christysmith's Journal

Mar 2007
9:34 AM EDT

Due to the fact of my new location i will be slow on posting any entrys. Sorry for the inconvenience....

Mar 2007
11:15 AM EDT

Today is okay i guess you could say. I found out that if i don't do my exiting classes and complete them i don't get my money until 6weeks after i leave. GRRR... We don't have class today i guess that is the only good thing about it all. Oh... it is so nice outside today the sun is shining and it's not to hot or to cold. I miss my wife..:( ::tear::

Mar 2007
11:27 AM EDT

Today has been a faboulus day... i have my highschool diploma... my Ged and my certification... i think now that i am ready to go out into the real world and start working! I'm shock that i have all of this and it was all so easy but fustraiting at times. I still haven't hurd from my wife on the boat ... i'm assuming that she has been very busy lately. O well... i know that she is coming home to me and i am so excited. Well everyone i'm going to end this now...

Mar 2007
12:01 PM EDT

I passed my microsoft Office Specialist today!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm certified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself and so is everyone eles!!!!!

Mar 2007
2:31 PM EDT

This is me on sunday of last week... i'm so sexy!!!
1 comment(s) - 10:43 AM - 03/13/2007

Mar 2007
2:29 PM EDT

Today is a wonderful day!!!! I took my pre-test and i got an 98% 112 out of 114 questions. I hope you all pray for me that i pass my certification tomorrow... i feel that i am going to pass but pray for me anyways. OOO and i'm 149 pounds... i lost weight!!! WOOT!

Mar 2007
1:54 PM EDT

Today is great i'm going to color my friends hair blond and i heard from my wife today she emailed me i'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 2007
12:12 PM EDT

"Indifference is the strongest force in the universe. It makes everything it touches meaningless. Love and hate don't stand a chance against it. " - Joan Vinge, The Snow Queen

I'm not sure what this quote means really but Love conquers all things even when you don't belive that it can. I know this for a fact love changes a person... i guess you kind of have to be there to go threw it all and understand what i mean by that.

I know i just posted a journal entry but i feel pushed to write today for what reason i am not sure. It's like i have a million things running threw my mind and don't know how to quite get them out. I was thinking about how my life has changed due to what that quote said. It's been long and hard and you know ... i made it threw the love and the hate.. nothing in life is meaningless, it is all meant to happen for a reason and if you don't understand that reason at that point and time... it may take a while but it will come to you.... but anyways i'm blabing because i'm bored in class and well i hate math so i really don't want to do any of it plus i can't find my folder. I have about 15min left of class and well... So yeah have fun reading this i sound like a complete dork.. but like i said before a million things are running threw my mind... mostly about my wife.

Mar 2007
11:29 AM EDT

Today has been very good so far except for the fact that OVER SLEPT THIS MORNING. Lunch was awsome today.. i was suprised. Wonder what dinner is going to be like. I'm pre-testing for my Word certification... wonder how i am going to do on it. Anyways... like i said not much is going on ... just ready to go home because i miss my wife... it's going to be nice to sit down and have a beer and acctually have a break. But then when monday comes around i will probably go to work. Well hope you all are having a good week and remember THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!!

Mar 2007
12:40 PM EDT

Today was good i'm 87% complete done with my work... i miss the wife... rachel got on my nerves today acting like she did but o well shit on her and kick her out my way if you really want to know how much i care. But yeah today has been good i'm glad it's thursday!

Feb 2007
12:45 PM EDT

Today is a pretty good day .. same old crap diffrent day though. I am 68% complete in BT all I have to do now is get my resume to my instructor answer the phone a couple of times and take my certification test. I miss my wife but not as much today i figured if i stay buzy i will be alright. I'm supposed to be cutting someones hair today... hope they like it. Well that's it...

Feb 2007
11:22 AM EDT

Well guys i'm haning in pretty good for the first day. The only tuff part is tonite when i have to go to sleep. I think i'm going to go ahead and go to walmart and buy myself a cute T-shirt. Maybe that will make me pirk up a bit. I have daily living skill classes today that was a boring day.. and i have the class for the next couple of weeks every tuesday. CAN WE SAY FUN!? NOT!!!! But anyways my day is going well i have to get ready to go to a meeting here in a minute i'm just trying to kill the time. Keep me in your prayers everyone. Life isn't easy and i'm sure all of you know that. "People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates." - Thomas Szasz, "Personal Conduct," The Second Sin, 1973 I totally agree with this person on this. Back in the innocent day's when i didn't give a shit about my life every one used to tell my mother that i had not yet found myself... HA! I knew who i was, but i was just begining to creat who i was. How can you create something without experienceing life and trying things... you had to learn what hot and cold was didn't you... how did you find out ... by someone telling you ... i'm sure you didn't belive it, you had to touch it and find out for yourself and it hurt then you belived it was cold. That's just like life and ourselfs if you don't try things and you don't give yourself a reason to understand how will you ever know what you like and whom you are? Thats just my opinion on that subject.

Feb 2007
5:55 PM EDT

Today my wife left to go on the boat i just got off the phone with her. I'm missing her like crazy already... but i know it's only two weeks so... that's not too bad. I was sick today so i got to sleep in wellness all day... Nothing much new... finally got my shampoo and conditoner for my hair thats a pluss. I MISS HER SO MUCH RIGHT NOW ::TEAR:: Pray for me i miss my wife... pray that i make it threw being with out her for two weeks that's something i'm not used to. I know i sound like a big baby. Well i'm going to go now because today wasn't that interesting. Love ya guys.

How do i define Love?

Love is a chemical reaction between two people that starts a life for the two of them. It's something that can't be stolen or ruined when it is true love. Love is beautiful to me and i know that i am in love ... I define love as something God created for two people not of gender but between two souls.

Feb 2007
12:07 PM EDT

Today is going good i guess. My girl leaves to go on the boat on monday... so i'm not to happy about that. She sad too. But anyways i'm not feeling well got a tummy ache i think it's from walking to the gas station to get smokes. Anyways holla atcha girl a little later cuz i aint feeling well.

Feb 2007
11:22 AM EDT

wow the serenity prayer, i haven't hurd that in ages. That means a lot to me. My life used to be crap before i acctually learned what that meant. Sorry i haven't written but things here at school have been very crazy,i can't think much around here and right now to tell you the truth i am in class right now doing nothing because this school is bullshit and well... you know the rest. I'm so happy that my wife is acttually happy and acttually is HAPPY... i mean she hates work but the realtionship with her and i is just great. I couldn't ask for anything better. I'm just waiting to move into our new apartment... only 25 more day's 24 will be tomorrow.. I'm counting it down can't you tell that i am excited? Well i am. I got mail today... oooo yea i did. I got a package from my mommie and it's got my new cd in it and a purse she said that i would love... hope she is right. Other wise it's going in my closet again lol. I have a million purses but don't know what to do with them all. Anyways i'm going to stop here and i will write more tomorrow. Much love and keep it real!
1 comment(s) - 05:45 PM - 02/25/2007

Feb 2007
3:56 PM EDT

Alright folks lets try this shit again... fucking computer sucks here at school and every time i write it wont post. So yeah it's valentines day and i miss my wife i'm about to call her here in a min. So the new news is that i'm going to be living in VA Beach shortly. The sooner the better. I miss that girl so much and to make her happy is my life. She just don't know it ... i almost lost her last year and it was all my fault but i realize what i got right now and i'm determined to make it work between me and her. I Love that girl sooo fucking much. I know some of you feel me on that topic. But anyways... i will be working at MC Donalds but i don't care for her i will do it. I just i don't know ... valentines day is makin me talk all crazy. But anyways the day is peachy some people are getting on my nerves ... there all kisses and hugs and mine aint here to kiss or hug so it pisses me off. But anyways hope this thing posts. Holla
1 comment(s) - 06:29 PM - 02/20/2007

Feb 2007
11:32 AM EDT

Hey everybody!, Well i'm new to this site as you can see this is my first journal entry. I'm 19 years old and will be 20 on the 20th of May i guess we can say this is my GOLDEN YEAR. I hope that it's a good one! I enjoy writting when i'm upset or happy or i have something really important to talk about. My life consists of my wife i love *deirdre* to death till i part. Her and i have been together for FOUR years some has been up and some has been down. I never thought in my life time that i would become so in love with someone. I made my mistakes and it wasn't perfect at first, but things are starting to turn around and i'm so thankful for the mercy and grace of God. Of course she is older than me by like four but we can say that i have the brains in the relationship. I don't know how in the world her and i happend but i know that it was the most important day of my life and i know that well... she saved my life. We wont go into the touchy subject of my life but lets just say that it wasn't a good situation and with her help and the light of her soul and warmth of her smile i made it threw. But enough about my mushy love life lets talk about what's going on today. Today has been kind of boring, not much to do here at job corps. Yes i said job corps don't let your eyes fall into your mouth because i know it's gaping open. I want you all to know never come to a goverment place just because they tell you it's "free" thats bulls*** nothing is free because of all the bull s*** that you put up with here. I couldn't tell you how many times i wanted to jump off the top of this f***ing building for my own sanity. It sucks!!! Don't do it... unless you realy need to make something of your life and it's your last option. Okay lets talk about breakfeast!!! I ate pretty good this morning i had scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, grits with bacon cheese and butter in them, one chicken breast, and bacon bean soup, oh and i made my own gehtto iced coffee. So it was aight. I don't get lunch today just dinner at 4:30 which i can garuntie wont be good. It f***ing sucks here and i want to go home to my wife. I miss her so freaking much i want to pull out my brain and stomp on it because im missing her so much is driving me insane. But it wont be much longer before i get to go home if everything goes financaly right for us. I'm in a sucky mood and yeah... don't know what's wrong with me but i feel like a depressed pregnat woman and i feel like crying so i'm going to stop writting and well maybe go have a smoke. Ps: my roomates want to go home... and opps i kind of forgot to write a little bit about them... sooo ... jillian is the crazy one who bitches constanly about everything, holly on the other hand can fit in the dryer... she's tiny... but... yeah there hoes and bitches but i love them and i'm going to miss them.

christysmith's Profile

  • Username: christysmith
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Virginia
    Photo Album

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    CHRISTYSMITH's Interests:

    About Me: I'm 19 and married to a beautiful woman named deirdre. No you can't have her because she is the best thing in the world that has ever happend to me. I have my GED but it switched over to a highschool diploma. I love life and every thing in it. I'm a strong person but i get hurt easly.

    Interests: Music, Friends, My wife who is the love of my life, Getting my education.

    Favorite Music: I really can't say that i have a fav in music because i like it all except we have to make an exception on some because i don't like classical or heavy head banging metal.

    Favorite Movies: Does this include the one that i made with my wife heeh :)

    Favorite Television: I don't have time to watch tv anymore.

    Favorite Books: Play boy and the bible. I know those two don't go together... but i like em.