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    cutiepie2cute14  31, Female, Tennessee, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
6:42 AM EDT

I got a feeling 2day could be a good day. Tacorria aint sayin shit 2 me, my dad s'posed 2 come see me at skool, and Decarius is here 2day. I am hopelessly in luv with that boi and I got a boyfriend already. I need some help.
1 comment(s) - 10:06 AM - 03/02/2007
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    wendy36301  46, Female, Alabama, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2008
1:42 PM EDT

I am confused

HI,ok,today is my birthday,yesterday a friend of mine name Mike came to see me to tell me happy b day an to give me a gift,he told me he loves me an then he left,he knows about David in prison an tells me every day that he thinks I am crazy for waiting,so am I?I mean Mike is a great guy who is alot like me,we both like the same movies,we both have 3 kids an both just went threw with a divorce,Mike has a great job making lots of money,but he is still afraid of opening up to me,I mean for real afraid,we talk alot about things that effect us an he calls to check on me every day,I like him a lot but I have made it my passion to stay faithful to David,rather its because I want to,or because I really love him,something tells me to wait on him,am I losing sight of who I am?
1 comment(s) - 09:38 PM - 06/23/2008
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    silence  39, Female, China - 1 comments
Mar 2007
6:49 PM AST


1 comment(s) - 08:05 AM - 03/19/2007
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    Tikasiamese  59, Male, New York, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
2:30 PM EDT

well its finally the weekend. I took my math test on thursday and I felt alittle more confident. Not sure what I got but I know I didn't do terrible. I will be seeing a tutor at the college once a week until I am officially finished with the class. I am just hoping that the failing grade on my first exam will make me pass.I need to graduate with my associates in may!Cross your fingers.
1 comment(s) - 07:24 AM - 03/10/2007
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    greathambino  43, Male, Kansas, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2007
1:08 PM CST

I am a youth pastor. I hesitate to say anything because right now I feel like the furthest thing from it. It is not what I thought it was going to be like. Matter of fact life is not like I thought it was going to be like. I work two jobs to pay my bills and they barely get me by. The other job is printing tshirts. Not a bad job if that was all you had to do. But I leave there and come home to another job that is just leaving me with a ton of guilt, frustration, and I think I'm getting an ulcer. There are so many expectations on me right now. People watching my every move and yet I am on the verge of failing at all that incompasses being a youth pastor. I am sick.
2 comment(s) - 10:42 PM - 05/15/2007
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    chanthenoodle  33, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
5:30 PM EDT

The Dreyfus Affair

Jackie Kunz

Captain Alfred Dreyfus had his second court conviction annulled July 12, 1906, after over a decade of claiming his innocence. His court case had been reopened in 1899 but the result was a ten year reconviction. Dreyfus was originated from a prosperous Jewish family that originated in Alsace, Germany. His family moved to France after the defeat of the French army in 1871. He graduated from École Polytechnique and became a high ranked officer in the French army.

In 1894 a handwritten note was found in a waste paper basket in the German

Military attaché in the office of Major Max von Schwartzkoppen by a cleaning women under the employment of a French counter-intelligence. This note has now come to be known as Bordereau. The contents included government secrets and information concerning new fields of artillery pieces.

The note was delivered to French War Minister, General Auguste Mercier. The note’s contents implied that it was written by an artillery officer. Seeing as Dreyfus had artillery training and a German background, he fell under suspicion. The handwriting was incorrectly interpreted as Dreyfus’s handwriting. In October 1894, Dreyfus was arrested and charged with espionage and convicted of treason by a military tribunal in December. General Mercier insisted that he have an early trial and conviction. He was given a life sentence of solitary confinement on Devil’s Island, off the coast of French Guyana in South America. He was stripped of his rank marks and buttons and his sabre was broken.

Dreyfus’s case was reopened in 1899 because he had been denied the due process. The conviction was quashed by the Court of Cassation and he was reconvicted for ten more years.

Drefus was pardoned on July 12, 1906 by President Émile Loubert. He has been readmitted into the army and made a knight in the Légion d’Honneur. He has since served in WWI as a Lietenant Colonel.

This case resulted in the division of France. Due to his Jewish faith, Drefus was more apt to be convicted with the amount of anti-Semitism present. Even though Jews in France are treated better than most of those in Europe. They are allowed to participate in government and in the military. Jews are considered to be without a homeland and with no loyalty and this idea played into effect during Drefus’s trials. Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist from Vienna, said that assimilation is no protection against anti-Semitism.

Recently it has been discovered that the true culprit was Major Esterhazy. Drefus’s name has been completely cleared.

1 comment(s) - 09:33 PM - 03/05/2007
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    liailian  32, Female, China - 4 comments
May 2007
11:08 AM HAY

wow,long time no see!i 'm very well~~!! what about u my dear friends?
1 comment(s) - 04:24 PM - 05/10/2007
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    clintloner21  34, Female, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
3:09 PM EDT

So many things going on at once. Just a year and a half to go that is it!!! Well not just to get out of here, but to also live with my love and then we can finally get married and live happily ever after like we talk about. So much to say and dont know how to start it..... so many thoughts running through my head and cant just pics one to throw away. What to do I have no clue but maybe you do? Until next time, always remeber live every day to its fullest and live life with no regrets!
1 comment(s) - 06:41 AM - 03/09/2007
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    hockeygirl  29, Female, Minnesota, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2007
3:31 PM EDT

hey todayI started this online Jounal thing. I think its pretty cool that there stuff like this. I know i'm only 11 years old, but I'm pretty cool. I like playing hockey,swimming, and shopping. If I had a Laptopit would be better because then my brother wouldn't see what I was writing. Well I have to go d homework, so thats it for today.
2 comment(s) - 12:15 PM - 03/10/2007
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    daredevil8  33, Male, Illinois, USA - 6 comments
Mar 2007
3:21 PM CDT

1 comment(s) - 09:00 PM - 03/14/2007
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    suman  49, Male, India - 2 comments
Apr 2007
5:53 AM I

The love I dedicate to your lordship is without end; whereof
this pamphlet, without beginning, is but a superfluous moiety.
The warrant I have of your honourable disposition, not the worth
of my untutored lines, makes it assured of acceptance. What I
have done is yours; what I have to do is yours; being part in
all I have, devoted yours. Were my worth greater, my duty would
show greater; meantime, as it is, it is bound to your lordship,
to whom I wish long life, still lengthened with all happiness.

2 comment(s) - 07:43 PM - 07/09/2007
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    Kittywitch  51, Female, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Mar 2007
5:57 PM GMT

Just started this blog thing so that I can write interesting things when they happen to me..which isn't very often;P
We changed desks in the office this week, and my new view allows me to see a patch of rather attractive grass adjacent to a few parking spaces. Nature really does takeover the smallest space though, there are squirrels, blossom filled trees ( too early alas and the blossoms are flying everywhere) and a pair of Magpies who are obvioulsy mated and hopping around collecting nest building materials. It's quite lovely watching them hopping around together and I can't wait to follow their progress:)
1 comment(s) - 04:36 PM - 03/09/2007
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    Wallflower  41, Female, Virginia, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
11:07 AM EST

Okay, well this is my first entry in my journal. I don't
have much to say at the moment except I've been feeling
different. I don't really have anyone to talk to. My
husband is ther for me but doesn't seem to be. I feel like
my feeling are a bother to him as well as to my sister and
mother. I know they all love me but I can't tell them how
I feel sometimes. TO ME it seem like i'm bothering me or
they just not listening to me. I've been very moody this
past week mostly to my husband and I don't really know
why. I don't know hopefully I'll figure something out.
1 comment(s) - 02:42 PM - 03/16/2007
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    adgjmp9374  42, Male, New York, USA - 6 comments
Mar 2007
11:58 AM EDT

My friend is mad at me cause the teacher caught him telling lies about me he soes not got any rite! i dont care he does no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate him i dont no if i should be friends with him what do you think?
2 comment(s) - 09:09 PM - 03/31/2007
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    SeeWhy  58, Female, West Virginia, USA - 10 comments
Jul 2007
1:56 PM EDT

I am seeing a therapist now. I felt like I was going to have to put myself in the hospital...I felt out of control. My therapist seems very nice. She believes my husband has some mental conditions. She said it is like I have become his caregiver and nothing more. She wants me to get strong from the inside, out...then decide if the marriage is done.
1 comment(s) - 10:33 PM - 07/11/2007
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    ROXY  34, Female, Arkansas, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2007
8:51 PM EDT

hey people who i hope read this

well i would like to say that do you ever feel like you just wanna die or you hate the way your cloths look well i would like to tell all you out there who are reading this about what my life is like right now well i don't live with my real parents i live with my grandma and grandpa cause they adopted me right from the hospital i was only 11 days old and really tiny but anyways the reason i live with my grandma and grandpa is because my real mom knew that right when she was pregnent with me she knew she couldn't take care of me so she decided that she would ask her dad to take me so that is what happened so that is pretty much why i live with them

well i'll talk to you later bye
2 comment(s) - 06:30 PM - 03/26/2007
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    charliechalk12  32, Male, United Kingdom - 3 comments
Apr 2007
10:14 AM EDT

im afraid of heights. i dont even no why but i guess ts not even the height of things that scaresme its the fear of knowing i can fall and i think thats what scares me the most. also all creepy crawlies like spiders they're all furry and you can see their small but deadly fags hanging from their mouths like a lion staring at ts pray and drooling from mouth to floor...scary huh?
3 comment(s) - 11:22 AM - 07/29/2009
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    sexiicupcake  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 33 comments
Nov 2007
7:14 AM EDT

um lots of stuff i need to get out!!!!! Need Advice bad!!!

heyy everyone!!! I have alot of stuff i need to get out.. I need as much advice as i can get!! Okay so lets start by saying that I love rick to death. I would do anything for him. He means the world to me!! Lets start with um how he tells me beautiful even when i dont think i am. He told me i looked beautiful with my big black eye.. I was like awww.. He's the only guy that makes me smile without even trying.Which is a great thing.. Now ima tell you that we decided to "talk" exclusively. Well because i asked him. If im the only gurl your with and your the only guy im with that why cant we just date. and he told me we could "talk" for now and that maybe in a week or too we could start dating. I mean I honestly think i am in love with this boii. Everytime im with him i get this great feeling. I mean we are GREAT together. Its just sometimes wen we aren't together we get in quite a few fites and that we get mad at each other for a while. But i just need your advice on what I should do. I mean should i be with him..or what..gimme advice
2 comment(s) - 11:01 AM - 11/30/2011
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    cutieemuffin  34, Female, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2007
9:25 AM EDT

ya well, guess my friend is usin me because i have a car...... so is that why we hangout all the time..... like i thought when u use someone u only talked to them when you needed somethin. i just dunno. then when my 2 friends fight i somehow get brought into the fight. like leave me outta it. if ur gunna fight the do it!!!! ya no... wel i dunno it just makes me mad... and anyways why would judi use me when we dont go anywhere.... it just irretates me, LEAVE ME OUTTA IT PLEASE!!!
1 comment(s) - 01:02 PM - 04/02/2007
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    RoXyGuRl2012  31, Female, Texas, USA - 6 comments
Apr 2007
5:22 PM CST

hey yall
well yea my g-ma is not doing good &&she got to come home
but that dont mean she is doing
better.......but right now she is on hospice
&& we DO NOT knwo how long we have with her so
i was just wondering if yall could take a few
minutes of ur lyf&&pray for her && my
family!!!! well yea she is goign through tough
times and it is not goigng good so yea i would
just like id yall could pray for her......adn
if u only pray for her once than that is olkay
b/c 1 means alot !!!! well thanks for talking
ut imae and readint this well i hope yall have
a great day

1 comment(s) - 07:44 PM - 04/16/2007
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