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    devildevon  29, Female, California, USA - 3,861 views
Oct 2007
2:46 PM EDT

wow!!!it has been a really long long long time since i have written in u the last time I wrote on this was in like febuary!!!!!!!! Well of course my life is so awesome!!!!!!!! I don't like aaron anymore... I have the best boyfriend anyone could ask for!!!He is so sweet and I love him. His name is Brandon and yes we are still dating!!!!!! I know really long time he asked me out on I think January 25 or 26,2007 one of them and today is October 16,2007 9 months and something days but anyways he loves me so much!!! I was goin to kiss him today but I just well u know I kinda chickened out Thank God He Didnt Know About The Kiss!!!!!!! It was going to be a surprize!!!I would have been so embarresed if he knew and then I chickened out. Well a lot has gone by. I'm in the 7th grade my best friends from Dingeman are at the Marshall and by the way they just built a new one. Yipee... so me and the rest of the 7th, 6th, and 8th grade are all new!!! Me, Maria, and Hadeel were not really friends anymore because of this huge fight on myspace and all that shit but anyways... were just aquantinces I love my new and old friends. I have a really heathey life its perfect well thats all I can say soya


    hollywa  33, Female, Florida, USA - 4,193 views
Jan 2007
6:30 PM EDT

i admire this boy he draws very good and he is a very good magican and he is one of the most funnys people i know he is my best friend his name is MARC

    Kinisha  49, Female, Missouri, USA - 2,434 views
Oct 2006
5:03 PM EDT

Today i got into a school fist fight.We tied and tomorrow is round two.BIG WHOOP!Not.

    crazynluv  37, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 3,636 views
Oct 2006
9:24 PM EDT

Never try to hold on to something that isn't there.

    liz  40, Female, United Kingdom - 2,236 views
Oct 2006
3:23 PM CET

12 october 2006 2.19pm, hi i new today so i will make short. I have not gained any confidence but i am working on more and more each day ,i have to be aupair in the uk and lots of families have contacted me already so thats good,i really want to make something of myself other wise i will let people drag you down exp my parents who live in there own world i am not going to let them get to me.ok that me for today,bye for now

    amy  57, Female, Ohio, USA - 3,160 views
Oct 2006
7:30 AM EDT

I haven't called ron yet today, he is probably wondering what is going on. Maybe not. But I really don't want to call him with Kelly at my side.. How uncomfortable. Pressure, I am underpressure, to just turn on a dime. I am under pressure to be the righteous one again. And now it's like I have an illness. I really don't know how to explain it, but to say that I am tired of the impatience of the people around me, but then again I have been hurtful. I am trapped in my own little world. It's very tiring. I go to counseling today at 2pm. I don't really want to go to cedarcreek anymore, they prayed that God would take Ron home.... unbelievable. I want to call him and tell him what they prayed but I am afraid. An airplane flew into a building. two blocks from Angie's apartment. How freaky. That scared me to no end. It was way too close.

    Cloudphantom  31, Male, Georgia, USA - 3,954 views
Dec 2006
6:37 PM EDT

you know love is a very complicated thing. its not just a simple thing. you have to be commited to it or what is it for then? just do me a favor and dont let me find out you hurt someone over your not being ready for an agreement you made

    crazemounkeydog  49, Male, Utah, USA - 4,500 views
Oct 2006
11:31 AM EDT

God has all see's all but wont's nothing he give's life but man takes away life. he wont's love peace. but Does not ask. he pray's to us but we pray to him. we wont him to give. and he saves us but we save him. we love we love him. he loves us because we are his to keep and he is are's to keep. he gave us all and every thing he hade but we took it all away and all we do is ask for more. os next time pray for him for he has bune that for you dont ask but give to hem.

    Atrio3851  34, Female, Ohio, USA - 5,809 views
Oct 2006
4:05 AM EDT

well I'm sitting in my computer class, and it so boring, so I thought that i would post. My boyfriends done being an idiot! Homecoming is tommorow, I am so stressed out, I'm tired and run down the last few days have been a rollar coaster and a half. Actually my love goes out to all the people who some people just dont get, and they often feel alone. I hate that so many people dont understnad what bipolar means, or depression, or OCD. And tring to make them understand makes things a lot harder! But thanks all for ur comments, they help me get through the day
1 comment(s) - 09:37 PM - 11/10/2006

    adorkable  38, Female, California, USA - 2,256 views
Oct 2006
2:46 PM EDT

I'm afraid of my boyfriend. No, he doesn't abuse me in a physical way. Do you think that using strong action words against you, hate words, is abuse as well? I'm always afraid that he will react that way whenever i try to say something that he does not like. He always belittles me and make me feel like shit. He is very good at making me cry, and he just could care less. I'm also afraid that he will leave me soon, because he's having another fling on the side. I'm afraid of all this is going to happen. It doesn't have to be now, it could be later or in the future. I'm in love with him, yet i'm scared of him for all the right reasons.
1 comment(s) - 10:04 AM - 10/26/2006

    ally411  34, Female, Canada - 3,542 views
Nov 2006
1:56 PM EDT

im haveing my party on sat if any one that lives in courtany and that is a guy go to the drift wood mall lol ally411 16

    Nated09  33, Male, Illinois, USA - 35,684 views
Oct 2009
4:41 PM CST

Defying Gravity

Okay, so I love this song called "Defying Gravity" from the broadway musical, Wicked. Whether it be the broadway version or the version Idina Menzel(Elphie) turned into a single for her CD, whenever I listen to it, during the�highest point�portion of the song, I get goose bumps. This song is so inspirational.

This song talks about, just what the title states, defying gravity. True, unless you are a bird, or some one who hasn't been detected by the Government to be able to levitate yet, then this is ALL just metaphorical.

However, the metaphorical sense is probably about the best sense, because it lifts up�your mood and just how you are!

To defy gravity, this means to not let things get you down! Defy whatever is getting you down, whether it be: life, parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, or even friends, work, school, the economic downturn this country has seen.

I have taken on this attitude in the last year, and it has helped TREMENDOUSLY! Life truly is what you make it, so when life gets you down, defy it! If you're flying solo, at least you're flying free!

Don't play by the rules of someone elses your instincts, close your eyes, and leap..Try defying gravity.

Don't accept limits just cause someone says they're so...There are some things you cannot change, but you won't know until you try...All of this and more is in the song. True, some words are in the broadway version that aren't in Menzel's version...

I have turned this song, "Defying Gravity," into a personal philosophy of defy gravity...I don't let things get me down. True, this mindset may make me seem cocky, but in truth this has made me more sure of myself, more confident, and a stronger person.

We all have the ability to defy gravity...sometimes it takes someone, to either push you over the edge to where you can't take it anymore, or someone to tell you that someone is opressing you so much that you need to defy them!

"Tell them how I am defying gravity, I'm flying high defying gravity..." Tell that to those who wish to keep you, your sould, your mind, your spirit grounded.

Defy Gravity, Defy life, Defy them all!

    Bootsi  35, Male, Oregon, USA - 2,220 views
Oct 2006
4:40 PM EDT

So I just joined and have no clue what to do. Oh well! ::shrug::
1 comment(s) - 09:39 AM - 12/09/2006

    icecream  29, Female, California, USA - 2,204 views
Oct 2006
6:12 PM EDT

There's this boy that I like, and I told only 1 of my friends. And then my other friend found out who I like and she told him! I asked her and she said "I swere on the Holy Bible that I don't even know him."
1 comment(s) - 09:38 PM - 10/12/2006

    iNjAy  29, Female, Texas, USA - 7,030 views
Nov 2006
10:57 AM EDT

“Tell me what you brag about and I'll tell you what you lack” - Spanish Proverb I think that means that when you talk with people about what you think is good, they let loose and tell you what is wrong! :-D

    singlemomandloveit  48, Female, South Dakota, USA - 3,214 views
Oct 2006
8:46 AM CST

Hello! New here!

    Maryann  57, Female, New York, USA - 2,086 views
Oct 2006
12:17 PM EDT

The day you realize what is really important in life, is a great day. I felt more like being happy today then I have in a long time. I know I let my emotions take control over me. I am a happy person most of the time, however, when I become down, it snowballs into rediculous self pity and I am the only one who suffers. So today I am just going to be happy for what I have and be thankful I have all the things I do. Peace

    Spiritual One  57, Female, New York, USA - 17,279 views
Mar 2010
6:41 AM EDT

I believe

    Christian2007  36, Female, Iowa, USA - 2,145 views
Oct 2006
2:23 PM EDT

Today my sister told me that i acted like i was better than everyone else. I dunno i really try not to act that way. But when i'm told how to show my emotion i get a little moody. I know how i handle things and they work for me i don't need someone else saying oh should work on making a healthier way of being mad or the best don't be mad at that fact cause mom is working sorry but no...i have the right to feel mad and telling me not to act that way just makes me madder!

    pbfgirl2  31, Female, New York, USA - 2,006 views
Apr 2007
3:21 PM EDT

1 comment(s) - 11:04 AM - 04/20/2008

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