mistaken4u's Journal

Sep 2006
4:06 AM ACDT

So today i finally organised a ticket for Michael to see BLS next month, his tickets all paid for, and he seems very happy about it, which in turn makes me happy:D Also paid for mine and michaels tickets to see Kisstroyer a kiss tribute band who are playing here in logan on the 7th, that should be hell funny. FRONT ROW! woot! i'm excited about that heh. Can't wait. I'm really over all these fucking backstabbing pricks i've found out about in the last few days, it's doing my head in, Atleast Talitha know's exactly what i'm talking about and stuff, so that makes me feel a little better. Still my head hurts from too much pondering/thinking about all this shit.

mistaken4u's Profile

  • Username: mistaken4u
  • Gender / Age: Female, 40
  • Location: USA