horsefreak0224's Journal

Oct 2006
1:43 PM EDT

Hey everyone i'm gonna try html on my online journal page, it didn't work on stargirl though [cries] "oh well". Anyway Today i had to go to crappy daycare because my mom says i'm to young to stay home for a whole day my my self, atleast my BFF delaney was there, i was in computer lab when i was writing my last entery as you can see but know I'm at home on my moms computer cause my laptop is ike being stupid and won't have internet!!!! OKay well thats all.

Oct 2006
9:44 AM EDT

Hey everyone who is reading this....YEah i haven't written in like forever well..My laptop hasn't had internet for a while...And my friends right next to me right know..Her names Delaney. And idon't want her to read this so it will be a quick entery. BYe

Aug 2006
4:07 PM EDT

Hey-Guess what Daniel is so cute think he like me....I huesss you could say hes going to be my topisc for like ever or atleast-till i stop liking him....^^ thats it

horsefreak0224's Profile

  • Username: horsefreak0224
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA