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Dominoe14's Journal
Feb 2007
7:59 PM EDT
Living today as if there was no tomorrow! Goodness...just got moved in and well its ok...I guess! I am tired as heck and well I think I have a ghost here! lol its kind of freaky but kind of cool at the same time...ya know! I hope he/she is not BAD! lol well keepin in touch! Buh-Bye
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- 08:02 PM - 02/26/2007
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Feb 2007
6:44 PM EDT
To live one day in the presence of a miricle would be just fine by me!!! But..."Miricles" are hard to come across! lol I Live each day as if there was well...No tomorrow! I didnt really understand what that meant until one day The saying hit me in the face like a Big,Bright Yellow Bus!!! lol I Live everyday...Hopeing for a miricle but never actually receiving one!!! It terrifies me that one day something is going to happen and I am going to do things that I regret...which I already have but back on subject...I wish it was a sour...no Evil free world lol It would just be better that way! lol well...untiil then! :)
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Feb 2007
8:04 PM EDT
I hate how sometimes You have to keep secrets that you know are meant be told! You just keep on wishing that you could burst out and say the things you want to be said! Its so furiating how You just walk and talk and act like everything is ok but when truly...its not! I know that everything will end up right in the end, because God is watching over me...but I wish that miricles where free and you could take one whenever you wanted! Then...life would be just "Perfect"! Wouldnt that be great! I am tired of being in a place where lies come alot easier than the truth...and sadly It's true! But dont worry I'll keep and eye out for that...miricle! well...until next time! ~Dominoe14~
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Gender / Age:
Female, 33
USA - Arkansas
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