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    luckygurl15  35, Female, Nevada, USA - 2,008 views
Oct 2006
5:47 PM EDT

Im new in public journaling and im hoping that it will find people to help me with my everyday life my mom for instance. she is always freaking about her weight and then trys to put it on us, saying things like you need to help me, or dont let me eat any junk food and when we try to stop her she just says its my body ill do what i want, its my body. she doesnt understand that we're trying to help. then when i want to eat something that isnt so healthy she says stuff like omg that will go straight to your mid section and i can already see it happening... as a teen ager i cant take that kind of creative critisism. What she says has effected me in the long hold and she doesnt even relize she does it...when i try to tell her to just leave me alone i can be as healthy as i want to be she yells and says that i need to be very healthy to be very happy. i kinda understand where shes coming from and i know if i became over weight that i would hate myself. thats probably true but i play alot of sports and do alot of activities which increases my motabilism which keeps my weight off. somebody please help me in trying to explain this to my mom with out her totally getting offended.

    fairy37  42, Female, Illinois, USA - 2,157 views
Oct 2006
11:24 PM EDT

hate it when im having one of those memory jog..all kinda shits will be pouring outta my mind..none that i can help it..d feeling of rebellion starting to swell up..wont be long til i come to d bursting point..he can very well fuck off wid his oh-so valuable ex gal..whom he's now having regrets of letting her go Fuck off!! I dont need him anymore..i've a life to lead..n mouths to feed..

    babypuppy  56, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 2,587 views
Oct 2006
10:49 AM EDT

A word to the wise. I was making dinner and I had spaghetti and hambuger. I didnt want to make spaghetti and meat sauce. So I looked on the internet to find a diffrent way to cook it. As it turned out no matter how you cook it or what you call it in the end it tasts like spaghetti and meat sauce.

    coreysgirl  35, Female, Georgia, USA - 2,044 views
Oct 2006
4:01 PM EDT

Hey this is the first time i've ever done this but ok. I'm new to this. Well,...i really love my fiancee. he is the greates guy in the world. without him i don't know what i would do. he's been in basic for a while and its been a week or so since i've heard from him. is it normal to have your brain think things that you know aren't true? see what i mean is i know he loves me and that he's not going to leave me but still sometimes since i've watched so much stupid tv that my brain starts to thiink opposite of that. i guess that would be normal...right? oh well. the good news is i see him next month. YEAH!!! i get to go up there with his parents on family day and i get to see him graduate! i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!! I miss him so much. whenever my emotions overwhelm me people say not to worry but when i'm like that its kinda hard to do. i'm just worried for his safety. i can't wait to see him.

    Rily  59, Female, Florida, USA - 1,918 views
Oct 2006
3:44 PM EST

"Perfect love means to love the one through whom one became unhappy." - Soren Kierkegaard

    sumitnarang  40, Male, India - 24,345 views
Jan 2007
11:15 AM I

hi posting a journal after so many days.the last week of last year was fantastic, i hav spend lot of time wth my frnds and family.
2 comment(s) - 11:12 PM - 01/21/2007

    Mzmoss03987  32, Female, Ohio, USA - 4,312 views
Oct 2006
5:17 PM EDT

Hi guys I have a new crush. Hes cute and all but i don't know if i should cuz someone else likes him. Someone close to me. But i still like him but i still do. Some on another subject my life is okay except of my grade in English. I have an.... D or C but i hope i get these test signed so i can get at least a C+ or a B. The other these other girls were fightin @ the buis stop. I won't say who but it was really funny. I was not ther for all of it but most of it. Pullin hairs and fist flying.I was crackin up. But im okay and i was kinda mad. my cousin was in it but it still was funny. I can't lie. WEll gotta go. Talk i mean type 2 ya anotha day. Bye.

    SallysSilentMurders  35, Female, Louisiana, USA - 14,347 views
Apr 2009
7:30 AM EDT

Life isn't fair it's how the world works. I didn't know what I'd do when everyone I cared for had abandoned me in my time of need. But I did realize that if they did that when I needed them the most they were never truly there for me in the first place. So friends I have became ones I had. The ones I care for became those who I no longer care for at all. They tossed me aside when I was fighting for myself inside. I was tearing myself up and they didn't care. So I'm glad they left they did no good for me.
3 comment(s) - 06:54 AM - 05/24/2009

    Friskysesshomaru  35, Male, Illinois, USA - 1,705 views
Oct 2006
9:27 AM EST

Hello everyone! Happy Halloween! I love your Profile's and Avi's. I love you all my friends!

    Bella  31, Female, Canada - 2,290 views
Oct 2006
10:07 AM EDT

Life is soooo boring i want soething to livin it up. I have my parents nagging me every move i take. All i want is some QUIET!!!!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 06:59 PM - 10/18/2006

    lasha  39, Female, Alabama, USA - 1,804 views
Oct 2006
4:11 PM EST


    SomebodysAngel  35, Female, Georgia, USA - 2,282 views
Sep 2007
5:41 AM EDT

So he has a girlfriend...Well, his exact words were "currently seeing someone right now." And I have to see him fourth block.I don't regret telling him that I like him. Not in the least. You see, it's everything else that I regret. I regret avoiding him after the football game. I regret not hugging him back when he hugged me. I regret not looking dead into those blue/green eyes and asking right then and there "What are the chances?" I'm not a waiter. I never have been and swore never to be. Men to me are some infectious desease out to destory your heart. I almost had myself convinced I was a lesbian and I would have been fine with that, never having to give my heart to...a man. Then he had to deep me down, like some sence from Dirty Dancing, and looking into his eyes I knew right then I was hooked. I guess it's because he was my first boyfriend, why I never forgot him. I was only thirteen at the time, he was twelve. Something that feels so long ago seems like it was only yesterday. I broke up with him in eighth grade so I could go to the Sweetheart Dance with another boy, who was all over the girl he liked when we were there. Ever since, something bad has happened at the Sweetheart Dance. I'm convinced that dance is cursed and a few times almost didn't go because of it. I regret not going to that dance with him, more than anything. We probably wouldn't have lasted, but I didn't have to leave him, not right then, not for that reason. I didn't like him anymore, but I could have at least gone to that dance with him. Four years later, I'm fretting over the same boy, the one I swore I could never like again. I would have dreams about him, through these years. I've had a handful of boyfriends since him and he's had a few girlfriends, but with every single boy I ever dated, whenever we would start going out and then again we would break up, I would dream about him. I won't say his name, because I'm afraid someone I know may read this and I really don't want anyone knowing this. No one that I know. But this is it. This is what I have been thinking of all weekend. I was advised to tell him today how I felt. But how do I do that? What do I say? There is so much more to the story then I just liked him once when I was younger and that was it. It is so much more than that. But of course, it always is, and in time, I'll tell you why I hate men and why I can't trust and why I feel so alone and broken at times. You may have a guess and you may be right. But now is not the time. That is for another day. But, my friend, you are about to witness a part of me many will never see. I may seem over dramatic, but admit, this is a pretty good read, if you're into this kind of thing. I can't wait until fourth block. I've reheared it in my mind for the past three days, like a speech in Language class, and I know that as soon as I'm up there in front of the podium, and all eyes are on me, I'm going to go blank. I'll talk to him before I change for colorguard, in the hallway in front of the bandroom. I'll look at him and tell him I'm sorry. That's all that I'm sure of that I will say. I'm sorry. I'm sorry not for telling you. I'm sorry not for liking you. I'm sorry for hurting you. Because I know I did. And I wish for anything to take it back. I'm not just saying this now, because I like you, but I've always felt like this. Please believe me. If you really like her, I will by no means stand in your way. Because if you are happy, I may not like that it isn't with me, but I'll let you go. I'll let you get on with your life. But I must know...(because I heard from a friend of his he did)....Do you feel anything for me, anything at all? If you like her, fine. Just tell me. I'd rather know now then wonder later. If we have a chance, I'll wait. (Five minutes left for this entry). I'll wait..... I've never waited on anybody before. Never really wanted to. Maybe it's because he was my first boyfriend, why I never forgot him. I would always secreatly say he was my first love. Puppy love is still love and still feels as real as anything. I can only hope he feels the same....

    99tracy99  40, Female, Hong Kong SAR - 49,517 views
Apr 2020
4:43 PM HKT

Still finding solution

Sleepless is a problem, Although early wake up is a hard thing. But at least I can solve some problem now.
Bad english is not a problem. Problem is if u feel down for one guy. You will lose many guy.
Okay pop up window ask me to shut my mouth .I should back to sleep now.

    retirik  57, Female, Illinois, USA - 36,493 views
May 2007
1:03 PM CDT

Я чувствую себя хорошо.Я успокоилась на тему отъезда Бьорна. Можно сказать, что аутотренинг мой лучший друг, и это действительно работает! Но самое смешное, как только я успокоилась и настроилась, что все будет складываться позитивно, тут же сменилась дата отъезда Бьорна и теперь он уезжает аж 11 мая, а это значит, срок разлуки будет еще меньше. Представляете? Ты расслабляешься, и ситуация меняется в лучшую для тебя сторону.

Я прошла традиционную диспансеризацию, где мне сказали, что здоровье впорядке,а потом сходила на нетрадиционную - там компьютер сканирует весь организм. Эта доктор приезжает в Чикаго раз в шесть месяцев. Год назад я первый раз ходила к ней, где было выявлено, что организм был очень загрязнен - поэтому я и начала фанатично выводить шлаки. Тогда мне были назначены и гомеопатические уколы, и чаи, и все другое, чтобы очистить организм и привести его в баланс. И это дало результаты, в общем плане я стала чувствовать себя гораздо лучше. Но как она сказала тогда - пока не уберешь стресс и не перестанешь постоянно волноваться, хорошего здоровья быть не может. В этот мой к ней визит были выявлены огромные сдвиги, то есть не зря явсе это делала. Была найдена и причина того, что меня тошнит после еды - раздражен желчный пузырь и желчь застаивается. Она сказала, что делать, включая и трехдневную диету и подтвердила, что мне нужно вегетарианское питание. В этот раз мне даже не назначили гомеопатических уколов, только драже. Врач сказала, что некоторые отклонения от нормы совершенно минимальные и уколов уже не надо. Ура! Я очень довольна и благодарю Бога и вас, мои дорогие. Спасибо за поддержку.

    smb  49, Female, Wyoming, USA - 113,238 views
Sep 2008
12:48 PM MST


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!� Another year,� THANK YOU GOD, for this year.� I can't believe I have� lived 3 years longer than my first husband.� He died when he was 30.� Sometimes I miss him so much still, which is wierd becaues I am remarried.�

Cory is gone, out of town working,,, weeks of no husband SUCKS!� So, thankfully I have a great mom, who lives close enough to surprise me.,, She brought me starbucks, flowers and donuts to my at work, and then took us out to supper,,,and even brought a lil' carrot cake to supper.� I love my mommy!�


    dave  48, Male, Arizona, USA - 15,043 views
Dec 2006
4:13 AM EDT

Why is the pain still ther after all she has put me through. I can't believe she si doing drugs after all the great things she could me and the kids holy shit...I don't miss her but I mis the person she used to be. We all do. I wish that one of these days she will be back to the person we all know. even the kids notice a differance. God be with her and me. I love lisa so much. Every day I am with you a become more and more in love with you and who you have made me. All I want is to be with Lisa and the kids. God please look over us and make sure we are safe. Thank you!

    NITA  61, Female, Wyoming, USA - 2,377 views
Oct 2006
12:05 AM MST


    qtpie1991  34, Female, Arkansas, USA - 3,136 views
Oct 2006
12:17 AM EDT

my boyfriend is in the army and he's eighteen yrs old. he's cute and we make a cute couple but when i bring one of my friends with me and my boyfriend he'll make remarks to her that are hurtful to me because it seems he's flurting with my best friend! i need help. and how do i tell he's cheating?
1 comment(s) - 01:49 PM - 10/18/2006

    StupidGirl20  36, Female, California, USA - 2,021 views
Oct 2006
5:55 PM PST

Im new here, and totally lost.
1 comment(s) - 05:36 AM - 10/12/2006

    blackroseangel  32, Female, Louisiana, USA - 37,539 views
May 2008
1:29 PM CDT

things are going sorta great..i think my love bart is actually want to go back with me..idk i hope so i beg for that..i love him so much that i want him back so much,,,that is my only wish i want is for bart to love me back as much as i love him and we be corny but so true..that is my only wish

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