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    soulthiefcc  38, Male, Florida, USA - 5 comments
Apr 2007
3:32 AM EDT they want to put me on restriction. Go ahead. They act like it effects me. I've done this kind of shit before. Right when this thing ends. I'm taking leave and goin home for a month so I can get stuff straightened out with my family. So I'm in a really good mood today. =) Talk to you later. PEACE!!!

2 comment(s) - 08:32 AM - 04/15/2007
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    BadBiitchNiqua  34, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
6:58 AM PDT

All the time Boys say that us girls complain to much but wat do they do wine of stupid s*** and that don't make since boys also wine over sex Here's one I heard beore''We been together for 5 years I think Its time for Sex'' Thats wat they say but That s*** won't work for me I'm more of a That is to short for me there are 10 stages some pople have 4 stages.Me and my boyfriend are at the 4th stage 10th stage is sex but right now just leave it at that
1 comment(s) - 06:28 PM - 03/31/2007
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    wickedlvr10  33, Female, Mississippi, USA - 9 comments
Apr 2007
6:24 PM EDT

Has anyone noticed those quotes at the top of the screen when you're writing a message?...I love those!...Okay today was a really good day. I mean nothing out of the ordinary happened but still it was good. It was calm today. I love it when I'm able to feel calm, cool, and collected. I know this is really dorky, but I LOVE to read and I got new book today so i'm happy! This is really random and of subject but I hate days when I feel like nothing is going right and then I get in this depressed mood that makes me want to hate everything...II absolutely hate those times! But I guess everyone goes through them...right?
1 comment(s) - 03:00 PM - 07/03/2007
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    jaymme68  56, Female, Mississippi, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2007
8:19 AM CST

4-1-07 - I've been deperessed all day. Watching Father of the Bride made me realize how much of my life I would change if I could go back. I miss my Daddy so much. I would have had a real wedding, I would have left all the idiots I got involved with alone, I would have gotten my children out of Montgomery, AL sooner and I would have never let my daughter quit school. I re-married their father again for the third time after 14 years, and my life has gone back to the way it was years ago, I'm dealing with his drug addiction once again, I was free of it, and I believed his hopeless promises and took him back again. this is another thing I would change if I could. Now I'm stuck. We live in a house that is way too expensive, there is nothin here to rent that is affordable, the only positive thing is that I am finally going back to nursing school. that is the one thing I can still thrive for. Now that I am 38 I can see that this is not the life I would have chosen for myself. My adoptive parents families don't have anything to do with my now that they know that I know I was adoped and my biological parents families have little to do with me, so it's just me, Shana, Dylan and bobby and my Mama that raised me, which by the way IS my Mama as far as I am concerned. I feel lost without any family ties and it's unfair. I think that's why I have always clinged to Bobby because even though he does what he does I know he really loves me. He can't help how he was raised and its like he is brainwashed. But I'm afraid he will never ever stop doing drugs, taking pills, and I can't live my life like that. I'm going to turn my attention to school and I know when I get out that if he is still doin his thing I can afford to do whatever I want. I could kick my own ass for believing he would actually see things the right way, hell that's all he knows. I'm tired of struggling, we never have enough money, my son, poor thing, I never thought a person could love someone as much as I love him. If I could take him away from this environment right now I would today, I had him out and damnit if I didn't bring him back in it by giving bobby the benefit of the doubt. I should have known better. Poor Shana, he has hurt her more than anybody probably. that makes me hate him. He's never in his right mind anymore, stupidm methodome and Zanax. I hate pillsand I hate drugs!!!!!!!! I wish I could take both my kids out of here I would. Anyway I guess that is enough for today. Until tomorrow.
2 comment(s) - 09:14 AM - 04/12/2007
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    AMBERxCINDERELLA  31, Male, Ohio, USA - 3 comments
Apr 2007
2:11 PM EDT

Nothing today, that i can think of. I will probably keep this updated since i don't have a life.
Talk to you later.
Tags: HI
3 comment(s) - 05:28 PM - 06/26/2007
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    keonyama96  30, Female, Kansas, USA - 13 comments
Sep 2010
6:50 PM EDT

Still my school year is gud 4 i am stuco VP n grades r ok my volleyball year sux cause he wont play me wen i deserve 2 b played
1 comment(s) - 03:30 PM - 10/11/2010
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    tatortot  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2007
5:12 PM EDT

hey will i am 13 years old...but im always happy
2 comment(s) - 10:49 PM - 04/01/2007
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    maj12  31, Female, Canada - 1 comments
May 2007
6:07 PM EDT

Well i am now broke up with shane but it is ok.Love is not finding the persect person but finding the imperfect person.Got to go ttyl.

1 comment(s) - 06:31 PM - 05/12/2007
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    blessedangel  51, Female, Mississippi, USA - 9 comments
Mar 2008
1:57 PM CST

What needs simplifying

My relationships need simplifying....with family and personal. I should drop the personal since I caught him cheating. Family is a different matter. However, keeping to myself works pretty good.
1 comment(s) - 08:32 AM - 10/07/2011
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    Antwan96  35, Male, Michigan, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2007
5:11 PM EDT

Ok there is this boy named antwan he goes to my school and I like him alot and he knows that I like him but I dont think he knows how much I like him (I am talkin to him on the phone right now) to tell you the truth I think I love hom but i cant tell him that. cant I ????? he is all that cute but I like him any wayz...........I asked him if he likes me he said I dont know how can you not no if you like somebody...........I am at my daddys house right know so I cant write every thing I want to write in here cuz my dad likes to come check up on me and see if I am on a chat line................I like Antwan so much it aint even funny that is why I think I love him..................we kissed the onther day even though we dont go out yet............I know he lie me too that is why he sayed he doesnt know if he like me or not......I will write more later bye

♥ Antwan96♥
1 comment(s) - 07:18 PM - 04/04/2007
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    HiddenScars  35, Female, Louisiana, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2007
9:56 AM CDT

Well just got this thing, the only real reason that I have this thing is because i am tired of all the other poetry and journal sites... I wanted something new but its ok it wont b new for long soon as normal all of pickering will be on it...they always take over my is stupid...
Well I got the gossip today that everyone has already got and i dont really know what to do..he is a great guy but i am in a relationship.... and i love kris and im not gonna cheat on her...that is just stupid....neways i really like him to he is great but i dont want to be with him...I just want his as a friend but a few people have came up to me and told me the same thing and dont get me wrong i am flattered....i think it is cute...but yeah n a realtionship....besides the whole gay/bi thing....but that doesnt matter...and now that that is gone...
ummmm here is my 1st entry..nothing great just me sayin whatever is on my mind I LOVE IT!!! clean unrated fun dont ask...

1 comment(s) - 09:26 AM - 04/04/2007
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    lovesawar08  35, Female, Louisiana, USA - 3 comments
Apr 2007
7:46 AM CST

hey well im in not a good mood...wait that wasnt put ne way i need a ciggarette and that might have something to do with my attitude...well im at school and it basically sucks but which school doent suck..."nada"....well i am so bored and well just writing to do something besides looking like a no problems today except one particular person....but really dont want to talk about that person right now...well i guess all for now and ttyl!......

1 comment(s) - 11:10 AM - 04/26/2007
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    kitkat94  31, Female, Iowa, USA - 4 comments
Apr 2007
4:04 AM EST

hey i am @ school in study table and i am hangin out with me friends well the boyz are gettin in trouble a lot kuz they r talkin my friend luke says hi "hi" well gtg my teacher is a butt hole!
1 comment(s) - 06:52 PM - 04/11/2007
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    Staci07  31, Female, Iowa, USA - 5 comments
Apr 2007
4:32 PM CDT

Hey yall! how u been latley? i hope its good, cause i'm gonna bring u down. Its so stupid how we get in those little fight with friends, like massi, or just justine but every1 gets through it rite? Well not me I no its stupid but i no dat we ain't gonna be alright. I no u think dat i sound ike a cheesy old tv cartoon, but im not gonna miss my girl. Its not kitkat, or melany, or cameron, just massie. She took my solo in the chorus, but she didn't care all she thinks about is herself! I no its rude but shes a b*****! she won't sit still and never stops braggin bout her voice.! i think im jeleous just a little bit but now i turned her away. Theres no gettin her back and dats how i like it! no 1 nos it but i can't think why she has to move! she sits next to me in band, and i don't want to git in trouble wit my teacher Mr. Oatts. I told her that i didn't wanna talk and she blew up in my face! wat am i supposed 2 do about that? Wel i g2g plz comment me! tell me wat to do?
4 comment(s) - 12:51 AM - 03/18/2009
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    michaela  37, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2007
7:25 PM EDT

mccycyc chx y cg dggdsvgvxgs tsvdtsvdtdsvskdngsgad sbsdbfbsrvscsvsdksohhdybtwvhdsbxhbxtsbndxgbvshxfsbdvsxbxfsbfsbxsbxsbdvsbdcmichaelahdscyhbdydb ctdhbcg ytcbcycfcvcharrisxcbshxcbdgxb xghxb dgd xcyx chsx chxgdshd egsocbdbxghcgdhdvxbxg gdgbvdndhbyxnxxcxcnxhmxmxjxyh mxuhcbcync,zbcxbcxcncgmxhbchcgybhcbxncbhzbhjbgsygtdv f dghaxghxbtxdcbc cxzdchdbyhdcmchcmjbvbvbcbvcvcbfvnfhcbdgdhc ddgbfdgtfvrbgfdhbfvdbfv fdsvgvddhjgdgvdvfdcvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxvxcsvgacvgdcrs cdvfdsbcsvfrgvhnbbhg556778bxbnhbnbnhbhbh chbggtvfgtvbcdsvc gcghbsdvgdcsvfvfdvgbv dgbv dv cjnhsajku,bhuftdqfckuigfqyqegfqUGUOGL2HYGU3OUYWTGUIKWRUYHIKTOHYIEGIEHTGREYUOU9JIBRWJUOPKOYKOIUHGYREY HYFBHFBYTFBTHGFBV VFDGFNYUFTBFGGGGGGGGGGGGGFGSJGDGVFVFGVDRYFTRDRFGDFGCFGFFHDVFYTVBFCVBVGCVTV VFUJYCBDCHBBCBCBCHCCCGCBCTCVCGCBCVCCBBVGC CDFD XCFXVSDSDXCCSFSCDDSCDTSGGHHJJNHUJ KM KLLL;L;/[;'';P.KPJKIGNGDCFXDDXFSGSFHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGFGFFVTVCFGVG GFGHFVGFVGYFFGFBGFGGFGGVDTRVBBVBGDXFCFVGVGCGCGF GFGFDBSSTFGFT
1 comment(s) - 09:43 PM - 04/04/2007
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    JustinFlieth  41, Male, Illinois, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2007
3:47 AM CST

So this is my first and mabey last entry bc im not much for least not here...i sorta prefer blogspot...but what i do have to say is that i have found someone who is amazing. She cares more then i thought anyone could and thats what i love..i thought that there was no one left who genuiallnly cared but she does and like a great song says.. "
1 comment(s) - 08:15 AM - 04/30/2007
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    anirahs  35, Female, Singapore - 3 comments
Jun 2007
5:26 PM AWST

aaarrrhhh!!!! 2 wks of term break has juz finish...didn't do muchduring holidae...too busy lazing arnd.. haha:p
1 comment(s) - 05:58 PM - 06/27/2007
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    DaFreak  32, Male, Mississippi, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
4:59 AM CDT

Today was meant to be a good day, but it really was a bad day...the reason why is because...
Mr.Perkin's first period class was good cause all we did was sit down and talk about each other, and listen to Mr.Perkins talk. But in second period...I went in, adn seen the binders in crates on the floor, and being a good student I went head on and tried to find my binder to start preparing my portfolio. But when I started to look I didn't see it, and I realized it wasn't in there. So, I went to Mrs.Bell/Johnson room to ask her and she said that somebody preobably had stole now I'm mad. She was gone give me my points because I had all the necessary work plus now I have to go to Fred's dollar store and buy a new binder, and go home and get some more sleeves. So now anybody who messes with me until I calm down is going to get that attitude that nobody wants to see, cause when I get mad, I act just like I'ma mad hit man mad at the world and anybody who says something to going to get hit...
1 comment(s) - 12:33 PM - 05/18/2007
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    monkeys11294  33, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Jul 2007
5:35 AM EDT

i luv ma lif im livin a fairy tale princess storii. my prince charmin luvz me more dan eva n i actually dont feel invisible around ma familiy now jus because of him i luv him sooo much i wanna get married in 4 yearz
1 comment(s) - 07:18 PM - 07/24/2007
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    tash  32, Male, New Jersey, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2007
2:30 PM EDT

well i never pretend to be some thing iam not iam like the most popular girl in school i mean com on i can't help my self iam beautiful my lip gloss is poppin my lip gloss is cool all the boys be wathching they chase me after school
1 comment(s) - 02:04 AM - 07/29/2007
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