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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    burtonspaz  50, Female, USA - 2,056 views
Aug 2006
2:11 PM EDT


    westgirl  39, Female, Michigan, USA - 1,846 views
Feb 2007
8:35 PM EDT

Well the past months have been difficult.Iam so confused where my relationship stands with my boyfriend.We have been to gether for over a year now but it seems like we are growing apart.We use to have so much fun and wanted eachother around all the time now it seems like he doesnt even have fun if im there.Which I cany just say is just him.I almost feel like he has ruined who I use to be he has slowly taken all my friends,and I toled myself I would never be with someone like that.He has been in jail for a week now and I feel like I can see my old self again haveing fun hanging out with friends i havnt talked to because they couldnt stand him.Its been so much that i almost want to call it quits but at the same time i still love him.I guess the problem might be that i love him but im no longer in love with him.I just dont know what to do I feel like who i use to be is slipping away and i hate myself for letting it happen.Why do i do it to myself i was warned befor i got with him that it wasnt a good idea shit i left a very good guy to be with him which im starting to regret alot.I lost a best friend to be with this guy and a year later im just starting realize how horrible that was and how much i miss her and that if i had it to do over i would choose her.Does this make me a horrible person?I dont understand if he loves me why he trys so hard to aleinate all my friends so they wont come around when he knows how much they all mean to me.I just wish i knew what to do.This past week has shown if i leave him i could have my old life back,but i live with him and is he worth giving up.I just wish he could be cool to my friends and i could have them all i mean shouldnt that be how it is.

    lah23  33, Female, Michigan, USA - 4,233 views
Oct 2006
3:28 PM EDT

hey every one this is your girl lah

    grassfairy11  33, Female, Michigan, USA - 2,301 views
Aug 2006
6:26 AM EDT

It was a day in Febuary when i was in the 5th grade when the event happend. I was playing dodge ball with our D.A.R.E. oficer when my face started to get ichy. i thought i just got a bug bight. But that was not the case. I got hives. When i was iching my facce, my face felt bumpy. I asked the teacher if I could go to the bath room so I could see what was wroung. When I looked in the mirror, my face was all bumpy. I ran to my moms room in the school and showed her. She told me to go straight to the nurses ofice. A little lator

    cw65486  44, Female, Denmark - 2,166 views
Aug 2006
11:42 PM BST


    kell10  32, Female, Michigan, USA - 2,667 views
Aug 2006
2:40 PM EDT

ahhh well guys this is my 1st time to be on this.. <33kellie
1 comment(s) - 07:25 PM - 10/18/2006

    CrAzYbItCh  38, Female, Michigan, USA - 2,206 views
Aug 2006
12:15 PM EDT

it is crazy how life and love works. i just don't know anymore. i have loved and gave ppl my whole heart and i have been the one crying in the end. but not anymore. i hav finally ound my break. i can just beme and be loved for that and it is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

    avelene6  38, Female, Michigan, USA - 1,623 views
Aug 2006
3:39 PM CST

I think that my best friend Meredith is a tiny bit insane. She is in love her "enemy" Trey. He is like her stalker. She says she despises him. SHe is a dirty slut.

    flopus66  44, Male, Michigan, USA - 8,684 views
Apr 2007
1:14 PM EDT

wow, today has really switched the mood of the past couple of weeks. It's been a high stress situation ever since the beginning of spring break, to find a place to live. before yesterday, it looked like we were going to have to settle for a place on Heil, with a crazy landlord and worrying about Lady and the busy street just out side. After we lost our back up house, and the crazy land lord didn't have an answer to for us, I scouted around our old neighborhood and luckily found an awesome place that just went up. This Land lord is all business and had us approved and signed within 24 hours. The excitement is extreme and we all can't wait to move in. I'm a little nervous about money but I also just asked for my old job back. My organization is at it's best in ages, and I'm feeling more and more confident about what i need to accomplish and how. My high rantings on April 7th really nailed so much about what i need in life that i feel like it's a manifesto or something. I also just got my motorcycle back and it's running the best it ever has. My surfing is getting back to normal, though my shoulder has become a serious issue that needs to be addressed every day. It's already constantly painful and I worry about it being chronic. I have found that if i focus on it before bed, really work it and stretch it, that it doesn't usually hurt as bad the next day. I also just started printing photos off of the epson at school and recognize that step in completing more of my work.

    bloOpErR  34, Female, Michigan, USA - 6,460 views
Sep 2006
8:51 AM EDT

hay i havent written in a while. so how yall doin...hmmm random..ok im bored. gawd dont no wat to say so imm gonna go...haha so yea..ok bi

    TheGirlDownTheRoad  28, Female, Michigan, USA - 7,742 views
Sep 2006
8:57 AM EDT

I love Hannah Montana too i know everything about her! Horserocker you coming to my dads birthday party? ap

    TotallyTodd  75, Female, Louisiana, USA - 3,426 views
Aug 2006
7:16 PM CST

jst to All Regarding the quip by Kierkegaard above the Entry Box. I perfectly love almost everyone in the dadgum Northern Hemisphere

    PrivateDee  37, Female, Louisiana, USA - 3,801 views
Aug 2006
6:36 AM CST

YAY School starts again! I love school!

    nesianchic  38, Female, Fiji Islands - 2,073 views
Aug 2006
11:36 PM NFT

“Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, 'nirvana' means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock.” Well I guess life is like rock, everyone has their own rhythm,when life gets on a low your music gets so low its depressin but everyone can make their music audible,not noisy and interpretative, with a clear conscious and solid will you can suceed in whatever comes your way or whatever you set to achieve.Someone said that being intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers,so I guess the key is to be more pratical and rock on.

    meagan  46, Female, Canada - 19,588 views
Dec 2008
4:32 AM EST

Happy New Year!

I've got TONS of goals for 2009!� My main fitness goal is to lose approximately 40 pounds of fat, re-gain some of the muscle I lost while pregnant, and compete in IDFA's Toronto Classic on July 11 with my best body yet!� I've lost about 35 pounds since I had my baby at the end of August without really trying (a mixture of not having time to eat all day because I'm so busy with him, breastfeeding, and not hanging out at restaurants so much), I've been teaching my dance and exercise classes, walking a lot (it's too hard to get on streetcars with a big stroller), and getting down to the gym a bit, but thus far�my fitness efforts have�been pretty sporadic and lazy in my mind... which is fine - I don't mind that I gave myself a few months to re-adjust my new life as a mom�without throwing myself right back into super- workout-girl-mode as soon as I got home from the hospital.� But, now It think it's time to get crazy!!!� I've set a very reasonable goal of competing in July, so I have 7 months to get ripped!� I'm so excited about getting more serious about my training (and less excited about super clean eating).� Now I just have to decide if I'm going to compete in fitness or figure... Getting� a fitness routine together now that I've been out of the scene for so long may be challenging, but I might try!� I'll keep you posted!� HAPPY NEW YEAR!

2 comment(s) - 10:10 PM - 01/12/2009

    Lynsie  49, Male, Louisiana, USA - 3,606 views
Nov 2006
4:29 AM EDT

Havn't beem on. Nobody reads mine anyways right? Well have a wonderful day. Lynsie..:D

    Babysmallz  37, Female, Louisiana, USA - 5,394 views
Nov 2006
5:15 PM CST

ok so i havent written an entry in like forever, i guess i haven't been doing much of anything lately, Its like every time i plan on improving and becoming a better person i just cant motivate myself enough to suceed. Theres so many things going wrong in my lfe right now its like i woke up yesterday and looked in the mirror and i didin't know the person starring back at me, this isn't who im suppose to be or the life im suppose to be living, but sometimes its easier to go with the flow and give up, because fighting for what you want is scary, and honestly i just don't think im strong enough.

    Due7  33, Female, Canada - 3,181 views
Aug 2006
11:06 AM PDT

Today I woke up at 8:00 in the morning!teenagers need their sleep! Then After waking up that early,I had to walk uptown to go to work! Why oh why did I choose this type of job that causes me stress from no getting sleep!If you hate waking up early leave a note.

    mandie  44, Female, New Jersey, USA - 2,533 views
Aug 2006
6:25 PM EDT

hello, my life is sad, mean, and disapointing. my heart was very big but now it is the size of a walnut. i thought i can trust people but i can't because i told my friend my secreat but 2 days later she was as mean as a lion fighting over a deer.she went against me. she was my best friend for life but really it was best friend for 2 days. saturday we went to the mall and we got our ears pierced and went shopping all day then we went to dinner after dinner she slept over boy we had a great time and she kept on saying we are bffl's(best friends for life) but oh well. i wrote her a letter saying how i feel about our friend ship but i didn't give it to her. so there you go that's my story.
2 comment(s) - 01:28 AM - 03/17/2007

    Erica  38, Female, New Jersey, USA - 3,073 views
Sep 2008
7:42 AM EDT

Most thing I regret ab last yr!

What I regret ab last yr is the problems that my fiance and I had last year.. and the falling out that we had to go through to get back together..but it was all worth it,, we were only bf and gfs at the time and we got back together and now were ingaged ans we have a 1yr old little boy now too...

What im going to do this year , is to make sure it will never happen again .. Im going to school to get a good job to get a great� to help support my family and my son so we can have a great future!

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