Timtacious's Journal

Jan 2007
4:24 AM PST

Lonliness has found me I've heard as much as i complain. IM lovin it.And i only mention it so that i can rub it in. Wake up to the sunlike shake off last night.Chekc what's left and try to get the rest right decision splitting headache lifting symptoms matching mamma was afraid of it knowledge ofself ain't as evil as they made it callit what you if you build it they will break it....the plain truth, there's no substitute but sometimes she wears a disguise yes you fogot a story teller deals with life not hope.GIrl if we got a long better we'd be DOpe...
1 comment(s) - 07:08 PM - 01/12/2007

Timtacious's Profile

  • Username: Timtacious
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
    TIMTACIOUS's Interests:

    About Me: Well I am who I am. The names Tim.Kurth. I'm 17 years of age! I'm an Outgoing realistic person. Hate it or love it!!!

    Interests: MUSIC IN GENERAL UNDERGROUND HIP-HOP Kickin It With My Boys! Writing Lyrics! Rockin The Spot On The Dance Floor!

    Favorite Music: ATMOSPHERE Living Legends Last Emperor Eminem Dashboard Confessional

    Favorite Movies: Wedding Crashers! Four Brothers Friday Night Lights Wedding Singer Pearl Harbor

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