kevinkoppel's Journal

Dec 2006
12:21 PM EDT

a glimpse of light shines hope through the cracks in the pavement. from below the surface i embrace the rays of happiness and warmth but i reside here...where the cold damp walls of decomposing earth is home. i will stay here until the opportune moment in time where the stars in the sky match the number of days my life has endured. at that moment the clouds will flee and the sky will open up in all the brilliant shades of light. eternal sunshine will light the path that will be layed before me. at that moment i will become one with myself. my mind will be able to exress its thoughts of wisdom through something other than the written hand. when that time comes i will be ready for it. when that time comes i will be ready. til then i wait patiently in this makeshift costume that hides my ntirety.

kevinkoppel's Profile

  • Username: kevinkoppel
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
    KEVINKOPPEL's Interests:

    About Me: Kevin Russel Koppel Poet. Musician. Artist. child. im optomistic. im simple. im intellegent. enjoy.

    Interests:  Music. Poetry. Art. Photography. Literature.

    Favorite Television: Read a book.