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dawn's Journal
Jan 2007
7:40 AM CST
You know i really have no idea what i am doing most days, i don't know if i just have some kind of ticking clock that is telling me it is time to find Mr. right ( not Mr. Right Now and certainly not Mr. Always Right) and get married and settle down or if i have just finally decided to start looking for what i want instead of settling for what i have. Whatever it is the problem still remains that all of this going on while i am still in a relationship and i don't know about the rest of the country or even the world but i am not sure that is how this is supposed to be done. I mean is it ok to shop around while u r with someone? I know that if i am not happy that i am entitled to that but what about my son and the feelings of others where does all that come in. I could reaally use some input, i know what i want, i know that i don't want what i current;y have but that i can't afford a lif e for me and my child while in school if i don't stay with adam but is it really ok to figure all this out whith out him knowing what i am thinking. I have told him many times that i am not happy with the way things are but still...very confused, if there is anyone out there with any advise at all please by all means clue me in here. I am begging at this point...
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Female, 49
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