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    princessmia  31, Female, Canada - 2,168 views
Dec 2006
3:38 PM EDT

in just a few months i'll b starting hi skul already... just hope im ready 4 it:)

    aprilmaecinqmars  56, Female, New York, USA - 2,012 views
Dec 2006
8:28 PM ADT

I think my finest moment was my poetry and my writing. Dealing with delexia makes it hard for me to write and spell but I tok specail training and classs and was trained to see things the correct way and now today I am a poet, a pretty good one

    aini  57, Female, Singapore - 4,373 views
Jan 2007
6:13 AM EST

Well this is the third week of school for the new year.. Wow... how time flies.. I feel that despite the buziness of school, I actually enjoy every minute of my day in school, interacting with the pupils and making learning fun for them. God has blessed me with a wonderful family and friends and I can't thank HIM enough for what I've been given. Every day I read in the papers about the tragedies that happened around the globe, people dying from natural disasters like flood, earthquake, and those who are waiting for their death from a cronic medical condition, and old age. Sometimes I compare my life with those in destitute and I actually wonder what problems do I have that can be compared to them..... So God thank you for all the blessings you've showered on me n my family. And to all the others out there, my prayers go out to you...may God give u the strength to face the hardship. Remember...God does not test u beyond your strength...coz he loves all of us.

    BOCCERS135  39, Female, New York, USA - 2,756 views
Jan 2007
6:51 PM EDT

uGHHHHH I loved Justin but he liked another guy

    aroguespirit  34, Female, Arizona, USA - 1,598 views
Dec 2006
8:46 AM MST

Last night I heard about Saddam's Exicution by hanging when my weekly program was interupted with a count down for the news alert.

    workman  71, Male, Florida, USA - 4,437 views
Jan 2007
10:38 PM EDT

Diet is working! Thank God for Coconut Oil people don't know what they are missing. One of the great wonders, good for many things. I won't post numbers yet, but in time. I'm takeing four tablespoons a day in a protein shake. Two in the morning and two at night which works wonders. I know for past experence that it will lower my HDL.

    jacquelinedo  30, Female, Washington, USA - 3,929 views
Sep 2011
9:46 PM CDT

I've decided. I deserve more, more than fake smiles and pity. I am through with going after you, I am through,�trying to be your friend. I am through with validating my self- worth through friendship and some fantasy guy that I've made part of my day. I am through with being trampled on: I am�through with all of these insecurities! Romance like in movies are never to happen in real life. Realisticly, we are never to find true love. Why? Because it does not exist! Why do I have to wait until you decide what you want? And why does it take so long for me to get what I want? All I want is to be loved. Is that too much to ask?! I don't want to end up like those girls who wears revealing clothes because she is needy and feels despereate for attention! Because lately, I've been finding myself walking in the streets with those booty shorts and stunning shades, and looking for what? For you. Who ever you are. At this point, any guy. The crazy thing about it is, I would not even care if some old�guy honked at me! So why should you care? Why would you sweet talk me into believing that we might have a chance in love? I am such an IDIOT! IDIOT, IDIOT, is what I've been calling myself! Because I am, to believe in you. You know I have daddy issues, that is why no matter how much you hurt me, I'll just crave�for �you more, because you are toxic.

    madhousewife  68, Female, Michigan, USA - 54,811 views
Jun 2007
2:50 PM EDT

So sad...My sisters little dog passed away over the weekend. She found her outside her work place several years ago. Someone saw a man drive up, drop her off, pat her head and drive off. She just say there. My sister rescued her, took her to the vet, and gave her a wonderful home. She had lots of attention, went on lots of trips, and gave a lot of love. So many abuse animals, and others are like us and totally love them. August will mark the one year mark since my own furbaby passed, and I miss him daily.

    captainjacksparrowloveforever  32, Female, Colorado, USA - 1,428 views
Dec 2006
5:33 PM EDT

I think that singing in front of a new choir teacher was the hardest thing that I have done so far in my highschool career. I never imagined that I would make it in Women's Select based only on my voice (because I couln't sight read.)

    chick  30, Female, Texas, USA - 3,214 views
Dec 2006
7:07 PM EDT

hey my name is miranda :{ i live in houston,texas i am a total texan gurl & i am 13 yrs old :{.... i am a cheerleader at my school westbrook timberwolves!!!! GO TIMBERWOLVES!!!!.......>3 :{ MIRANDA LOVES YEW>3!!!!.....>3 :} LUV YALL BEYE,MIRANDA

    basketballchamp93  31, Female, Arkansas, USA - 2,390 views
Dec 2006
8:43 PM EDT

My finest moment would probably be when i won the Basketball game for my school my one point before the buzzer rang! It was so cool!! well i g2g bye! ~b@sketballchamp93

    catydabo  42, Female, Virginia, USA - 2,241 views
Nov 2012
10:13 AM EDT

A Quote to Live By

If you throw a frog into boiling water, it will jump out. If you put the frog into a pot of warm water and slowly turn up the heat, it won't notice the change and the frog will eventually boil to death

    mic  66, Female, New York, USA - 3,305 views
Jan 2007
10:04 PM EDT

It takes small steps to accomplish big goals. Sometimes learning somethings for the first time is hard until you break up what you wish to know into small pieces and put all of what information you have gathered together to get the whole picture.

    Gail  64, Female, New Hampshire, USA - 1,828 views
Dec 2006
1:52 PM EDT

I'm looking forward to 2007, I am ready to do some kickass life changes. My esteem is great right now as you notice, But I do have a tendency to crash. Which is one of the benefits I hope I get from doing this journal. So If theres a buddy out there that needs my help as I need theres I'm here..

    FeLiCiA  36, Female, Illinois, USA - 1,729 views
Jan 2007
11:24 AM CST

I think that is totally true.. last night was New Years Eve. and of course I had a couple of drinks in me.. well more then a couple, because the whole night I was throwing up, and I blacked out. My boyfriend, this morning should of honestly broken up with me, after the way I treated him last night. I guess when he was trying to take care of me.. I was trying to hit him, for no reason. I don't remember at all. And thats not how I act.. he is the most sweetest, caring guy and he didn't diserve that. But this morning when he told me all this, while he was taking care of me.. he shouldn't of even bothered with me.. I didn't diserve his love last night or today.. but I did really need it. He was there for me, and from here on I will never treat him like shit the way I did last night. I love him.

    New Beginning  46, Male, Georgia, USA - 3,405 views
Dec 2006
4:10 PM EDT

Remember to pray the rosery every morning and confess your sins,because you fear Not going to heaven,and the pain suffering and fires of Going hell,but also because by sinning you offend God your Father,the One who made you,Always keep this in mind as you go through the day.

    mihi  46, Female, California, USA - 8,828 views
Mar 2007
2:48 PM PST

I used to have this shirt and it said, very plainly, I <3 my parents. It was so cool. I wore the sh*t out of it. It was great. I really loved that shirt. I know it was probably meant factiously but I didn't care. I rocked it all the time. Because I love my parents. I really do. My parents were the ones that would let me and my friends hang out in the front yard and help ourselves to anything. They took in kids who were kicked out or had a bad situation. They were great and really showed me how to care for others and take others feelings into consideration at all times. You never know if you are dealing with someone sensitive! Anyway, I'm drifitng. I love my parents. They are so cool. My dad has smoked with me and my mom and I have "dates" all the time. We really have a good time. I sing while my dad plays guitar and it makes me feel like I'm being touched by an angel. It's heavenly. They handle anything that comes their way and always calm, cool, and collected. I am so glad I was born to them. Although my childhood was rough and I didn't see them due to both having to work to support our family and my dad was a major alcoholic, I didn't hold it against them and turned it into something positive. Them working made me an independent, self reliant person. They made time to teach me the things I needed to know and my grandmother filled in the rest. When she died it was like I lost my mother. Sometimes I used to call her mom when I was little, incidentally that would break my mom's heart. But it couldn't be helped. My grandmother raised me when I was a child because my parents were working. I have to hand it to my parents though, they really have done all they can for our family and always put us first. Therefore family is very important to me, even though SOME of them tend to take advantage and manipulate. I really look up to my parents and love them a great deal. They have put up with so much crap and come through shining and stronger. Through their marriage they taught me that times are great and times are bad, you fall in and out of love, and you work through everything together with partnership. They taught me to value the friend in my husband. They are so much fun to hang out with and really have a great view point on things. They are fun and it's like a friendship and "party time" when they are around. So a salute to my parents this is. I hope they live long and happy lives to share with us. May my father's cancer be gone for good and never return, so my parents can celebrate another 35 years of marriage. Happy 35th to you mom and dad. =^..^=
2 comment(s) - 07:42 AM - 03/16/2007

    SatelliteBlvd  38, Male, Georgia, USA - 1,764 views
Dec 2006
11:33 PM EDT

First, hope everyone is having a bitchin 07 so far and as for 2006. Well, its obviously the past so I don't see any reason to talk to much on that but what I will say is I was arrested in August. Worst day of my life, had about 6 to 7 guns drawn at my head at around 2 am in the morning. This shall be about my probation and tribulations from which will unfurl in the coming year. But mostly will be poems I wrote throughout my two years of being a writer.. I've a new girlfriend who I spent my x-mas with and am with right now for the new year. She is trying to find a movie as I write this.. But um yeah everything is good great and grand as I hope all is well for anyone who stumbles across this. Life can be of dark devastation or eternal elation.. Its your choice to find a way to find a brighter day.. My writing is an outlet so the only thing I ask is if anyone does read this do not be confused with what I write about because like I said its an outlet to my pain to cross a not yet but soon to become a burning bridge.. So yeah this is one of my poems that is a great silhouette of what I am talking about....This Is Called SkIN..... Vampiric thrust for pirates greed Spirits cursed as soul mates bleed Take my soul and tattoo a tear This is your world that is my fear. Shadows ever grieving Confused & misleading I'll ever stitch you up For my eternal bleeding The're no different then I, or a dream What's inside, what I became Wasn't really me. Suicide kings & drama queens Burning reality with candle dreams Pierce my heart & tattoo my lungs Kissing wrist we slit our tongues. If I am in love am I a lover If I die tonight will I live forever I'll ever be the unheard I never had a choice I'll ever be these words I never had a voice. Hit the ground another sound revolved Guilty we are as another innocent falls Pierce me grim & tattoo the evolved Its time to begin the end of it all. Famous scars behind hidden cries Desire burns in firefly like eyes, so Pierce our sin and tattoo them seven Paranoia sinking in to a higher heaven. If I save you am I a savior If I create you am I a creator Dancing with the misery Taking us by the wrist now But we're beyond it Like neon through mist now We shine on even after your world shuts down As we've no place else to be Finally! A rich taste of a poor mentality The moral majority of modern reality Piercing what's left as I tattoo my s(k)in If this isn't death I'm so dead within.

    Laura20921  53, Female, California, USA - 1,474 views
Jan 2007
2:30 AM PST

May we keep our eyes on heaven in 2007

    DragonflyGhostWriter  53, Female, Minnesota, USA - 4,159 views
Jan 2007
3:23 PM CDT

discontinued as quickly as it began. Onto other things (wink to the one who knows ;o)) Thanks for reading.

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