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    kevinkoppel  36, Male, California, USA - 3,794 views
Dec 2006
12:21 PM EDT

a glimpse of light shines hope through the cracks in the pavement. from below the surface i embrace the rays of happiness and warmth but i reside here...where the cold damp walls of decomposing earth is home. i will stay here until the opportune moment in time where the stars in the sky match the number of days my life has endured. at that moment the clouds will flee and the sky will open up in all the brilliant shades of light. eternal sunshine will light the path that will be layed before me. at that moment i will become one with myself. my mind will be able to exress its thoughts of wisdom through something other than the written hand. when that time comes i will be ready for it. when that time comes i will be ready. til then i wait patiently in this makeshift costume that hides my ntirety.

    Timtacious  35, Male, California, USA - 5,217 views
Jan 2007
4:24 AM PST

Lonliness has found me I've heard as much as i complain. IM lovin it.And i only mention it so that i can rub it in. Wake up to the sunlike shake off last night.Chekc what's left and try to get the rest right decision splitting headache lifting symptoms matching mamma was afraid of it knowledge ofself ain't as evil as they made it callit what you if you build it they will break it....the plain truth, there's no substitute but sometimes she wears a disguise yes you fogot a story teller deals with life not hope.GIrl if we got a long better we'd be DOpe...
1 comment(s) - 07:08 PM - 01/12/2007

    ROCIO  35, Female, California, USA - 1,906 views
Dec 2006
12:09 PM EDT

iexpect that everybody can be honest and accept everybody like it is and to be good people

    MELRIVAS123  35, Male, California, USA - 1,510 views
Dec 2006
12:07 PM EDT

What i think about what Robert is saying is that no that is not true, because not only because you have a journal your goning to have a better life. It all matters on how you live your life and what you do to to keep your gratitude up.

    gege1  35, Female, California, USA - 3,105 views
Jan 2007
1:49 PM EDT

To me perfect love means for some one to make you happy through the good and the bad things that happen in life...for some to be there though thick in thin and never leave you.that is what perfect love means to me.

    BraxtonISBallin  36, Male, California, USA - 3,283 views
Dec 2006
2:01 PM EDT

"Hamlet and his mom" Psychologist: wat up hamlet, what have u been up to? Hamlet: Nuthin Much so whats the news u wanted to tell me? Psychologist: Well this may sound a little crazy but... along time ago i was very close to your uncle Hamlet: ... Psychologist: this may sound a little weird but... me and him... kinda... Hamlet: so u... and...did? are u kidding? psychologist: no we loved each other Hamlet:... Psychologist:...

    DeLeonV4  35, Female, California, USA - 1,753 views
Apr 2007
8:54 AM EDT

I don't understand this quote but for me perfect love is being happy and always wanting 2 be with that person. perfecl love is thinking of ways to make your relationship blum 2 not let anithing brake you a part to not let ani one influens you in your relation ship because the ideas have 2 come from you dont be afraid 2 show your fealings for anothe because one nover knows that persom may be the one
1 comment(s) - 12:15 PM - 04/02/2007

    octobersman04  73, Male, Canada - 1,858 views
Jan 2007
1:52 PM EST

Went to Stevensville to look at houses met with realtor or contractor Ed. Lynchinson whom showed us the condo town house, approx 1350 square feet brand new $228000. for the one we were looking at, We did introduce ourselves and Ed took our phone number for what reason I really don,t know, We said our good byes and left the property, We stopped at Niagara square on the way home to look in one of the stores for a short while, the thing is when we got home around 5pm Ed called to ask if we had picked up a clump of keys he had left on the counter is seems they have disappeared I told him it was not us that picked up the keys and asked if he had alot of people through the house for which he said yes he didn,t really seem excited about losing the keys which made me feel like it was a sales ploy to verify our phone number or just to make contact, none the less I am recording this just in case it leads somewhere else

    ortizdayday76  44, Male, California, USA - 9,807 views
Jan 2007
1:32 PM EDT

my phone got stollen today and that really sucks because now i cant even look and find it because i know somebody has it at their house or somewhere i dont pretty gay stuff.

    es1  32, Female, California, USA - 5,259 views
Jan 2007
2:29 PM EDT

i am really sad because my dog died she was the best dog there was her name was lolie she was 8 years old seh died peacefully hope she rest in peace.

    moni645969  42, Female, California, USA - 1,596 views
Dec 2006
2:30 PM EDT

i think that people who keep journals are the ones who let their feelings out. people who dont use journals give up and keep their problems botteled in. it is good for people to use journals beacuse it helps get their feelings out. people who dont use journals will get so mad and explode one day.well yeah it is good to keep a journal because it really helps

    Eddie  32, Male, California, USA - 6,850 views
Jan 2007
8:40 AM PDT

During the rally we were playing soccer and I made three goals after the rally we went to third period after third I went to fourth. Then I went to p.e. which was cool then I went to lunch and we played football I made one the coolest catch of the day I caught it with one hand and made touchdown.

    Luna  32, Male, California, USA - 7,809 views
Jan 2007
2:42 PM EDT

yesterday when i was in p.e class and my team won another game we haven't lost one game threw out the whole tournament now we are going to the finals with team 11 we are team 12 and we are going to win the finals.......................................

    nava  33, Male, California, USA - 12,167 views
Jan 2007
6:54 AM PDT

No matter what you have makes you a genius or your imagination if they were both combined it it does't make a soul's genius.

    journalgirl  63, Female, Ohio, USA - 4,862 views
Feb 2009
7:12 AM EST

Not one thing!

    cio  37, Female, California, USA - 6,245 views
Mar 2008
4:28 PM HNE

for me just be independence and fun as long u having fun going to school,workfun and dont think anyone to fool you, in the life u need to accomplish your goal do workout and just be happiness ur life if u single thats me rigth now i been single just playing around here

    lynneanneross  84, Female, Oregon, USA - 1,963 views
Feb 2007
1:21 PM PST

    Briana Needs Love  35, Female, California, USA - 8,809 views
Dec 2006
11:48 AM EDT

Moms not being in the "christmas spirit" what so ever. try being a BITCH. fuck its just annoying the shit that she says sometimes she tell me that im not going to take care of the things that i need to take care of and hellooo im going to i told her that they would get done and there going to get done. why she always feels the need to nag on me all the time i dont understand but i guess there are a lot of things in life that i cant understand!!! anyways though trouble in boy land is shaping up and looking good thank god! lol but anyways ill probly post tomorrow CHRISTMAS EVE and monday CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!!!1 im so excted for presents its unbelievable!!!!!!<3333

    actingxisxlife  34, Female, California, USA - 2,000 views
Dec 2006
2:59 PM EDT

Hey nothin going on right now jus chillen with my peeps lol. So howz life treatin Everyone good, bad? Im good in case you were woundering. I lovee my hunny buns! (my boyfriend) if u want to know anything else about me jus email me at

    jasa9090  38, Female, Hawaii, USA - 2,768 views
Dec 2006
10:52 PM EDT


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