cheyenne's Journal

Aug 2006
9:10 AM HAST

this is my first entry i want to journal my little heart away because the truth is every thought that is happing in my pretty little head is driving me crazy i'm on paxal the second medicine that i've ever in my life had to take everyday...the first being iron for anemia... it feels like i'm sub-human now like i'm less then somebody who doesn't need anti-depresents to feel happiness did you know that i can no longer have a job in "top siceritiy" now that i have takin a anti-depresent. i tell everyone that i don't feel right i get so nervious at any giving point i can't talking face to face with somebody because my face twiches very imbarasing

cheyenne's Profile

  • Username: cheyenne
  • Gender / Age: Female, 41
  • Location: USA