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    tye65  33, Female, Kansas, USA - 2,372 views
Oct 2006
6:50 PM EDT

Sayin of the day, "The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself;to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile." -Plato

    SkaterGirl32  28, Female, Texas, USA - 2,362 views
Oct 2006
10:05 AM EDT

My first entry! I guess this is a cool site! I don't know!Really I haven't been on this for long ! Well, I have to go! ByeBye **SkAtErGiRl32**

    bettyboxedin  34, Female, Canada - 28,841 views
Nov 2006
7:35 AM CST

i have not been on lately due to a lot of stress and suicidal feelings lately I found out JOrdy has relapesd and is back on heroin he still smokes pot and dirnks. i am lost in what i should do. i have been told to dump him but what kind of girlfriend would i be if i do i am supposed to be there for him and i want to be to get him back on his feet, i have been told to call the cops but idont want to. i have no idea what i should do. anyways i am watching philodelphia so i have to go. it isn't the greatest movie s to watch since Jordy is back on heroin and you can contract aids from heroin and i dont want him to die. i love him too much to give up on him and throw in the towel now. i need to find some help for him find someone who can help me so i can help him. he is my rock and if that rock gets weak and crumbles then so do i.

    sweettartsupercute007  32, Female, Canada - 2,187 views
Oct 2006
11:32 AM MDT

hey to you people who read this to day was a pretty good day. awwww right now my puppy looks so cute sleeping i a little ball all curled up. oohhh today i went for a walk and it is so cold out side and i didn't realized that it was that cold out so when i came inside i was like so stiff from the cold. mani just turnned 14 and i havn't even started studying for my learners yet may poarents keep naging nad naging me to study study study and i hate reading so i am so worried that i wont get it or let alone my drivers but i have learned to drive my friend denise she is helping me with my driveng because my parents are to busy.

    garebear  32, Male, Oregon, USA - 2,177 views
Oct 2006
7:22 PM EDT

wow its my first entry im so excited to meet my first friend

    llarson  58, Female, Arizona, USA - 6,269 views
Dec 2006
4:52 PM MDT

SO here is the scoop. Guess what gang..I have issues. Not much of a surprise I am sure. For the first time in my life I am on the complete and straight and narrow path. I figure if I do this then God will let me have the family and happiness that I have longed for. Tried to go there before but you need a willing and giving partner to travel that road along with you. I now have that. Dave is amazing. Everything I have ever wanted, longed for and prayed for I have at this moment. Money? Yeah not so much, but never had it to begin with so why want it now. I am happy. This is my issue(one of my issues)I have problems, and the sad thing is they are jealousy issues. I am aware that when you have kids and get divorced that you must talk, you must communicate. My problem is that in the past, Dave would call just to find out what she was doing, where she was, just needing to know all. Now he calls to talk about the kids and check on them and I still am feeling like he NEEDS to talk to her everyday. Its heartwrenching. I dont know how to move on from this feeling. I dont know how to trust in that. I feel stupid, I feel little. I feel like I must compete with someone who treats him like dirt every single day. I know deep in my heart I dont have to, but on the surface it stings.

    shejustloves  48, Female, Minnesota, USA - 23,614 views
Feb 2010
4:25 AM CST

Today is the stomach is in knots, I feel like I have to vomit...I just don't know what to expect...

    texas chick  29, Female, Texas, USA - 8,021 views
Mar 2007
3:42 PM EDT

heyyyy :}}}}....buds..

well i havent tlked 2 yall in a long time sooo...wuts up?

ummmm......well *go longhorns****!!!...

hah hah ha ha ha ha :}}}}

my bf just broke up with me....:{{
everything was going great ...
but then he just broke up with me :{{{
comment back plz

luv ya
2 comment(s) - 04:34 PM - 05/10/2007

    xyzz  32, Female, California, USA - 2,007 views
Oct 2006
11:59 PM N

Hello everyone this is my new private journal
1 comment(s) - 02:24 PM - 10/17/2006

    Sixx  51, Female, Alabama, USA - 4,224 views
Oct 2006
2:50 PM CST

j & b All I can say is I am sorry you find me so interesting. Get a life. Get out of mine. I owe you nothing. I have no respect for you. You can try to destroy me, but you wont. And guess who, in the end will get theirs.... KARMA baby KARMA

    bl69  33, Female, Texas, USA - 37,898 views
Jan 2008
7:45 AM CDT

Well. SO MANY THINGS HAVE HAPPEND! since the last time ive been on here...that boy i was talkin to last..we dated..he was more than just a normal boy && i figured that out not in a well way. im not even too sure what happend still to this day..the middle of summer happend. he found a hotter girl..who didnt want him like i wanted him. but thats his mistake. in a way i felt like i made some BIG mistakes with him..i didnt know how to handle this 19 year old male who wants sex all the time. but i remember that night hanging out with him ..when he cut it off between us, as in dating. he tried to be so casual with it but i knew what that ass was going for. "this is our last night together so lets fuck" thats not the way he said it but thats how i heard it. but after him..i tried to be more cautious but theres been a few boys ive made out with..thats it..since him. he was my last serious deal. i need another one. its been too long && im not one to usually say that. but all these boys that i made out with...were for the wrong reason. i was using them for money, weed, drugs, alcohol...ya know the deal. i hooked up with 2 dealers..&& i got the deal...but wouldnt ever want a relationship with them. my mom would kill me if she found out i was datin the 20 year old mexican mafia dealer...the other one being 22...the 20 year old was sweet though...&& i might've but it wouldve been something on the low. my sisters couldnt even know. but then he disappeared the lene tex && like other mexican mafia drug dealers..they had warrants out the ass && couldnt get caught, so he said he was going out of town && he would be back but he never was. i would get random phone calls from him && we would talk let him know everything goin down in town..the business && what not.

but im falling apart...gaining weight which doesnt make sense..i guess because im not in sports anymore. i wanna live those days we were living last year at this time. i cant take this reminiscing anymore! it drives me nuts. i dont even party that much anymore..if u call sitting at your house drinkin with a few folks partyin then i am but thats not what i consider partying in my eyes. ive become a drug dealer in most peoples eyes. just get that little quick && make money && smoke for free. i feel as if school is going down drain too..but the grades dont show it. im making it. attendance shows it though..i cant help it! ugh! i cant write about my life anymore.

    mshelto1  37, Female, Georgia, USA - 1,793 views
Oct 2006
8:52 PM EDT

Life is so confusing!!!! do you minimize stress and figure out what you should do now in order to live the wonderful life you have planned? Is college necessary? yes its a wonderful experience, but is the constant stress from classes and requirements to stay in school and blah blah blah really healthy and neccessary? I know it is for some careers such as doctors and teachers and engineers... can taking a break from college be a good thing? If I take a break, maybe i will be able to set up for the road ahead of me more efficiently (that way I can focus on that more instead of school requirements and all the hum bug about classes).... I need advice...please!
1 comment(s) - 09:32 AM - 10/18/2006

    messeduplove07  36, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 2,275 views
Oct 2006
5:13 AM EDT

Hey what's up? Not too much here just chilling up in study hall bored out of my mind. I can't wait to hopefully meet this guy that I normally chill with. My cousin morgan is going to be hooking us up if he likes me. I don't understand why guys are so difficult. Right now I don't care I am going to stay single if I don't meet anyone that actually wants to settle down. Yesterday we were going to go and meet him but I had to be at work at 4 and he wouldn't of got to giant until 4. We are suppose to be hanging out with him on Friday night while he is working on his car. I hope that he likes me but if not i am going to stay single for awhile. My ex was going around telling everyone that I was pregnent and that I hadn't been taking my birth control for the past two months and he is just starting shit and I told everyone that I will take out my birth control out and show everyone that I am on it and they were like okay we believe you and not him. My dad is being a dick head and i wish that he wasn't. He told me he would try and make time for me so he can come and get his birthday gift. Him and his family are so hipacritical and I hate it. But they are going to be happy when I tell them that I am not with Justin anymore. Got to run talk to you later. Sweetsexygirl
1 comment(s) - 07:14 PM - 10/18/2006

    babymexgirl  35, Female, Texas, USA - 8,641 views
Nov 2006
6:47 AM EDT

on the 17th at like one in the morning garret came back to me and i took him i love him so much and he just kept apologizing to me i think he might be the one. if there is such thing i really love him but i dont see him everyday and that bothers me oh well
1 comment(s) - 11:54 AM - 01/08/2007

    kjs2004  40, Male, California, USA - 2,078 views
Oct 2006
2:52 PM EDT


    Queenie  37, Female, Ohio, USA - 33,808 views
Nov 2006
1:35 AM EDT

I think I sit here everyday and wonder, why everyone cares about what everyone thinks. Even the most confedent people think something bad about their own person. Yet those are the same people that tell you to that you can't love anyone without loveing yourself first and are so hypacritical it makes me sick.
5 comment(s) - 04:32 PM - 05/10/2008

    adj  74, Male, New York, USA - 13,509 views
Nov 2006
1:36 PM EDT

Dark and dreary posted my comment on what election day meant to me. It meant that I had an opportunity to vote for another incredibly wealthy man, and keep the tradition of only the rich in power and only the lonely are poor. But as Spencer Kimball might say, only the poor of spirit are lonely, and nobody has to be poor of spirit. Had a good workout, 3m. run, roller blading and a swim.
1 comment(s) - 11:10 AM - 11/03/2008

    izzybelleluv007  32, Female, Canada - 14,226 views
Nov 2006
12:54 PM MDT

i'm so excited! but i'm sick :( i hate being sick because i sleep all day and then i cant sleep at night then when i'm better i have to reset everything again! i never realy got sick until i got strep throat then i got sick realy easy and i hate that!

    ixypix23  41, Female, Indiana, USA - 11,874 views
Nov 2006
10:05 AM PDT

LOVE RULES ALL... acctually pherimones are the strongest force on the face of the earth, well at least in my opinon they are that magnetic force that drives all living matter. they are the magnet of our existance.

    sunkissed  54, Female, Oklahoma, USA - 1,505 views
Oct 2006
8:30 PM CST

10/21/06 Divorce, not so much that but being alone and maybe he is right, no one would ever want me. Having to support 2 kids in the way we are used to living and having to do without the things we want, not need but want. Being belittled to the point that you start to believe that maybe you are worthless and stupid. Being told that I may be pretty but no one would ever want me for me......I mean what if.

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