jazzsoulp's Journal

Oct 2007
6:10 PM EST

...Wow...A lot has gone down since my birthday. I quit my wonderful job because I got admission into graduate school. I am more in Love with Babe than I have ever been...It's wierd...Like I Like Him more everyday. He's abroad now, and I'm nervous because He's so much closer even though we are still far apart. School is kicking. I'lll be getting my midterm grades tomorrow, so hopefully they are good ; )

I lost my God-father 3 Sundays ago. I miss Him and I hate knowing I wont be able to talk to Him ever again.
I really pray that my 4 girlfriends find true Love mehn...It's eating at my soul that they are lonely and unsure, but I'll keep praying for them. They have just got to experience this high...It's unexplainable.

Live in Love and Peace in the World...Much Love,...Me

Jun 2007
8:58 PM EST

Hi....its been a while...Lets just say great things have happened and are still happening since the last time. Everything is great,...so things could be better but I'm grateful for what I have. I thank God for all he has done and is still doing in my life.My mother is literally the best mother in the world..I Love her to death. I'm grateful for the wonderful man God made specially for me. We've known one another for so long butwe have a lot to learn about each other. We have ourlifetime for that (smile). I thank God for keeping my Grandma safe, she was ill two weeks ago, but shes steady now. My brothers should be back from their London trip. My dad didn't call me today...Lolly, OmoT, Ure, Yinka, Dami...BMS...

Happy Birthday.

Mar 2007
9:28 PM EST

Happy 25th Birthday to the bestest Brothers life could give...May all your dreams come true...IN JESUS NAME...AMEN!

Feb 2007
7:23 PM EST

I never realised that we'd had a couple of moments. Moments are instances that just happen, never foreplanned and are the bulk of my memory.

I love that it's the little things I dothat make you all giddy and excited. I know I'm more of a 'prefer to Love than be Loved,...I'm more of half and half. SO I Love to Love you Babe, and I Love that you Love me too.

Feb 2007
6:54 PM EST

Always sentenced before committing the crime. If i needed a critic I would've written a book. Choose to insult me and show your character as always and they fall short of my criteria. I know my Heart, you are just not a healthy mix no matter how much you try to dilute me, debase me and manipulate me. Yet u remain overly defensive of my every word, my existense equals your paranoia, or maybe you're just a cynic, you doubt my motives because of your own insecurities, doubts and suspicions and then In so many words brand me a Hypocrite. After all the petty shots and soft blows, ur disoriented emotions regain sense and becomes apologetic...Make up your mind, I am either good or the enemy, and finally, You should never be Sorry for chosing Love over life because I am not regretful for choosing Love over you

Feb 2007
6:43 PM EST

I wonder what everyone's doing for valentines...Love is in the air...Happy valentines world...Live in Love, Live In Peace...JazzSoulP

Feb 2007
6:47 PM EST

I'm down with something...Dont care much about anything or anything...I need you by my side to make it better, to make it alright....SIGH...Talked to you today cos you wanted to hear my voice but is it a necessity. I Love you...Good Night

Feb 2007
7:55 PM EST

Sunday...U just never know how your day will end. Life is unpredictable. Ok, So i started out with a stomach crisis at 3:00am after I called DB. SHe was drunk, she's a happy drunk...lol. Lolly woke me up at 7:00am and we spoke for about 2 hours. I was still uncomfotable then,...fely like I was gonna throw up...I think it's wat I ate at the Love feast thingy. Anyway, I had my fone turned off and slept allday...What a Lazy Sunday it was. I sent Yellow a text regarding some funds which I need and he threw it right in my face saying that was why I called him yesterday morning. I guess it's my fault for even involving him in my early morning madness and randomness...See, he analyzes everything I do, it's like my life is a Novel and he's my favorite critic. I do hate being judge especially by those who claim to be our friends. I called him to ask what the text was about and he rejected my calls twice by simply replying Friday...Meaning he'll give me the money on Friday...Wow...This boy is special. Reigned so many insults to last me a life time. SO i tell him to keep the money then and he goes if it the last thing he accomplishes on earth, he would refund my money. That he was naive to think things would go back to the way they were....I have made my point in the past. I do not trust you and I cannot be your friend like dat...I have concluded that he doesn't listen. All my words most which I said out of anger and frusterations have fallen on deaf ears. He claims I never told him things will not change that he had to learn the hardway...teh hardway being what, him wasting money bcos he bought tickets to shows that I never said i was going for with him. I urged him not to try 2 bring the money bcos i will rip it to shreds if he does, and that will be a sin. He claims I dont care about his family, so I should not act like I do and I dont call him or want to hang out...Gosh...he sounds like a broken record in damnation. I AM DONE O!!! Help me Lord,...I dont want to even have to say hi to this chap, but that will be immature right...But how can I be grown about it when he's being so childish...Now chceck this...He ends his insults and starts to butter my bread By saying " B4 I throw everything away tho. I'l say this. I'm sorry I said I would choose DB over our friendship. I take it back a thousand times. Has nothing to do with the fact it dint work out. I mean i liked her and still do. Feelings is feelings but i swear i tak it all back. I'M sorry. So Friday yea.". Gosh, i am telling you this boy is a psycho and i need to hide from him...I rest my case. Babe called me but my fone was off so I dint get ti speak with him..I had 9 missed calls and 1 text message...dats so weird. Me Ms Isolated from the world. I missed my mums call as well...so i need to get a calling card and hit her back. DB is back yayyyy...SHe relayed the whole Boston trip to me and apparently I missed a lot...damn, but o well, cos I dont even have money to be spending. Na Nite Dairy.

Feb 2007
7:21 PM EST

We have heard these same proposals from our so-called committed pre-elects of the past and on getting into office suffer from instant Amnesia. Over and over again, four years at a time, Nigerians believe in our Government but our Government disappoints. I remincse on the days when Lagos was such a beautiful city. It was safe for we true born and bred Lagosians to go and celebrate in the heart of Lagos, Isa le Eko during social events such as the "Eyo festival". I remember my Dad taking us once and we had to take off our shoes or be punished by the Men In Masks. If I tell my dad today that I want to go to such an event, he will raise his eyebrows and forbid me just because we know how unsafe Lagos has become. Students abroad are re-thinking moving back to the states just because of NON-SECURITY. If my brothers who are graduates of the University of Lagos have no job security why would I want to even risk coming back home and being jobless. Well, Lagos is my home and I will not shy away because of trials that I know I will have to undergo, but how many other have such strong-will towards thier native land. Is it realy about reconstructing and smoothing out the cracks or is it about money. As a matter of figures Our current President has shown us that money is sooo Abachas regime, but now it's more about POWER. Once the power is yours what becomes of your previous judgements and promises and ambibtions. Give me a reason other than what I want to hear to vote for you. Every vote counts so If you are willing to lay your dignity and pride and integrity down on the line to make my hometown a safer, healthier and secure place for my unborn children, then you have my vote. And you deserve it.

Feb 2007
7:44 PM EST

Friday...DB was mad cos she said she told me to take her to the airport and I said yes but took a sitting job afterwards...Not going to say much on that...she'll be aight...I'm not the only roach in her closet,...ya dig...she just likes to depend on me a lot...I called her needy the other day, and she wanted to die...hehehe...I dint mean it in a bad way, it's just that she's such a chik and am a tomboy so all that girly stuff irks me. She's my dawg tho. Anyway, shes in Boston at the moment having a freezing blast...lol. I love the weather here...it's mild winter. I was at work...well, not my real job sha, from 8-4 today so I made some money...yayyy. I made some beats with the loops software...Oh My...I've got talent if I must say so myself. And i have a rap that would go nicely with it...just need a chorus n hook,...but watever,..it's all fun. called my mum b4 bed...I miss her a lot too, just as much as DK,...so I guess I love 2 of them the most,...just my mum more. I'm used to not talking to the twins which is bad...we're still so close tho, but they are not good with the long distance thing even though I'm thier only sister...well, that they know of anyway...hehehe..."I trust you Daddy" ;) . I miss my pops..I guess I'm daddys little more like big girl now. He just makes me feel so special...DK's got some measuring up to do...so heavy competition...:) I Miss my grandma...I feel rejuvinated when she prays in Yoruba for me...shes great, God-fearing, Loving, Kind....and lots more...I want to be the kind of wife and mother she is. I MISS MY DOGS...Skyler, Romeo, Roger, JAX, and the baby Sasha....shes the baby but the biggest...how Ironic life can be atimes. I love my dogs..I love dogs period. This is the text i sent to DK tonight/morning.............."I know u're Undecided bout ur admission but I'm still really proud of u. Ur sexyness just went 5 points up, so Goodnight...I have to go dream about kissing you now...Bye Babe".....hehehehe....yes,....I do love a Man who is dedicated and sticks even though things get rough and times get hard...Even though all seems hopeless, again it is a test of faith. Believe in God. O Yes, I do adore a Man that knows the right thing to do and despite the pressure he might be under, makes the right decision and does the right thing. He might stray at times, but he kneels down and asks the lord for guidiance and tip-toes until he finds his way back to thte yellow brick road. You are motivated to better yourself, thereby motivating me to be a better woman. We have the same ambitions and similar goals, it might take you longer to attain yours due to prior mistakes and mishaps but I will stay by ur side and speak words of encouragement until you are able to stand tall on your own again, and even then I will not leave you but remain by yur side. We will go to all 7 continents that the Lord put on this earth for us to explore. We'll have a taste of Greek, Brazilian, Hong-Kong, and the likes. We'll see sights and hear the sounds of the beauty of Africa. We'll do this together... For Yes ,I Love the Man.

Feb 2007
7:50 PM EST

Wednesday...I called DK at 7:00am his time which is night time here and we had a nice and lengthy conversation...we mostly do anyway, but I think I liked this one best...I dont remember most of it though, isn't that weird...Well, bottom line is he has always made his intentions clear about US, so we talk about OUR future all the time...what I do remember is that he said he's going to have this Traditional Friday thing in a few years were he goes out with his boys to have drinks and whatever else it is that guys do/talk about on Friday nights, and he would prefer if I came out with him EVERYTIME. I thought that was the most adorable proposal ever.....hehehehe....I swear if me n him are not together in the future, I would really have a lot of de-toxing to do. My cute moment was when i said that we've been away from each other for so long that I'm so used to speaking to him on the phone, and that God-willing, in the future, if he has to go out of town, I would just have to go with him EVERYTIME because I can't stand being away from him.....hehehehe...we both laffed hard at our rambles...I know it's not too realistic but that's what being in a long-distant relationship does to ya....it makes u ga-ga or makes the heart go fonder,...which ever is your cup of tea!!!...Have I said how I Love his laugh, and his voice when he just wakes up...oh my goodness...I mean, I purposely call him a 4:00am sometimes just to hear him when he wakes....lol...ok, i need to stop NOW!!!!! Bye Diary.

Feb 2007
7:17 PM EST

Thursday...went to QB's crib and watched greys anatomy...great show by the way...Ok, I know in church they tell us to speak positively about our lives like when your down with the Flu, you say you are well in Jesus name?!?!...Well,...I am RICH IN JESUS NAME..u get my picture...I graduated from college and am yet to find a job. I mean, I could be working now with some Agicultural sumn sumn...but the lady old me it's $12 AN HOUR...hahahaha...AM SORYY WHAT???...na B...I have a Beachelors degree in Biology with a ,minor in Chemistry with an alrite GPA, 3.56 to be precise. I got paid $10 as an undergraduate researcher and now u want to give me food packaging job for 12 bucks...Hello,..some HR peeps do not know wussup...I felt insulted,..I'm sorry if it makes me sound shallow...But I know I deserver more...Got a 2 other offers on the table tho...20 buck an hour but I havent gotten the main call for the compnays hiring manager...i think it is a test of faith, and this is one test I know well right that I am not failing...Personal note to GOD,...I trust in you and believe you can do it for me Lord...Please give me the Job with CH. It would really make my mum so happy cos sometimes I think she Loves me more than I love myself...And please heal London Buki and Yellows mum...I've been thinking about her a lot lately,...I tried to give him a wake up call this morning but I guess he dint find it amusing and he has finalling given up on me cos I decided not to be the friend her wanted...I think it would be good for him and me both, but Lord help him understand and not resent me. I know my capabilities and I just can be there for him like dat...The trust is gone and he cant really get it back because I wont,...no I cant let him! My face is still ringing from the slap you see. I have completely let go but I dont like to be used and I now he probably doesn't know it, but he is indirectly and unconciously using me...that's what happens when you're in Love...u dont care about anyone else and after the fact. All you care about is you and the person you Love, so I am protecting myself and guarding my Mind, Soul, and Heart from the selfishness of the world...I mean, he is no different from the other girls I stopped talking to cos they tried to be friend with me because of my cousin LB...It is just a bit more complicatedf bcos we were friends b4 all this and now we've just fallen apart. He has tried to mend it, but I'm not one to be fixed...U brake it, just throw it away cos fixing means it might work, but not as good as it used to, put some tape around it and it might look alright but not as beautiful as it should be...Just throw it away and get a new one.

Feb 2007
3:49 PM EST

Today....I woke up at 11...looked for schools to apply to and applied to UNiversity of Houston...deadline March 1st...God help me..I have to take the GRE's soon...external exams are not my forte..O well....I guess I have to do what I have to!...Me n DB went to drop of her car at the dealership cos her door was bad...The shuttle took us to the mall down the street and never came back for us untill about 4hours later...crappy service mehn. So we were both hungry and couldnt wait for the car...Barned n Nobles was too cold so we left after freezing there for three hours...we walked in the damn cold to Chilis...crazy...we ordered our food and the dealrship calls that the car is ready and thy'd found the shuttle driver...great timing ey?...DB went with him while I devoured my food. She's gone to swimming class now, so am here alone....DK called me earlier today,...apparently Nigeria and Ghana were playing...I've decided to hold my emotions in and quit this whole public romance thing I had going on..I used to be tuff u know...Now my bestfrend tells me she's proud cos i've let go...Bu it's about to be back on..NO more Mrs. Soft guy...heheheehehehe...Hi, Hello, How was your day, good bye..straight to the point...No more random calls a night or the wee hours of the morning...cos i think he's taking the piss....plus it's almost Valentines day,...Isn't that when couples fight to avoid giving each other gifts???..lol...I couldn't even if I wanted too...O well,...BUt it's only for a while....I'll get back to smuthering him with affection sometime this year....YAH!!!

Feb 2007
4:06 PM EST

I finally got my GRE book...I learnt about 30 words in one day...and i think am done for life...So, we went to Queen B's to meet up with our daddy...DY...To have a family discussion about the unborn twins...I sent him a text saying I needed to give him a hug, but it was for Me..lol...DY's so cool..I love him like he were my mothers child. So, Queen B wasn't back from work and me n DB were waiting patiently for him to come, so he came, and it was like he couldn't look at us at first...It was understandable!!!...Well, we bounced princess O to the room so we could talk..and he started....WOW..It was a lenghty but healthy conversation. I got my hug from him. Then he said it was DB's fault cos he tried to toast her....OMG...I almost died when he said dat...I literally ran into the cold with no shoes and no jacket on cos we'd all been joking about it, and he finally confirmed it. So QB returned from work and DY told her dat he couldn't tell us cos he couldn't deal with it...The rest got their own hugs from him...Queen B cooked and we were a happy family again...We made fun about how when we go on road trips this time around, we have to rent SUV's with two baby car seats at the back, and when at the hotel, we cant share beds anymore cos 'THE BOY'S' have to sleep comfortably and we will all take 4 hour shifts at nigth....hahahahahaha...Our family is so cool and suportive...I'm gonna buy him diapers and baby food once a month for a while...cos he's DY, you know...And his baby mama who is omo Ghana hates us cos we are so close to him...Well, she can eat do-do for all i care..As long as she takes care of herself and delivers our homeboys kids safely...The babe claims she used birht-control pills...First of all,...it's all so dodgy bcos we know she's been trying to get DY to propose but he already told her he cant marry cos he cant maryy for pity...he wants to do it for love...thats why they broke up in the first place...I hate that chik right now...I believe she trapped him...It sucks mahn...we need to control our urges...Thank GOd am celebate...Dats right y'all,...I AM CELEBATE TILL I JUMP THE BROOM!!!....hehehehhe...Think am crazy yet?...Peace.

Feb 2007
3:51 PM EST

Sunday Morning...I called DK right after we got back from the club cos i was still buzzed..."just call to say I love you, ok...Goodnight"...AM sure he thot I was trying to get back at him for his own friday night escapades...not really tho...i was really just missing him...I love that Boy, u know. We went to bed, and DB woke up with skin irritations on her back. ALLERGIES...like da heck...allergic to what I wonder...Well, since my mums a nurse, I already told her what it could be and what she needed for it..My mum reinforced all i said, so i felt good that i actually knew wat i was chatting about. Well, I rub some ointment on her back after church....I digress...BREAKING NEWS...Our daddy is going to be a baby Daddy...Not one child...TWINS...The Hell???...How...Anyway, DY was outta town and his ex comes to church showing the whole congragation and thier mama's her 4 month swollen stomach...it was crazy...i was upset tho, being that DY,DB,Queen B n I are pretty close, and DY n DB almost hooked up because DY loved DB at some point...We dint know how to react until we heard from him...We'll wait till we see him to know how to feel...Goodnight

Feb 2007
3:11 PM EST

DK did end up calling me back that night,... midnight while I was about to start dreaming about him...HE WAS TOTALLY WASTED!!!....Dint we just have the short convo/mini one-sided arguement about this..Well, I guess It's cute to some extent because I told one of my guy friends and he said,..."well you know what they say about people when they are drunk...They act on what they feel like doing the most when intoxicated!!!"...I guess that's a good thing. But he sounded so HOT but he was too drunk to hold a proper conversation..."I was just thinking about you because I miss you, and I wanted to hear your voice"...AWWW....I would've given him the sexiest kiss ever if he was infront of me. O then, he said "my ex-girlfriend says Hi"..and I was like tell her Hi for me"...AM I crazy,...I think I am, or I just dont care much for any other girl that might be a treat....Or maybe I just trust him enough that it dint bother me...hehehehe...see confidence...Am blessed. So, Queen B got me n DB to come pick her up and go on a road trip to shop TWO HOURS away...Crazy innit...well, t'was fun. Before we left,...I had dude cal me.." I thought we were hanging out today"...ME: Well, yeah but am 2hrs away at the moment...DUDE: But the Asian thing is like right now...ME: Damn, I totally forgot....DUDE: Never mind then...ME: I feel bad,...but sorry?!?!...DUDE: It's ok, never mind, Bye...ME: Bye.................Ok, that wasn't nice plus he already bought the tickets...but I dont fell too bad cos I dint exactly agree to go anywhere wiv him..O well, maybe he'll finally give up on asking me to hang out with him. We had a blast that night...we all went for our frends husbands birthday at some Lounge...t'was cool...first time DB got a buzz...hehehehe....she was all over the place, huging on guys that she dint even like to talk to...Alcohol is BAD. Goodnight

Feb 2007
3:24 PM EST

I always tell myself I'm not going to write in the journal today and I end up doing so..dats because I love words..They are ours and no one can take it from us. I wrote 2things today...I wrote my first song and it's entitled Goodbye...Or something of that nature...It's my not my very first song but it's the very first one I am sure of...As u can tell from my name, it's a soulful song. Sounds like a Meshell Ndegeocello meets Norah Jones....hehehe..Cool!!!...Ok, So I had my fone turned off all day because of my usual stalkers. This one guy actually called my friend turned room mate whom is the love of his life but they stopped talking because she doesn't fancy him, more like he disgusts her,..Ohhhh it's a long twisted story...Did I mention that me n him had a fling sorta thing sometime ago then he decided to fall in love with her,..my friend who was once the object of his loathing and whom he used to call names like b**** and h**. Well he decided to hide it from me and she asked me if it would be a problem and I said no she should rock that boat...But then he still kept it from me...So I confronted him and he denied it by denying her and when he was in the tightest corner that had him at a loss of oxygen, he had no choice but to confess to save the rest of what our friendship was and also the rest of his dignity, but killed it by saying..."I understand if you dont want to be my friend anymore"...THEN and THERE...I hung up the phone...hahahahaha....it was hilarious.....*catching my breath*. Yah...i ended the friendship but he lied...he dint understand that I didn't want to be his friend anymore because he kept/keeps stalking me...sad!!! What really hurt me the most is that he told my friend "Well,....I have my ex- girl(Some random chik) and my very good friend (ME) fighting with me because of you, so you need to make a decision"...WOW....More like ARROGANT SON OF A very nice woman (I know/like his mum,..so i'll leave her out of this)...well...he doesn't know that I know that he said all that and that is my basis for being distant becaus I dont think a FRIEND would be so willing to dump you like dat because of hormones..He made me an option which hurt me to my nerves mehn...it killed my spirit for days...But then I had a long summer vacation in Europe so I left all that behind in the states...But I had to come back someday...I did and he is always there...hunting me...I make him sound real bad innit..he's alright,..just when he's away from me. But then he's now like a stalker...I know he is still using me to try to get close to my friend which makes all his invitations to stuff feel wrong..So i've rejected every last offer...Painful, but hey...I have to do what I have to....Spoke to my mum twice..Called her at 4:00am then she woke me up at past 7....hehehe..I lover that woman. O yeah...DK actually called me tonight...dint speak to him tho...thank God...He left a message on my phone @ 3:00am his time...He was definately drunk. I hate when he calls me drunk. Dint we just have an argument about this last weekend...But deep inside me, I think It's cute because it means he's thinking about me when he's having fun...makes me feel special but I still dont like him getting drunk...Sounds hypocritical innit...O well...Sue me...Good Night Journal

Feb 2007
3:30 PM EST

feel heavy...Like...you know, like when your heart first got broken, or you lost something very precious....I'm writing about it but will publish it elsewhere. Will it be safe in a public journal? I tried speaking to my mum all day, but to no avail...I went home...Durham to pack and clean up and return my keys. I owe a hundred dollar fine for a ticket, I got picks and brand new strings for my guitar...yayyy!!!...D-K dint call...I guess it's not a Thursday thing with him afterall...I realise that I am breakable and I dont want to relive the feeling. I'm trying to be stronger but how can you give all to love but act cautiously at the same time..theres no such thing...It's all or nothing I say, I Live for all or nothing at all. I saw SMOKING ACES...Best movie i've seen in a while after dream girls. I'm going to take some Nyquil now....*I am in a state of ramble*................................................. ....................................................... B EAUTIFUL!!! He tries harder everytime and I push further away. You let me go when you chose to Love and want my pity all together because Love didn't want you back...Shame...A replacement I can never be but u punish our friendship or what is left of...What is left of you? The last shred of your dignity was washed up with melted snow, yet you stand like a Lion but I see the little broken boy when I see you...I see the truth when I see you and am saddened because you were the Epitomy of Strength and you're so broken. And i get on my knees now and ask our maker to heal your crippled heart. When last did you see a fool cry and beg and accept being rejected and remain subjected to the torture of letting go of Love because Love wouldn't give you the time of day. It breaks my heart.

Jan 2007
10:42 PM GMT

Listen!!! I want to let you in on a little secret. It's deeper than the bottom, more like skin deep. I'll make our convo. go easy so long as we use our lips and you give me the time,...In a moment I'll say whats really on my mind... "I wanted to put the strings back on my guitar and smiled because I know I'll be good enough to play him a song someday or Oneday,... and It'll go a little something like,..." I'll Love you now and long after Forever... hold me now and we'll think about tomorrow tomorrow... Die in my arms and I'll give you the kiss of life... It can't end now we have years in Love in this Lifetime... Tell me that I'm yours and I'll take my time, I'll Listen... I'll cry happy tears because with you my history is re- written... Kiss me soft, and I promise to heal your pain... Trust in me...I'll Heal your pain.... It's been a long time coming... One Love,...lpsoul

Jan 2007
10:53 PM GMT

January 30th...High point of my day...Got a job offer...yayyy...and best believe I am on top of it...I'm thru staying at home...and to think ppl would kill to be in my position. Havent told mom or even D- K..wen it all becomes official, I want to suprise them...O how I wish i could see thier faces. Low Point...I have the flu, couldn't sleep all night so I kept drinking Nyquil like it was diet coke,...twas nasty so I made some HOT MILK,..I think dat did it...slept like a baby until mom decided to wake me up wiv her morning calls...Love her for it tho. Havent really thot about babe since we last spoke...Lets see if its a me or if he subconciously does call on Thursdays...hmmmm.
1 comment(s) - 02:45 PM - 02/01/2007

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jazzsoulp's Profile

  • Username: jazzsoulp
  • Gender / Age: Female, 40
  • Location: USA - Rhode Island
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    JAZZSOULP's Interests:

    About Me: I was born with an old soul. I am as real as real gets. I avoid wahala (trouble)!

    Interests: Soccer, Good Music, Making Music, Writing Poetry n Music, Travelling, Cooking.

    Favorite Music: Soul, Afrobeat, Jazz, R n B, Old school hip hop.

    Favorite Movies: Err...Hotel Rwanda, Tsotsi, Bed Knobs n Broom Sticks, 7 Lucky kids, Smoking Aces, RENT!!!

    Favorite Television: Grey's Anatomy, King of Queens

    Favorite Books: Organic Chemistry Text

    JAZZSOULP's Friends: