Users With Most Comments

Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    Tigruten27  45, Male, New Jersey, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
3:33 PM EDT

ok so its fucking nice as fuck outside!! I left work at 5 and missed the express so I took the next bus which drops me off about 20 min down from my apartment and since it was nice I didnt mind the walk other than the fact i had a bookbag with a book that weighs 35lbs. Anyways got home and roomate who is jobless but seems to be ok with it cooked meatballs and spegetti and it was really good. I am a freak when it comes to meatballs since i come from an italian family and my moms meatballs are the best and i can def. say that roomate did an awsome job. Anyways i got stuck into the american idol show this year since everyone and there mother watches it. Gonna go pick up some beer across the street and cigs and then watch tv and relax till I hit my nice sexy bed.' Anyways allmost 8.. gonna smokey and then jet. *all the windows in the apartment are open and i got shorts and a wife beater on. it doesnt get much better than that.
1 comment(s) - 08:16 PM - 03/27/2007
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    Erikluver12  40, Female, Nebraska, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
4:23 PM EDT

About two weeks ago a new student moved to Nebraska from New York. He is very nice and I wish he would ask me out. We both have the same intresets but, he doesn't really notice me. I don't know what I should do. I also have a teacher who insists on playing a ps3 in class. When doing my assignments it is hard to concentrate. Some other students crowd around and talk nonstop! What should I do about that?

1 comment(s) - 09:07 AM - 03/16/2007
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    luisescobar11  35, Male, Texas, USA - 6 comments
May 2007
8:57 AM CDT

it's okay...
2 comment(s) - 05:18 PM - 05/16/2007
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    ZombiKid  34, Female, Australia - 2 comments
Apr 2007
6:38 PM EDT

Boys Are Stupid.

...well... Most of them are anyway.
Always being soCompeitive..And
But most Stupid of all when they get

..Theres this one boy. who i completely
Adore. Because his my bestfriend.

Specimen number one:
Nicknames: Eddie, Edwardos, Edman.
Likes: Turtles. ChickenSalt. Metal Music.
Dislikes: Parents. HororFilms.
Bestfriends: Caleb. Myself/Samm. Corey?

This boy. is my life. but.
He's Jealous of the boy i am inlove with.

Specimen number two:
Nicknames: Corey?
Likes: Coffee. Hugs.
Dislikes: Seeing People Cry.
Bestfriends: Eddie. Myself. Marius.

...Sometimes is love worth it?
Stupid Boys.
Stupid love triangles.


Is it a crime to love them both?

♥ Sammm.
2 comment(s) - 03:54 AM - 04/29/2007
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    felix31794  30, Male, Georgia, USA - 6 comments
Mar 2007
5:27 AM EDT

Dear journal today is my Birthday nobody have told me happy birthday except two of my friends on myspace and reprsentative which is a music downloading site i know this is going to be a good birthday maybe the best all i got to do is leave it in God hands. I'm going to have a good birthday in Jesus name.
6 comment(s) - 08:00 PM - 05/28/2007
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    Cinderella  31, Female, United Kingdom - 4 comments
May 2007
5:29 PM WEDT

Ok, what do you do? My parents are practically forcing me to go to veterinary school when i want to be a writer and i like my best friend. i just wanna scream!

please! someone help me!
2 comment(s) - 05:48 AM - 07/19/2007
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    tracy  54, Female, China - 12 comments
Sep 2007
6:57 AM H

1 comment(s) - 03:09 AM - 09/18/2007
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    Covergirl71828  32, Female, New York, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2007
4:40 AM EDT

dear every1,
i am a new gaia member . my name is Covergirl71828 if u need a friend iam here.byy
2 comment(s) - 03:34 PM - 03/21/2007
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    MissMonet  35, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
4:42 AM PST

so i can not stop thinkin bout mike.. he's my boyfriend of almost 3 months but ive known him for 15 months and dated him a total of 6 months within that 15.. and in july hes moving away.. to arkansas.. i hate this.. i mean every time i fall for a gut he moves or leaves me for another girl is it me? or them? i have yet for figure that out.. and it sucks... cuz i honestly believe that we will be together for a while despite the fact he will be moving 23 hours away to malvern arkansas.... ugh.. he never says he'll try to stay... or i think we could runaway together not literally runway but just STAY together on the west coast.. instead of being soooo spaerd apart... i dunno how i am goin handle this he left once before and i cried all damn day... and only he could make me smile... and he promised to call, myspace msg me, and email me he did everything once!! no.. not happenin cuz hes mine now so i need him to call me everyday, myspace msg me alot, and email me when i dont answer or msg back.. i basically want him to be desperate for me

1 comment(s) - 05:02 PM - 03/21/2007
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    leahstephens01  31, Female, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Mar 2007
8:59 PM BST

18:49 Mon 19th March

Today has been a troublesome day and a happy day. Firstly my bad day was that my best boy friend has asked me out and i dont no what to say. He canbe nice but sometimes he is in love with himself and acts allhard please help !
And my good day is that since the oarty onfriday night me n people at school have got very close and talk more. Anyways got to go talk soon leah x
1 comment(s) - 03:39 PM - 03/19/2007
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    Jessy5211  34, Female, Ohio, USA - 23 comments
Sep 2007
5:50 PM EDT

wow its been a minute since i been on here...i think before summer..but yeah lots of shyt happened over the summer..all good tho nothing terrible happened this summer...i had fun fun fun...i got my car and all that good stuff and partied it up just about every single still havin my fun tho on the weekends [and school nites] lol but yeah...i've been lookin for a job and all that good stuff and currently am tryin to stop smokin cigs but i kno as soon as payday comes around i'll be stickin it up again lol...soo yeah there was some drama this summer also and damn i dont kno where to begin wit it all...i've met a lot of new friends which its about time [no offense judi and jess] but they enjoy havin eachothers company 24/7 but when you get to goin different places u have to have a different type of person there wit you if that makes any sense at yeah...i've been through fights with friends and family..been through about haha i aint even gonna say how many me and my partner in crime were repeatedly told we were "boy crazy" but they didnt kno half of it...matter of fact they didnt kno any of it lol..but yeah i dont kno what else to say soo just leave me some comments about anythinggggggggggggggggggg

2 comment(s) - 09:50 PM - 11/10/2007
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    jjhope  47, Female, DC, Washington, USA - 2 comments
May 2007
7:32 PM EDT

i am grateful for this beautiful beach, compassionate and loving inlaws, a beautiful husband, and the wisdom to appreciate such blessings
1 comment(s) - 11:52 PM - 05/27/2007
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    Ashfone3  32, Female, Colorado, USA - 5 comments
Apr 2007
5:20 AM MST

HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY LOL! but hey guess what guess what. I got this sweet avenged sevenfold tank top....its only hottness. I got more black nailpolish lol which ive like totally needed. a kick ass belt which i only totally needed and lots and lots of candy which i totally needed. DAD lol. but i talked to john on the phone last night till about one in the morning but it was a little chat that we needed to have rather sooner than later. but wow anyways like HAPPY EASTER PEEPS. BEYES <3

1 comment(s) - 11:11 AM - 04/09/2007
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    babe21  31, Female, Texas, USA - 16 comments
Jun 2007
3:32 PM EDT

Im in Love With a Guy From a different school!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 05:18 PM - 06/26/2007
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    shigatsutillimit2006  39, Female, Colorado, USA - 1 comments
May 2008
6:32 AM MDT

Love doesn't come everyday so so love back when you get it.
1 comment(s) - 08:24 AM - 05/29/2008
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    juliannd  30, Female, Florida, USA - 3 comments
Mar 2007
12:53 PM EDT

hey im julie!
right now i hate my life.
i feel like cutting my self but i retain myself
my stepdad is a jerk
i never see my mom cause she comes back from work at 7
i never see my dad cause my parents are divorced i only see him every other weekend.
there is five kids in this house and im the youngest
i get bad grades i try to bring them up but nuthing ever works
i hate school everyone there are stuck up bitches
everyone ther is so dramatic
i want to be homeschooled so bad
my sister and my brother smoke but got caught and i almost started but i never did
the only reason im mdoing this is cause i need to let all my anger out and i need advice...
so comment and help me.='[
always crying; julie
3 comment(s) - 11:23 PM - 03/26/2007
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    writer1chick  36, Female, New York, USA - 4 comments
Apr 2007
12:14 AM EDT

Did you ever feel that you couldn't sleep? Even though it was late at night and there's nothing open. But you were in the dancing mood? In a way it is a Great feeling but still you can't saticfie your craveing to dance cause of the time. Well that's how I feel right now. It's 413 in the morning and I'm bored out of my mind wanting to go out and dance.. Just thought I would tell a bunch of people that I don't know if they ever felt the same way...
1 comment(s) - 07:35 AM - 04/03/2007
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    TiffenyMarie  34, Female, Iowa, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
4:51 AM CDT

Hi, my name is T and here is a little about me i guess. I am 16 but in 6 days i will be 17! yaaa me! anyway i am a junior in high school and love to have fun. Yesterday, my mom and i got into a huge argument about me leaving for college next june. sometimes i wonder if i should just die and everythings will be ok... no more hurt or anger.
1 comment(s) - 08:41 PM - 03/27/2007
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    mercedes06  32, Female, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
12:48 PM EDT

my name is mercedes. my favorite sport is soccer i dont know what this site is my friend jessica made it for me. thank you jess.
1 comment(s) - 07:36 AM - 03/28/2007
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    cbutterfly  34, Female, North Carolina, USA - 5 comments
Apr 2007
3:59 PM EDT

My day has been good my grandpa's hart sugery went good so I am happy!!! I am going to eat with my mom and dad to night so I happy. Mood.happy.
2 comment(s) - 09:57 PM - 04/13/2007
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