prdiva87's Journal

Dec 2010
1:00 PM CST


About 4 days ago my boyfriend asked me to marry him and today we had a fight. Honestly I don't even remember what the fight was about. All I know is he told his brother that he is trying to teach me responsibility. I'm not a child. I would prefer it if we could talk things out but he is acting like a child and barely talking to me. Honestly I don't feel engaged at the moment. I think we need to communicate more and try to work things out.
1 comment(s) - 12:04 AM - 12/28/2010
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May 2010
6:26 PM EDT

1 month

Well my boyfriend has denied me seeing him naked,touching him of any kind, kissing him, having sex with him for one month all because I couldn't get him off while I was trying to give him a handjob. I don't do handjobs well and he doesn't understand this. Plus I don't know how to spit so that might also be the problem. Also he gets impatient with me so I get kind of nervous and start fumbling around. I have no idea what to do, should i not see him for a month or break up with him?
5 comment(s) - 11:06 AM - 12/19/2010
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Aug 2009
8:40 PM EDT


Can't believe all the things that my boyfriend and cousin are talking about. It needs to stop. They are talking about my parents supposed sex life. It is so gross and nasty. Anyways that is not why I am writing, I�am writing because I�feel like I�am being pressured to do something and I don't want to do it. Plus people in my family keep telling me to loosen up and I�can't. If I�loosen up then that means I�have to let people in and they can hurt me or use things against me to hurt me. I don't like feeling vulnerable. I�hate this feeling. Plus my boyfriend and my cousin especially like to make fun of me for being so rigid and so to myself. That is just how I�am though. Can I really change? Should I�change?

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Jul 2009
11:20 PM EDT


I�am nervous. I will be meeting my boyfriends mom and sister tuesday. Well I guess it was bound to happen sometime. I�just didn't think it would happen so soon.� I�am sure I�will be alright though. Hopefully she will be nice I�hope they like me.

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Jul 2009
3:50 PM EDT


I came to my boyfriends house and I really wanted to cuddle but he is playing video games like he always does. I�love to cuddle. I�wish he would show me more love I�guess. We don't hold hands in public, he doesn't kiss me that much, doesn't put his arm around me when we go to the movies. I wish that he would do these things. It is like he gets so involved in his life like work,video games,movies that he forgets that I want to be a part of it too. It sucks sometimes. Our sixth month anniversary is coming up soon. i�have no idea what to expect. Any advice? Should I�tell him anything? Should we talk about it? I have no idea.

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Jul 2009
10:06 PM EDT

What to do?

What should I�do? My parents are arguing almost every day over finances or that they don't like where they live. I�am going crazy because lately it has been an everyday occurence. Anyways I�leave and go to either my boyfriends house or my friend Laurens house and my mom calls me like every�5 minutes to find out what I am doing and when I�am coming home. I love my parents but why do they have to argue like everyday. I�tell them that it is driving me crazy and stressing me out but they continue to argue anyways. Is there anything else that I can tell them so they can stop? What can I do when my mom is blowing up my phone saying I�can't deal with this anymore and when are you coming home? I�get so annoyed just thinking about it. UGh!

1 comment(s) - 02:36 AM - 07/20/2009
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Jul 2009
3:15 PM EDT

What to do?

I don't know what to do about my boyfriend. He calls me Mexican and makes jokes about how I�speak. Sometimes when I�am around him�I stutter and I�don't stutter around anybody else just him. What can I do when he calls me Mexican? I�am Puertorican and he knows it bothers me. He says it does it to show that he loves me and that he cares for me. But I�don't know. Any advice?

3 comment(s) - 11:14 AM - 07/16/2009
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Jul 2009
4:09 PM EDT

Grow Up

My boyfriend says I�need to grow up but I don't know how. It is kind of hard for me since I am in college and I am only 22. He has a two year old daughter named Lily.� He wants me to be step mommy in the future and like change her diapers every once in a while. It is like I�am a wife but still in college and we are not married. I�don't even live with him but I�help clean up his house sometimes and we go grocery shopping together. Am I�growing up too fast? Will I�still be able to go out and have fun like a normal 22 year old? I�don't want to lose him though. I love him so much but can I�handle Lily?! Any advice.

4 comment(s) - 08:15 PM - 07/17/2009
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Dec 2006
9:11 PM EDT

okay i have a question: you know that song bojangles by pitbull well he says the word jigga in it and i was wondering would i get into a fight if i said it? my friend says yes i would meanwhile she said the n word so i think if anyone is gonna get into a fight it would be her. tell me what you think?
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Dec 2006
9:29 PM EDT

today i went to the improv show and nobody came to our first show but for the second show like 7 people came. i am so sleepy and exhausted. my mother is not helping either. she is always on my case with my studying and good grades like she always wants me to get straight a's but i'm like a's do not always mean everything. it is okay to get a b or hell even a c. i want to move out so badly. i'm thinking about going somewhere close by.
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Dec 2006
10:40 AM EDT

sorry that I have not been on for a long time. Its just that my dad has been in and out of the dealing with that. In college right now and i am so stressed out because of grades and final exams. I literally get sick to my stomach just thinking about it. I am about ready to scream. My mom is still on my back about my grades and college stuff. I am making c's and my mom says that is not good enough. I am afraid to tell her about my drugs in society class because all she does is yell at me. It is just so stressful. I want to move out but I don't have a job so I can't do that.
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Oct 2006
4:21 PM EDT

my parents totally got into a huge fight last week. I was walking out to get something from CVS and I heard my parents yelling then someone threw a glass and i heard it break. Then my father threw something at a picture so naturally the glass broke and he kicked the door making a hole in the door. He still hasn't said sorry or anything. I don't think that I can forgive him.
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Sep 2006
6:23 PM EDT

my parents are trying their hardest to get me to speak to my aunt but i'm like no not until she apologizes. which she won't cause thats just how she is. even if she is wrong but whatever. Great news though i went shopping at ross and i got a betsy johnson bag. I'm pretty sure that it is the real thing but I'm gonna ask Nick just to make sure. But I am so excited. Woo-hoo.
1 comment(s) - 08:23 AM - 09/20/2006
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Sep 2006
12:25 PM EDT

Today nothing happened so far. Just working on my research for my biology class and looking at places to volunteer. It has been pretty boring. I will let you know if anything interesting is happening. bye.
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Aug 2006
4:43 PM EDT

Man yesterday i was so pissed off at my aunt because she yelled at me. i'm like dude you can't yell at me anymore i don't live with you. anyways she accuses me of taking her mail because i moved out of her apartment and got a change of address card and so on. anyways we have the same first name so the post office sent two letters to my new address and i sent them back to her. she says that their was more mail. I haven't got them. so next time she calls i am going to tell her to call the post office and find out what is going on.
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Aug 2006
4:36 PM EDT

Today nothing new happened. I went to school and learned about genders and roles, theory's and society. It was pretty boring. There is a storm coming our way though but will still have classes though. That sucks.
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  • Username: prdiva87
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Florida
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