justmeandmine's Journal

Aug 2006
6:38 AM EDT

Gee, finally found a free journal. I have been meaning to do this forever. hmm, I really want to use this too, for my dream log. so, here goes........I had a dream my family moved to a new house. there is always a secret room when i dream of houses. I dreamt i went to bingo LOL and my shoe and shirt strap broke. then i got lost, because it was a new neighborhood. I remember thinking that what an odd place, like being in a foreign country. I seen woman at a corner just laying there. I thought they were homeless, but all of a sudden they start burning inscense and playing religious music. Then i seem a pack of dogs, and what i believed to be some horses down the street. well thats all for now gotta go.

justmeandmine's Profile

  • Username: justmeandmine
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA