marilyn385's Journal

Apr 2008
7:28 AM PST

The Rubber Stamp

The Rubber Stamp
I routinely stamp the invoices with�“date entered”.�I enjoy this task, the clicking sound of the self –inking stamp, the repetition, the neat uniform size of the letters and numbers.
I remember as a child wishing for a rubber stamp.�I used to cut shapes out of pieces of potatoes and use food color to press images on my books.
This fascination began with trips to our neighborhood library.�Back then libraries were still quiet.�No one ate or chewed gum in the library.�If we were even whispering we would get a “Shhh” from the librarian.�She seemed to know off the top of her head where all of the books were and could answer any of our childish questions. She would patiently explain to me time and again how the Dewy Decimal System worked.
The librarian wore a dress and I remember her bracelets that tinkled as she stamped the books.�I was mesmerized by this motion and sound of the repetition of the stamp, her bracelets and the scent of her perfume mixed with the smell of the paper and ink.
In my bedroom I was the librarian, checking books out with my potato stamp, wearing my mothers bracelets.
Today I have a “real” stamp and I get to use it as part of my job on a daily basis.�Most times it is just a mundane task but today I recall the Librarian and realize I now have what I always wished for, a rubber stamp.
1 comment(s) - 11:09 AM - 06/24/2008

Apr 2008
7:27 AM PST

Love and Music - Original Poem

Love and Music
She was only four when she sang along with the old record
“Put another nickel in, in the nickelodeon…”
The dry cleaning fumes from the shop below lingered
With the music playing she went to sleep,
Days were filled with imaginary playmates.
Mommy and daddy were busy with customers
A room filled with shades of brown and black hats
Perched on wooden heads were her audience.
She greeted the customers with a million questions,
She wished for real people to be with
Mommy and daddy were busy with customers
“All I want from you is love and music, music, music.”

Apr 2008
7:25 AM PST

I Didn't go to Church - original poem

I Didn’t Go to Church Today
I went to the dog park to enjoy the company of creatures who know how to love unconditionally.
I shared coffee with friends whom I cherish.
I went for a walk in the neighborhood and felt connected to those around me who were tending their gardens.
I gazed at the summer sky and watched the clouds drift by.
I breathed deeply and felt gratitude for being alive on this Sunday.
No, I didn’t go to church but I spent the day with God.
Marilyn Keever
1 comment(s) - 11:11 AM - 06/24/2008

Apr 2008
7:22 AM PST

Birthday Lemons - poem

The four large, fragrant lemons in the old wooden bowl

Speak to me of love, laughter and friendship.


They tell me of their tree that shaded little girls

Playing with dolls till dusk,


Of the sweet, tart lemonade we sipped through years

Of Birthday parties and on hot summer days.


The lemons smile knowing the secrets we shared,

Of the boys we liked, first kisses and the lies we told our parents.


They whisper to me of their presence in my life,

Through the years of Childhood innocence,

Marriages, Births, Heartbreaks and even Death.


Today is my Birthday and the lemons are here,

As messengers from my best friend,

That I am loved.


Marilyn Keever

March 29, 2006

1 comment(s) - 03:37 AM - 05/26/2008

Jan 2007
3:39 PM EDT

How long it has been since I last walked the sacred trails of this beautiful place. Although I am uncertain of my spiritual path, I walk these paths feeling a connection to my past and the apiritual significance of this place. I came today inspired by my need for exercise and a bit of peace in the silence of nature. I found both. Not a sound except a grazing herd of deer, birds and the rustling of the trees.

Jan 2007
3:31 PM EDT

The begining of the documentation of my weight loss. Every 50 pounds a new picture in same clothes, jeans and a red turtle neck. Today 362 pounds, 13 pound loss. Only 162 pounds to loose to Italy

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  • Username: marilyn385
  • Gender / Age: Female, 74
  • Location: USA - California
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    MARILYN385's Interests:

    Interests: Poetry Cooking Classical music

    Favorite Music: Brahms and Beethoven. Playing Baroque piano music

    Favorite Movies: Brother Sun, Sister Moon King of Hearts