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    due(whatever ya'll say goes)  32, Male, Virginia, USA - 1,614 views
Jun 2007
10:11 AM EDT

if u need me im at
1 comment(s) - 11:12 PM - 06/28/2007

    kpkp15  34, Female, Michigan, USA - 1,923 views
Oct 2006
6:06 PM EDT

today stunk. my mo is being mean. she wont let me see my dad. i hope i get to see him again. my friends left me to. they when to this camp creepy thing for the whole weekend and left me at home to be bored to death. (and yes that is posibaly) i am going through alot. my parents are thinking of geting a divorce and its really hard to go through. sometimes i wish i could just die. well type to u leter. ~*~kylie~*~
1 comment(s) - 10:36 PM - 10/22/2006

    littlegurl101  31, Female, Louisiana, USA - 1,575 views
Oct 2006
5:59 PM EDT

today i was in a movie theater watching One Night with the King it was alright but it was a love movie

    whatthehell  48, Male, North Carolina, USA - 3,145 views
Oct 2006
8:04 AM EDT

well just chilling out today seeing what comes my way hopefuley something good life is crazy sometimes just when you think you got it all worked out something happens to change you path in life .....

    VCS  49, Female, Texas, USA - 4,143 views
Dec 2006
5:45 PM EDT

To Everyone on Inbox Journal, 12/31/06 Have a wonderful and a safe HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    noni  28, Female, North Carolina, USA - 4,689 views
Nov 2006
9:46 AM MST

as true as a butterfly though i don't know the reason

    MissMischief  35, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 6,992 views
Jun 2008
9:01 AM EDT

well me and joe have finally broken up. we broke up 2 weeks after our 2 year anniversity. I told him that i thought we should've been ftf so he said okay. That was working for awhile but than i started hangingout with some new people (like HOT guys lol) and he became jealous. so he beat me up and i left him. My jaw was all red and it hurt for like 2 days. I STILL have black and blue marks all over, and we got into this fight like 2 weeks ago. So thats that and i am happy i'm not talking to him. It is now june 3rd and i am graduating on thursday (june 5) so i am alittle excited about that. but not alot and i don't know why. okay dats all for now.
1 comment(s) - 08:51 AM - 06/17/2008

    scarsofpassion  35, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 4,449 views
Nov 2006
10:44 AM EDT

Well today went really good for some reason. I supposed to go with Joe to Delware. I can't wait! Were gonna leave tonight. I love to travel. I fluncked my health test today but got 100 on my voaculary test in english. Other than that nothing has happened. Everyone is talking about the semi. Me and Amanda are like the only ones not going. I think its a waste of money because why should i pay to go to a semi and than the prom... when they're practually the same kind of dance.I'm going to have (hopefully) a good weekend! YAY l8r.

    josh  33, Male, Texas, USA - 3,538 views
Oct 2006
8:36 AM MST

1 comment(s) - 05:53 AM - 07/10/2007

    emokidluver1313  32, Female, Ohio, USA - 2,821 views
Jan 2007
3:13 PM EDT

Hey guys me n my boyfriend are doin great. But we are deciding on whether to have sex or not. So its really hard for us. Be we are doing great. I love him to death. I would die for him. I mean people say its just puppy love but I dont think it is. I love him that if he was about ready to die I would switch places with him. And we want to have eachothers kids and everything so yea. well hey better go. Tosh Oh and one more thing my boyfriend is Tom.

    WOOHOO  49, Male, Georgia, USA - 2,199 views
Oct 2006
8:12 PM EDT

I am new never done this b4 and my profile's all wrong.. testing it out

    nijusei  39, Female, Idaho, USA - 2,091 views
Oct 2006
9:55 AM EDT

Wow! I finally made a Gaia account! This is pretty rad...and different to. Like my anime chick? I think she's awesome! Anyway, about myself: I'm a college student and I'm getting married in 38 days and for a Halloween Dance last night, I dressed up as Mereoko from Full Moon! And I got one of my friends to dress up as Takuto! And we met another anime-attired girl too! Check out the photo!

    jstar88  36, Male, California, USA - 9,297 views
Jan 2007
2:50 PM EDT

well this entry is gonna be about my lady our also known as wifey....let me explain something to you this girl her name is jessica n she is my girlfriend n wife we are planing on gettin married n evrythin. now this girl she is somethin else let me tell you she is the best thing that has happened to me n she treats me good n never has done me wrong she all n more than i could ever ask for. i love this girl to death i would do anythin for her n i can wait till after highschool so we can spend more time with echother....yeah cuz rite now we only see eachohter on the weekend n yeah i just wish that we could see eachohter evryday but yeah we got parent s that tell us no n shit but its cool. yeah she is the love of my life man she evrythin to me she has done so much for me n i treat her good i dont disrespect her at all im koo with her but yeah i do have a temper n thats not good cu she told me that when i get angry she doesnt like it cuz i sometimes say stupid things to her but dont worry im working on that n im getting better well ill tell you more later.....bye

    number123  32, Male, New York, USA - 1,562 views
Oct 2006
2:33 PM EDT


    enticer  49, Male, California, USA - 2,513 views
Oct 2006
2:54 PM PST


    harip  45, Male, India - 5,051 views
Jan 2007
2:04 AM HNA


    sandeepraul  48, Male, India - 2,320 views
Nov 2006
6:36 AM GMT

Hi.... to every member on this site. Its nice to put across your thought, I am really enjoying it... :-)

    VictoriaSzecsodi  49, Female, Canada - 4,465 views
Oct 2006
6:41 AM EDT

Wishing you were somehow here again . . . wishing you were somehow near . . . Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed, somehow you would be here . . . Wishing I could hear your voice again . . . knowing that I never would . . . Dreaming of you won't help me to do all that you dreamed I could . . . I miss you J.

    Margaret  32, Female, Canada - 2,102 views
Oct 2006
12:32 PM EDT

Dear, Journal People keep asking me who my best friends are and I keep telling them I don't have best friends. Then they ask me whould my friends are and I keep saying I don't have any friends, and never will. No one in this world would ever be even close to be a friend because everone hates my. But now I have learned to be okay with it and move on. Who needs them anyway. For Now, Margaret
3 comment(s) - 12:06 PM - 10/27/2006

    neosiri  42, Male, California, USA - 2,144 views
Oct 2006
12:19 PM PST


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