Daydreamer's Journal

Aug 2007
2:31 PM EDT

I am very sad today!! See almost a week ago {the week mark will be tom.} that I got up the nerve to call the guy that asked to meet me and we still havent meet. I understand that he is very shy but if he really wants me the way I hear he does then why does he act the way that he has been?? Why is he not calling me back is it because he is shy or is it because he doesnt want to really do this with me...the whole relationship thing?? I mean with him for the first time in like two years I was actually ready for a real realationship and now its just like before...the reasons why I never had realtionships for that long time....2 years....and its just like will I never actually be happy??Will anyone really ever love me or not...Am I like destined to be alone forever??Please help!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 08:58 AM - 04/19/2008

Aug 2007
2:31 PM EDT

I am very sad today!! See almost a week ago {the week mark will be tom.} that I got up the nerve to call the guy that asked to meet me and we still havent meet. I understand that he is very shy but if he really wants me the way I hear he does then why does he act the way that he has been?? Why is he not calling me back is it because he is shy or is it because he doesnt want to really do this with me...the whole relationship thing?? I mean with him for the first time in like two years I was actually ready for a real realationship and now its just like before...the reasons why I never had realtionships for that long time....2 years....and its just like will I never actually be happy??Will anyone really ever love me or not...Am I like destined to be alone forever??Please help!!!!!

Aug 2007
9:55 AM EDT

What am I afraid of....I am scared to fall in love. I am afraid of being hurt and so I just dont even let anyone get that close!!! Like this guy who I talk about alot on here he hasnt called me and I dont know what to I setting myself up to get hurt again?? Or do you think he will call??

Aug 2007
9:53 AM EDT

So last night I moved well kinda got kicked out of my Moms house! Now I am 19 so its perfectly legal for my stepdad to do this and I think that he is actually happy and he is not regreting what he did. I had to go over there today to get a few of my things so that I could clothes and stuff and he didnt even say two woeds to me! We got in to an argument before I was kicked out yesterday and I think he is holding a grudge on me. Should I be the bigger person and talk to him like nothing happened or should I do what I have been doing and not talk to him??

Aug 2007
1:06 PM EDT

I NEED SOME ADVICE: In the below entry I wrote about the guy that I have been wanting to meet. He is so amazing and I really want to start a relationship with him the only thing is is that he is super shy and he just really doesnt like put himself out there...yet he is the one that wanted to meet me....I am still waiting on his call...I called him on Monday and he still hasnt called me back...should I wait or call him back or should I just let go and forget about him??And do you think that he just isnt calling because he is scared or is he not calling because he wants to drop me??

Aug 2007
4:34 AM EDT

So I met that guy that I have talked about before and he is so hott!The only problem is that he is really shy really really shy and my mom who set us up said that he was like me...I am also really shy but with this guy I have learned to just put it all out there and tell him how I feel.We only met briefly like really breifly 5 mins tops he had to work the next day and it was already like 1 am and so I decided to cut it short and let him go get some sleep! I called him on monday and he hasnt called back yet and I just wanted to know form anyone who could help if they think that he is just scared and shy and will call in his time and when he is ready like he has before..we called him on like a sunday and he returned our call on like late thursday night or if you think that he just doesnt want to talk to me...if you decide to leave a comment remember that he is the one that asked to meet me and not the other way around I just agreed to it!!!!!

Jul 2007
5:29 PM EDT

How are you today? I just wanna ask around gather up some resources and see if maybe anybody could five me any feed back. I am going to start a diet and I just wanna know if anyone out there has any good diet secrets. I need lose a significant amout to be considered healthy but I am healthy just not according to my weight. I need to know the secrets as far as what food works and what exercise program works and stuff like that. I was considering maybe a diet program like nutrisystem or something. Any help would be great!!!!
Thank you
1 comment(s) - 08:59 AM - 04/19/2008

Jul 2007
5:10 PM EDT

Ineed to just vent and get out all of the feelings that I feel right now! So sorry but if you read this is going to be like a constant complaint about my life....please feel free to comment me if you have any possible solutions!!
Ok for starters I dont like the current phase in my life. I hate that I have had my license for almost a month now and I still dont have a car to drive because nobody has the time to fix it for me. On a brighter note it is getting fixed this weekend!
I also dont like that I hate having a job. I know this is my fault and that I can fix it but believe it or not its hard to find a job right now.I am looking this week with a friend that also needs to find one.
One of the biggest reasons my life sucks is because it doesnt matter where I go whether I am with my Dad or my Moms house is I dont feel like they want me Im really being basicallyy thrown out and hten theres no place to go.As soon as possible though that is changing because me and some room mates are looking for a place to live together.
The biggest reason my life sucks right now is because I havent been in a relationship since like I was seventeen and I am now nineteen and it just has been a really long lonely road. I dont see this problem being fixed any time soon...there just really isnt anyone who is possible boyfriend material for me and when I was hurt before it like scarred me for life and it just really sucks.I feel lonely all the time even when the room is full of people who love me. I just dont know what to do with this situation it seems like if I just sit back and wait nothing comes and I am getting tired of waiting!!!!
Any advice will help so please feel free to give any comments that you have and thank you for taking the time to fully read this and for also leaving any information or advice comments you have.
1 comment(s) - 11:33 AM - 07/17/2007

Jul 2007
5:04 AM EDT


Today my step sister is going to go get her permit and I need to know if the feelings I am having towards the situation are wierd?
She is 15 and 1/2 and she just is a really troublesome kid.She has been in more trouble with the law than I have and she did something to be grounded right now!She is very experienced in the guy department and she does alot to get in trouble.I dont know why I care so much I already can drive I just have a car yet!!!! Is all my worrying worthwhile orshould I just live my life and let it all be??

Jul 2007
10:02 PM EDT


Anyways I just wanted to come here and type some stuff...vent a little bit and hope that maybe somebody would read this and if they have any thing they would like to suggest or say or whatever it would be nice!!!!!

Right now my life isnt very isnt where I would like it to be right now!!I would like to have my own place and I dont.I would like to have a good paying job that would let me also go to college and I dont have a jib at all but am looking.. i will be starting college in the fall.I would like to be in a steady relationship and Im not and I have been told on this site before that you have to let it come to you and I have tried its just not coming and in the love department I just feel like giving up but then again I dont want to be alone for the rest of my life.

So I guess what I am asking for help with is are all my goals realistic or am I just dreaming a dream that isnt possible at coming true??

Apr 2007
3:15 AM EDT

HELP!!!! Hello and Good Morning:
There is this that i used to work with and we were pretty close.Never dated or anthing but might as wellm have.My sister also likes him.She said that she saw him this weekend and he told he that they should go out.Being so upset at the time I pretended like I didnt care.She asked if I was upset and was pissed when I said no.Do you think that she said it just to make me feel bad or do you think that she was telling the truth??
3 comment(s) - 03:27 PM - 07/15/2007

Apr 2007
6:52 PM EDT

Please help!!I just want to meet someone and stuff you know??Like all my friends have boyfriends why cant I? Im not jealous of them or anything I just want to fall in love and stuff you know. I was sacrred for a while but Im better now! What should I do??
1 comment(s) - 04:20 AM - 04/03/2007

Apr 2007
6:44 PM EDT

I hung out with my best friend tonight for the first time in a long time. We didnt really do anything but just catch up and talk and stuff.It was just fun.
I hadnt seen her since last july and I felt I have mad really positive changes since then but I didnt really tell her that until it was time to come home. Does this mean I was being fake??
1 comment(s) - 08:09 AM - 04/08/2007

Apr 2007
3:05 AM EDT

So this guy that I keep talking about is for whatever reason not callling me or asking me out.Should I just have get his number and call him and set up a blind date??

3 comment(s) - 08:10 AM - 04/08/2007

Apr 2007
7:56 PM EDT

So I thought my life was all good and everything.There was actually this guy that wants to meet me which like never happens. The only problem he wont call me and I cant call him cause I dont have his number. I have been hurt bad before and I really dont think I could deal with rejection again yet. It seems like Im always dealing with rejection!What is wrong with me??
2 comment(s) - 08:11 AM - 04/08/2007

Apr 2007
12:40 PM EDT

Is it possible to be like programmed to never fall in love with someone?
1 comment(s) - 08:11 AM - 04/08/2007

Apr 2007
11:59 AM EDT

Does anyone really believe in fate? I like have a very strong belief in it. I feel that if he doesnt call me first then it wasnt meant to be. That is just an example!! I feel like if I say someones name accidentally then I better call and check on that person because there might be something wrong with them!Just another example!!

No but really fate? Do you think that there is a way to our life we all should lead personally and we have to figure it out? Like that everything is set for us and we just have to find it? Like our own personal blueprint?
2 comment(s) - 08:12 AM - 04/08/2007

Mar 2007
4:35 PM EDT

Do you believe that we all get a second chance in life like if we already missed our one chance in life for love, will it come around again?

1 comment(s) - 01:51 PM - 03/31/2007

Mar 2007
5:43 PM EDT

Do you really think that it possible for someone to spend their whole life without the chance to fall in love?
2 comment(s) - 05:59 PM - 03/29/2007

Mar 2007
3:46 PM EDT

Does anyone really believe that there is someone out there for everybody??

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Daydreamer's Profile

  • Username: Daydreamer
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: Australia
    DAYDREAMER's Interests:

    About Me: I keep to myself more than I should. That is why I chose to come here and get a journal thinking maybe someone could reach out and give me the advice I need.

    Interests: I love to sing,dance and party. Not like hard partying but just out meeting new people and having fun.

    Favorite Music: I love country and rap. I really like to dance in like line dances like the cha cha slide.

    Favorite Movies: I love scary movies and movies that will make me cry. Weird combination huh?

    Favorite Television: I am very into reality like The Real World and The Duel!!I love American Idol.

    Favorite Books: I dont really like to read but when I do read little kid stories like The Boxcar Children Series.

    DAYDREAMER's Friends: