AngelzPower's Journal

Feb 2007
2:32 PM EST

I can't believe i accually have a journal or something i can keep my things in! i did not like any of those other blogs i had exept for REDBLOGS. but for sosme reason i cant go to that web site anymore. I have been looking through these site to get a blog! 1. 2. blogging 4. yahoo 5.etc etc etc! well now i hope this kind of journal is enjoyable since it took me a long time to get iT! 1.AOL REDblogs (which are now shut down) 2.Xanga ( dunno where the box is to write a journal) 3. Myspace ( dangurous) 4. Blogstream (dunno how to function it!) 5. Journalspace ( not very interesting to me): ) 6. well.......I guess those are the blogs I got! i dont even like them theres always something wrong with it! well ttyl!
1 comment(s) - 06:37 PM - 02/07/2007

AngelzPower's Profile

  • Username: AngelzPower
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - New York
    ANGELZPOWER's Interests:

    About Me: I'm 14, blond/brown hair, dark blue eyes no freckles.

    Interests: swimming, vollyball. many more

    Favorite Books: Gone with the wind.