陈家男儿初长成 � 3月里是我家两个男人的生日月份。我计划照例写篇短文送给他们做生日礼物,为了提高效率,我选择两人生日的中间日子,写一篇文章送给两个陈先生,两个我生命中最重要的男人。 � 我左边的中年男人今年刚满五十,说他初长成好像有点不靠谱,但说实话,男人的心智成熟还真得等他到了知天命以后再谈,到了50岁的他已经犹犹豫豫地踏过期望寿命的中位数,给他画个素描,就见一个一头银发,一脸细纹,表情里时而透着自信,时而透着彷徨的‘男孩’。 � 我右边的小男人今年刚满13岁,他刚过人生的第一个四分位数的一半,今年3月身高正式地超越他老妈,他的声音和汗水都散发一股强烈的‘男人’味道,体格确实是初长成了。他用一句清脆的经典“老妈,别烦”!标志性地告别了童年。 � 说人生苦短,但仔细想想也不短,每个人都有机会观察他身边人的生活,若你懂得体会你就免费地跟着活了一部分他的生命,我们周围所谓的亲人,朋友和好同事,都是跟你分享生命的人。这样一来看似短暂的生命实际上是很宽很长的。我陪儿子从出生到今天13年,陪老公17年。加上我的年龄我活过了将近80年头了。这辈子有机会跟我的男人们初长成,着实很爽。
My Mom
I am not in the mood but I will write. My old Mom is always happy. ALWAYS, I'm telling you. Sometimes she is very annoying but she is my Mom and I love her. Sometimes I am annoyed by her because she lost the "SP" I begged her to buy for many years but perhaps that's the chance that has come to me for getting an X-BOX. I will buy one when I grow up. I hope she respects my wishes.
Though she doesn't understand that an X-BOX is important in a kid's life, she is, well, a good Mom. She knows mental needs very well. I also have a great knowledge of cultural heritage, due to the great amount of travel.
But now, I am already full of physiological theories and understanding of ethnocentrism, and I am falling back in the modern world, and I want to now some good games in the internet, so I can have some say in this modern world.
She is a great partner when I am sick, and also a very good comforter. Sometimes, when friends aren't very nice to me, she makes me optimistic.
So, apart from her not understanding me, she it a perfect Mom.
Is my loneliness my fault?� I am so tired of being single. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Granted...it hasn't even been a year. But I still think�about Connor all the time. I'm supposed to be this mature, strong, independent college student. And I guess I am...in a lot of ways...but I have a long way to go.