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    NPA  29, Female, USA - 2,362 views
Aug 2006
3:21 PM EDT

My mom is such a a a... bum I cant say one little thing with out making her mad and when I do its going to the store to play the machine (pocker machine!!) go ahead mom lose somemore money! grrrrrrrrrr ok ok calm down...
1 comment(s) - 06:37 PM - 10/17/2009

    iLOVEmyBRO  32, Female, South Carolina, USA - 7,463 views
Oct 2006
3:51 AM EDT

Well, today I was home sick. I prolly will be tomorrow too. My mom was going to let me stay home anyway for mother/daughter time. I was so happy! Untill at about nine o' clock I got really sick. I have a fever. It sucks!

    ShowStopper99  34, Female, South Carolina, USA - 3,122 views
Aug 2006
7:19 PM EDT

oh my gosh i have been suspended from school for 3 days i am sooo angry this is my first and last time this is gonna happen..i cryed when i herd i was susupended well i have to go...i have tons of assignments to do.........
1 comment(s) - 08:35 PM - 03/22/2007

    dawn  48, Female, South Carolina, USA - 3,765 views
Jan 2007
7:40 AM CST

You know i really have no idea what i am doing most days, i don't know if i just have some kind of ticking clock that is telling me it is time to find Mr. right ( not Mr. Right Now and certainly not Mr. Always Right) and get married and settle down or if i have just finally decided to start looking for what i want instead of settling for what i have. Whatever it is the problem still remains that all of this going on while i am still in a relationship and i don't know about the rest of the country or even the world but i am not sure that is how this is supposed to be done. I mean is it ok to shop around while u r with someone? I know that if i am not happy that i am entitled to that but what about my son and the feelings of others where does all that come in. I could reaally use some input, i know what i want, i know that i don't want what i current;y have but that i can't afford a lif e for me and my child while in school if i don't stay with adam but is it really ok to figure all this out whith out him knowing what i am thinking. I have told him many times that i am not happy with the way things are but still...very confused, if there is anyone out there with any advise at all please by all means clue me in here. I am begging at this point...

    slaterbean  2025, Female, South Carolina, USA - 2,209 views
Oct 2006
11:30 AM EDT

Ever have one of those nights where you just wake up several times? A restless start to the day is no fun. My husband and I were very restless last night with disturbing dreams. He does not remember his, but I certainly remember one of mine! It was not the kind of nightmare that was made of make-believe elements. But it was something so real, fears that would haunt most anybody, especially a parent. I dreamt I was defending my position on a certain matter with members of my family that can be huge button pushers. Well in the dream, my 19 month old daughter was crawling around under the table and so I continued my arguement with my family. Then someone made a disturbing comment and it involved my daughter, so I quickly looked under the table and she was no where to be found! I called for her and looked for her, and I could feel the stares of "You such a bad mother", all around me! I was panicked, I woke up! I really do not like dreams like that! I was so shaken, I got up and looked in on her and of course God allowed her a peaceful night's rest (Thank you Lord!) and she was sleeping so soundly:) But I was still shaken! I began to pray and pray hard. Something just felt off. You know what I mean? I kept praying and praying. I found out my sister also had a night like this too. Very odd. But I do encourage you that if you do find yourself in that same situation, to pray to God. He will come and comfort you. Please have a lovely weekend!

    ST4  32, Male, South Carolina, USA - 2,333 views
Aug 2006
4:24 PM EDT

Hey, I'm new on this site. I'm havin' a good time already. We'll I'm 14 years old. I hope there are other kids my age on this site. It's Sunday and I hate Sudays for some reason. It's just that I don't wanna go to school tommorow. All we do is work, but I really wanna go to college, so I gotta do good to go to UNA. Yeah I'm a freshmen. And I'm not use to High school, at least not yet. Middle school was so fun. But the bad thing about middle school was that I lost my best friend. I don't even know why I brought that up. It's a truly sad story. We'll I'm runin out of words so holla at ya home girl. Peace out.
2 comment(s) - 09:09 AM - 11/17/2006

    cheyenne  40, Female, South Carolina, USA - 2,342 views
Aug 2006
9:10 AM HAST

this is my first entry i want to journal my little heart away because the truth is every thought that is happing in my pretty little head is driving me crazy i'm on paxal the second medicine that i've ever in my life had to take everyday...the first being iron for anemia... it feels like i'm sub-human now like i'm less then somebody who doesn't need anti-depresents to feel happiness did you know that i can no longer have a job in "top siceritiy" now that i have takin a anti-depresent. i tell everyone that i don't feel right i get so nervious at any giving point i can't talking face to face with somebody because my face twiches very imbarasing

    Peterparker  49, Male, South Carolina, USA - 9,983 views
Apr 2007
6:23 AM EDT

Yesm, i do it do so that I can get a certain response from people.

    LilRican55  32, Female, South Carolina, USA - 5,140 views
Aug 2006
6:22 AM EDT

hey guys what ya been up 2??theres this song i can't get out of my head its called everywhere by michelle branch i like the whole song it goes like this:turn it inside out so i can see,the part of u thats drifting over me,cuz everytime i wake your never there and everytime i sleep your everywhere, your everywhere just tell me how i got this far, just tell me why your here and who you are, cuz everytime i look your never there, but when i sleep your always there... [chorus]cuz ur everywhere 2 me and when i close my eyes its u i see ur everything i know that makes me believe i'm not alone whoa oh oh i'm not alone i recognize the way u make me feel, its hard 2 think that u might not be real, i sense it now,the water's getting deep i try 2 wash the pain away 4rm me away 4rm me [chorus] cuz ur everywhere 2 me...and when i catch my breath its u i breath..your everything i know that makes me believe i'm not alone whoa oh oh i'm not alone so that was the song that i love and that song is basically how my life is going but hopefully i will find the right guy...hopefully..lolz!

    prdiva87  38, Female, Florida, USA - 15,633 views
Dec 2010
1:00 PM CDT


About 4 days ago my boyfriend asked me to marry him and today we had a fight. Honestly I don't even remember what the fight was about. All I know is he told his brother that he is trying to teach me responsibility. I'm not a child. I would prefer it if we could talk things out but he is acting like a child and barely talking to me. Honestly I don't feel engaged at the moment. I think we need to communicate more and try to work things out.
1 comment(s) - 12:04 AM - 12/28/2010

    lmm27295  44, Female, Florida, USA - 14,775 views
Jan 2007
8:03 AM EDT

I am very upset about last night, but I am not going to raise my voice w/ you or get loud and upset and I would appreciate it you can do the same in this conversation. I am going to try to express how I feel to you in the nicest way that I know how and w/o trying to purposely upset you. Please listen to what I have to say just like I listen to you and let you speak your peace. First of all, the other night you expressed to me how when you come to me you want me to be understanding, caring, etc. I did not get that respect from you at all last night, I feel like you set all the rules that I am suppose to follow when you have issues but when it is me w/ the problem, all rules are broken. And no matter what point I try to make to you, I feel like you always try to twist it instead of really listen and trying to understand why I think the way I do. Communication, the things that are said, I understand you have your ways of thinking and that they are not like mine, but it is how you handle it and the words that are said, I am tired of the hurtful things, it is one thing to talk to me about things that frustrate you about me and its another to say the things that were said last night, you have to learn how to control your mouth b/c it is pushing me away from you. It is making me not want to be close to you. You don’t understand the fact of when you say things like you do, they are not forgotten, and I carry them with me You have top realize that we are not alike. We are different in so many ways. We think different, handle things differently, see things differently etc. We have to except that about each other. You don’t always act the way I want you to or say what I want to hear and the same goes with me. Or you say things sometimes that you think are funny but you really have a meaning behind it is where we again, have to set boundaries. There are boundaries that have to be set and have to be respected and not crossed. I have to know that if I call up Chandra and trash talk you to her that I have crossed a boundary and I have to expect that you are going to be upset, so I don’t cross that boundary. Just like w/ me, if you purposely say things to hurt me, then u have crossed a boundary and I am going to upset with you. Trying to express a concern w/ one another is going to have to occur from time to time but just down right be mean to one another is going to drive us apart. With the wedding, I am tired of being threatened. This is how I feel, point blank, if it is said again, that the wedding is called off, then that’s it, I will follow through w/ it and we will not get married, I not going through a roller coaster with this wedding. This event is suppose to be a fun and special time and it is not turning out to be like that. This is something that is very important to me and my family and I have a lot of people that is putting a lot into this for me. We have 5 months left and I don’t want to have to look back at this time with you and think of how miserable it was for me. I don’t want to keep having to harp on the wedding issue. Either it is going to get better or it won’t and if it don’t then we need to call it off b/c we have people that really care about is and this event and they are putting a lot of $ into this. If you don’t want to get married then PLEASE tell me now and I will stop it all! If we don’t think we can live together, than let’s call this off, I am going to tell you right now, I cannot stand a messy house. If this is going to continue to be an issue than something is going to have to change. I don’t ask you to clean toilets, or scrub, the shower or dust. All I ask of you is to pick up after yourself or do a load of clothes or take out the trash or jump in and help if we have guest coming or put your coat in the closet. I want a neat and clean home and if this is a problem for you then like I said, this will never work. I cannot do it all by myself. I have to work to. I cannot constantly pick up behind you. So if that is what you want then I will do it but I will be a stay at home girl. You talk about how you love that I am girly, well this is part of that package. I grew up in a messy, unorganized home 80% of my life there and I WILL NOT have my home looking like that! Trust, Trust is very important, especially considering what is getting ready to happen with us. This issue has really put a damper on that with me. I am not going to lie to you, I did search for it once I realized that there was some on the computer. I understand that you have needs. U are a man and that is understandable. What frustrates me is how you hide things, u may not realize this but it kills your creditability, it makes me question things that you tell me and I hate that. I hate that I have to pull the truth out of you. PLEASE just be up front with me and don’t hide it. It just makes it 10 times worse. When you are in the wrong, just be honest and we can work through it easier. Do you want me to hide stuff from you? It makes me think 10 times more of you if you don’t hide stuff. When I don’t feel like I can trust you, it makes me not want to be close to you. I don’t care what it is, big or small, don’t lie to me, tell me stuff before I have to find about it. I want to be able to find comfort in you and be able to let my hair down with you and I want to feel like I can tell you everything and I want to feel like if I fall or make a mistake, you will be there. I want to be that person for you. I want has to build a bond with you, not a wall. I just want you to know that I love you. I want you to truly love me, to the pt that there is nothing that we would not do for one another and I am not talking about small stuff like you always fixing my drink or me always having to get up and get something for you. I am talking about stuff that really matters. We can be a great couple if we try hard. We have got to stop giving up. I do it to. And we have got to take responsibility for our actions b/c if we deny what we do, then we will never change it and I am not talking about telling one another a problem just to cause a problem to make the other one feel bad. But we have to start admitting what our fought are so we can make them better and help each other with that instead of criticizing them for it. Its funny cause in a lot of ways our situation reminds me of Sonny and Carly as stupid as it sounds. I think we need to figure out a way to help with these problems. I am willing to do anything. I have been unhappy and buy what u said, u have too. #1. I think we need to set a goal for reading the book that I bought. I think we need to read 5 to 10 pgs a week. And we can read the same pgs, prob not together b/c we will not see that much of each other, but we can talk about what we read. This will also help to know that we are both reading them and not just saying that we are. #2. I think that we need to set aside 1 nite a week to go do something together, ex. Bowling, or we can trade off, one time is something you like then next time something I like, We should fit this in every week even if something else has to go. It is important that we start getting closer and trying to build a stronger bond. #3. On Sundays, we can both get a piece of paper and right down one good thing about that week or a praise for the other person and one disturbing thing so that we can learn from it. Do you have any ideas? This stuff may seem stupid but I am trying really hard to keep us from tearing apart.
1 comment(s) - 11:46 PM - 03/02/2007

    justmeandmine  57, Female, Florida, USA - 1,656 views
Aug 2006
6:38 AM EDT

Gee, finally found a free journal. I have been meaning to do this forever. hmm, I really want to use this too, for my dream log. so, here goes........I had a dream my family moved to a new house. there is always a secret room when i dream of houses. I dreamt i went to bingo LOL and my shoe and shirt strap broke. then i got lost, because it was a new neighborhood. I remember thinking that what an odd place, like being in a foreign country. I seen woman at a corner just laying there. I thought they were homeless, but all of a sudden they start burning inscense and playing religious music. Then i seem a pack of dogs, and what i believed to be some horses down the street. well thats all for now gotta go.

    shae  31, Female, Texas, USA - 14,363 views
Dec 2006
4:27 PM EDT

Well were back I had a blast we did so much fun stuff while in romania and in germany i am soooo glad that my mom didn't go cuz that would of ruiend the trip sirin was our intermiter he speeks 4 languages and was a really cool guy paul was fun to have on the trip but judy was way to slow for things and had know buisness on a trip like this. the people are really poor over there they on avarage make like 150 dollars a month and stuff is not cheeper over there than it is over here Seth got his 2 front botom teeth while i was gone and did i already say that i HATE my mom oh i didn't well let me say it again there is nothing she can do to make me love her ever again I HATE her she tries really hard to make my life like misrable she says she dosn't she just needs my help yeah to do her stupied stuff for her GOD i HATE her why did i get her for a mother oh i feall realy sorry for seth becouse he still has all of his like ahead of him to live with her it was really nice to get away from her for almost 2 hole weeks hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate her
1 comment(s) - 04:31 PM - 09/26/2007

    Peppsicoloa8070  28, Female, Texas, USA - 1,918 views
Aug 2006
10:39 AM MDT


    Miss1  45, Female, Kentucky, USA - 13,393 views
Nov 2006
11:52 AM EDT

Happy Thanksgiving. actually I think it's going to be a pretty good one for us. We are just having dinner together at home, just the 3 of us. well, i'm sure I told you about my boss, mel. She was supposed to be putting her two weeks in as soon as her mom's house sold. Well it sold and now she's saying she's not leaving till she finds another job! That is ridiculous. So I'm thinking that--basically--she isn't going nowhere. She fuckin' lied to me. It doesn't matter anymore though cause Claire, the GM came and told me to look for an increase in my pay on next pay period. So i'm excited about that because either way it goes I'm getting a raise. HA HA and Mel hates it. OH WELL. I can't wait until she is finally gone! Later for now---I have Thanksgiving dinner to make.

    horsefreak0224  32, Female, Kentucky, USA - 3,932 views
Oct 2006
1:43 PM EDT

Hey everyone i'm gonna try html on my online journal page, it didn't work on stargirl though [cries] "oh well". Anyway Today i had to go to crappy daycare because my mom says i'm to young to stay home for a whole day my my self, atleast my BFF delaney was there, i was in computer lab when i was writing my last entery as you can see but know I'm at home on my moms computer cause my laptop is ike being stupid and won't have internet!!!! OKay well thats all.

    kittyneedsspace  33, Female, Canada - 7,538 views
Sep 2006
4:02 PM AST

hay just when things seem to get brighter .. well let's say they didnt now I have choice to make to see him or not aAAAAHH what's a teenage girl to do!
1 comment(s) - 07:27 PM - 09/20/2006

    jwopink  43, Male, Kentucky, USA - 2,129 views
Aug 2006
6:18 PM EDT

yeah...right. like i would freaking make a journal entry public. lol
1 comment(s) - 11:47 PM - 09/20/2006

    Liz101  33, Female, Kentucky, USA - 2,217 views
Aug 2006
7:16 PM EDT

This journal is mostly for my poetry so every one can read.

    mistaken4u  40, Female, Kentucky, USA - 3,722 views
Sep 2006
4:06 AM ACDT

So today i finally organised a ticket for Michael to see BLS next month, his tickets all paid for, and he seems very happy about it, which in turn makes me happy:D Also paid for mine and michaels tickets to see Kisstroyer a kiss tribute band who are playing here in logan on the 7th, that should be hell funny. FRONT ROW! woot! i'm excited about that heh. Can't wait. I'm really over all these fucking backstabbing pricks i've found out about in the last few days, it's doing my head in, Atleast Talitha know's exactly what i'm talking about and stuff, so that makes me feel a little better. Still my head hurts from too much pondering/thinking about all this shit.

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