Carlie's Journal

Mar 2007
9:44 AM EST

Yesterday was my birthday !!! Part of my birthday weekend,we had a few friends over yesterday. Today we are having a BBQ and going bowling. Tommorrow we are going to do paintball with some friends. I am so happy!!!!!

Feb 2007
4:06 PM EST

I was shoked to find that my grandmother was soo worried about me that she told my mom to talk to me.It hurt my feelings that she couldn't tell me.Also my sister couldn't tell me what she thought of me, she had to talk to my mother about how concred she was that I was Emo.It hurt.Also I haven't gathered the corage to tell the boy I like that I like him.I am hoping when Valentines day comes I can tell him how I fell.

Jan 2007
1:52 PM EST

Sometimes I feel realy bad like I have no one but other times I feel like I have a everyone on the earth loving me.Also I realy like my guy friend alot but can't tell him.I don't know how to tell him how should I tell him??
1 comment(s) - 08:34 PM - 01/28/2007

Carlie's Profile

  • Username: Carlie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 50
  • Location: USA - Louisiana