. I like me. Can't really describe myself to anyone. So you gotta pay close attention and figure it out for yourself.

On another note, it would be nice to get involved in a local community service or activity of some sort. Will keep an eye out.

My ability to laught at myself.
Oh Gosh!I keep myself entertained with stuff like that.. all the time.

Jun 2007
12:34 AM HAST

So I hate Ashley a little because she's always asking me questions about my whereabouts. I almost want to not answer her, or tell her to mind her own business!
It sucks to be watched and spotlighted on all the time. It's weird, almost like when I was back at church.
So work's pretty hectic. I should start making commission in another month or so. That will make all of this worth it.
Corrine seems to attitude towards me seems to have changed a bit. She's more professional and less friendly than usual. I'm not sure what to make of it.
At the very least I know she depends on me, her frustration from bad experiences with previous co-workers/employees surfaces now and then. So I'm up against some pretty major odds. Still I can't assume what I'm not sure about. So we'll just play fair and leave it at that.

Steven has fast become my future you-know-what. But obviously neither one is ready for that kind of committment, so we must play fair and leave it at that.

Pms and cramps are making my life a living hell at this moment, I'm frustrated, irritable and hurting. I almost just want to sleep, which I will try to do tonight.I might want to rest regardless of what Steven is upto. He said he'd like to see me. But I might just need to nap out. We'll see what I feel like at the day's end.

Right now I need some tea, need to get organised, and tie up loose ends on old projects and begin work on new ones.

1 comment(s) - 05:10 PM - 06/26/2007

Jun 2007
6:23 AM HAST

Today is not a good day for me.
I think it's because I'm PMSing, and seeing Steven as much as I have (and wanting to even more, especially with him leaving next month and all) I haven't been organised at all. So today the walls came down on me.

I started spotting since last night, and I'm irritable.
All my emotions are magnified 10 times, I'm really not wanting to drive out to see Steven tonight. That's just cause I don't want to deal with getting a daypass. But maybe I can work around that. We'll see..
Plus I want to yell at him for not having enough money to treat me whenever I wanted to. But if he did, he'd probably be an asshole or a wuss like JohnnyK or Adam Palmer. So perhaps it's good that he's broke. He's nicer to me.

So, anyway, if I do good with Intl Interiors I probably will drop Asotv. At this point I don't think I can handle this much work, at least not on pms days.
Maybe I just need to let this time pass, it'll be better soon.
Just ride it out girl, ride that mother-effing wave ;)

Jun 2007
2:22 PM HAST

Wow. It is so quiet right now. I can even hear my thoughts.. even though I'm not thinking anything! lol
So I'm a little tipsy from the pina colada.. which is soo enjoyable. I had 2 ultralights as well... Nice!
I think once Steve's gone I'll keep myself entertained by hanging out with Ryan and Dean (gosh I almost forgot what his name was). Well I'm not that tipsy!
I think it would be interesting if Jason got in the game.
So I might become a bit of a flirt again.. but I don't think I can forget about Steve.
I feel like a real bitch cause I have unfinished business with my closet-skeletons. But it's only a matter of money, time and effort before that's taken care of as well.
First it's D, then it's C, then the good stuff.
I still have fears with M, but there isn't anything there that's not doable without enough effort.
I think I'm putting in 110%. I just need to work on B.
Shit, I'm tipsy. I'm cracking myself up with my typing here.
So tomorrow I get a fucking beautiful picture with Steve, maybe dinner at Kincaids, God knows what else afterwards. Then he's gone for a whole week. And I don't see him till like Saturday or something like that.
I don't want to die before my time.
Enough of thinking for tonight.

Jun 2007
1:23 AM HAST

I have the potential to be very successful.. far greater than the average 29-yr-old.

I need to find true inspiration.
A lot of the time I feel like my life's a gamble anyway, so it really doesn't matter what I do, it's all a matter of chance.
Now and then (like after meeting Steven, getting employed with Intl.Interiors and making new friends with ASOTV) it feels like there's more to my life then just chance.
I suppose these things could inspire me to press forward to stability in my personal life. That's really where all the keys are.

How about a driving force, an inner strength.
I've always been motivated by church and family. Those entities are out of sight and practically non-existent at this juncture.
I do have my friends.. no I don't. The dudes that are/were supposedly my friends hung around just to see if they had a shot with me. Summer? Trisha? Tammy? Maybe so. I'm not sure. We don't hang out on a regular basis.
I need to seek out strong relationships. Not with people far away, or available only via email/phone calls. Real people! Real friends! Real relationships!

Steve's everything right now. And I know that's not going to last for too long. I must fill the other areas.
Perhaps networking is my way out of the loneliness.

I still need to find something to get me out of bed in the morning.
I don't think I care for myself as much as I should.

I'd like to befriend Santosh. But he needs a strong cousin. Someone who can help him with his business, etc.. I don't know that I have what it takes.

Anyways, that's what I've got for now.

Jun 2007
3:56 AM HAST

I'm definitely paradigming into some sort of new birth. A lot is changing about me. My likes, my dislikes, my tastes... Up until now it's been me piggy-backing offa the ideal christian or some kinda of a philanthropist. I think I'm turning into a realist. I still have my heart though. I don't think that will ever change. I can't be rude or arrogant for the most part, probably that's just like the next person. I'm still modest and don't know my own potential. And that is a good driving force. The fact that I might not be on everyone's A-list pushes me forward. That's not a bad thing, as long as it concerns work, co-workers and important relationships.

Here's somethings I need to change pretty soon: Research and change Car Insurance and Cellphone Service Provider. I also need to figure out the Post box.

Jun 2007
1:19 PM HAST

Wow, I need help. I'm so out of it right now.
Steve's not here, and I feel lost and incomplete. It's getting insane.
It's going to hurt as hell when he's gone for longer.

I guess it will be interesting to figure it out and then put it out in front of others.
On top of everything the nausea from the b c pills aren't helping.

I started out great this morning. That's cause I could talk to him on the phone.
I guess once he's gone for long, there will be emails and phone calls. That should soothe things down a bit.
I just feel so out of it.

Today at work I was so down. Customers came and went and I just wasn't myself. Corrine was alright, I'm sure it affected her too.
Then at the end of the day her bf came over to ride their bikes together. Oh boy! That just made me feel worse.
I should really try to be happy for them and be happy that I have someone to think about.

So let's try that a bit...
Steve might not be here all the time. But I don't have to search him out of a club or a bar anymore. I already have him in my life.
Plus, now that I have all these personal projects ahead of me, he can be an object of inspiration and motivation.
I just feel old now that I'm not clubbing as much as before.

...Maybe it's not old, just calm. And I'm not used to it, that's all.
So I gotta learn the feel of this new ocean I've plunged into. And plunged I have, by myself, no one's forced me, it's of my own freewill and choice.

Well today is Monday, I've had Steve-overkill so right now it feels dull as hell and poorly as shit.
The good thing is I might get an email from him. The other good thing is I only gotta ride it out until the end of the work week (that's not even 7 days).
Plus, tomorrow and wednesday will fly by. It's entire 12 hour days.
Then once thursday comes I can see... Maybe go to the library and get some books on fractions and other stuff to read. I need to read. That's what I'll do, if I'm not at work I'll be a bookworm.
Maybe if I feel ok I'll go swimming on Thursday too!

Of course I'll call Summer and see what her and Tammy are upto. I think it will be good to hang out with them. I just gotta stay focused and not let the fun in friendship ruin my career.
Then there's Dean and his silliness. He's cool, I think we could be good friends. Plus he knows me a little more then most people, it could be a good friendship.

Steve.. I miss you. But I'm alright now. Just needed to get some stuff out of my system.
This relationship really works for my situation.
And I intend to enjoy it all the way.
We don't always get what we want. But if we're smart we can make what's been given to us work to our advantage and push us towards that goal of happiness.

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prissy's Profile

  • Username: prissy
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Hawaii
    PRISSY's Interests:

    About Me: At 30, my life so far has been all about discovering myself and forming my own personal identity. One that honors my heritage, my family and my dreams. These days it's all about equipping myself for a future in the clothing business, while investing time in a prospective family life. Sometimes it's a balancing act. But I have a feeling, this is just the preview. So strategically, if I get good at this, the future is a breeze... ;)

    Interests: Computer accounting systems, excel, Websites, Mortal Kombat, TombRaider, Burnout, Yoga, RollerBlading, American History, Just hanging out with good friends and family.

    Favorite Music: Norah Jones, Sarah Mclaughlin, Maroon 5, Classic Rock.

    Favorite Movies: Iron-Man, Kung Fu Panda.

    Favorite Television: America's Best Dance Crew.

    Favorite Books: Psychology, particularly male and female psyche, Suspense novels.